We already know how white males feel about the whole black man/white woman mixing epidemic, but what do black women think? How can they be fine with this? They are literally getting cucked just like us, what's their opinions on jewish media?
We already know how white males feel about the whole black man/white woman mixing epidemic...
Who the fuck cares how negresses feel?
I'm sure THEY care, but how we never hear their opinion on the matter?
Back to Africa -Periode-
pic related
I've had a series of involvements with black women. They were all college students, all looking for an older white guy, and all wanting someone educated and not trashy. They saw themselves as trading up and learning some sophistication from me. In return, I got my dick sucked a huge amount and I got to play with massive big black titties. Not sure if it's coincidence or not but all of them were very submissive and all swallowed. Would definitely do again. And if white women are all fucking bbc, then this works well on all sides. Everyone is pretty happy.
Honestly? I'm kind of suprised that black women aren't trying to reach out to white nationalists to help them stop all this race mixig. It's just below dignity of all parties involved.
they dont care, too busy with white guys
I remember a movie about dancing I think where this white chick was living in the getho and started dating a nigget and all the black girls started attacking her because she was stealing their black men, I don't understand how we don't see this in real life, black women should be our (at least temporary ) allies
They're thinking "sheitt I jus Spain muh whole wailfair check on gettin muh nails did how I spose tuh bah muh fraaahd chikn?"
Isn't that some sort of existential double negative?
Is BM/WW an actual statistical "epidemic" or maybe you're feeding off a specific image that's being promoted?
Maybe, I'm not from western europe, all we see here in tv is nigger/white woman, no exception, but there's not niggers here so I can't compare with real life
They get pissed off and then they remember how much they love white dick.
See Black women are too short-sighted to give a fuck about their race, just like all black males. What do you expect from them? A huge percentage of their population is literally retarded despite living with more wealth than any of their predecessors had back in Africa. They just care about gibs and are completely shameless. The vast majority don't have the self-awareness necessary to have any worthwhile opinion.
Because it goes against the cathedral. They hate black men choosing white women over them, but they're not allowed to express it.
More love pls.
Black girls who go to decent universities seem desperate to get a white guy desu
Make love not war.
black women are trash and only low tier beta white guys would accept to settle with them
it's the worst choice to racemix. If you want to be a race traitor get an asian.
>Be an alpha Chad
>Your girlfriend looks like a tranny
Black women hunger for the BWC
Little bit of column A, little bit of column B.
Where I live BM/WW is the most common mixed race pairing I see.
u mad?
I want to COLONIZE the shit out of that niggress.
Look her face. This is a crime against good taste.
they have their own version of blacked/jew/white genocide memes