Degeneracy thread
>both sexes
But aren't there hundreds of genders?
>both sexes menstruate
Looks like a dude in drag.
>that image
we need a 3 world war FAST
The ride never stops.
I need one of those after tyrone makes love to me and my wife, if that bothers you then kys
Take a guess who invented these surgerys.
>was a German Jewish physician and sexologist educated primarily in Germany
race war when
Every. Fucking. Time.
How can whitebois even compete
Civilization, raising their children.
You know what? If you little men want to get at the real causes of degeneracy, learn this: People capable of ambition still have to be taught ambition. You have tolerated "as above" becoming too good a mirror to "as below" - look at the top and bottom of your societies, "western civilization"! It is not a coincidence that there are indolently corrupted people at both sides!
Harden up already. Tolerate neither, give them nothing. They do not return value.
And if only you could all see... Many of those you have given up on would surprise you greatly, but you must challenge them more. You must cease to take the fire out of this world, even as you insist that the fire of this world should be only such fire as is natural. Cease ruling each other, but forget not your own interests. Tend your own gardens and not those of your neighbors, man! You may yet find anew the harmony of the invisible hand.
"Male" students do menstruate though, fucking nu males
Disgusting. Why not just allow kilts.
is that an ape?
we went past the point of them arguing and nobody even noticed since all their shit is retarded to begin with
a rare example of swiss bonobo.
majestic creature, isnt she?
I am a transgender lesbian 2 spirited Cherokee and if find this offencive.
Fucking chinks
Germany appear incapable of remaining civilised. They must be destroyed completely to end this shit once and for all
I had almost forgotten about this shit
please for the love of god gas them all
your flag could use some of those, looks like a period stained french flag
Might have been believeable if they said "genders".
W-What the fuck is going on in my country
We must cleanse civilization of degeneracy
>Here is Tammy with her mothers and older brother Edgar at his recent bar mitzvah. Mother Pauline said Tammy was shy and unhappy as a boy when compared to her older, outgoing brothers
welcome to the club
Don't be a bigot!
This one right here.
Those people should be erased.
I feel bad for that sucker even though he probably deserved it
Looks like a m80 went off.
that's are ballsack skin.
>out of stock
I fucking hate looters
If you want to see real degeneracy, look at this Swedish LGBT brochure. Pic related.
They're probably free. Students should steal them and throw them away.
looks like a nut shell
"He's" not a man because he's using tits to feed. Why isn't he using the D?
why isnt there an actual video of her having sex with a dog.
I mean anyone can just claim they fucked their dog in order to get some yewtube gibs.
>when you jew so hard you jew yourself
Wow, that'd really be addressing the problem. File under: Futile Gesture.
they should be both on wheelchair for maximum tolerance
she dindu nuffin
>He could have become cute trap
>Decided to become a freak instead
REEEEEEEEEE YOU SOLD YOUR LAND FOR GLASS BEADS WILLINGLY fuck off nativeniggers, fuck off actual niggers; you're reparations are being born in a white country
this civilization has to be put down, there is no other way
Holy kek
> German (((Jewish)) sexologist doing what you would expect
> blame Germany
If it weren't for the allied "re-education" measures, Germany would not be white-german-guilt state that it became by now. Also most of the Identity-Politics/Feminism/SJW shit that's currently bringing down the west originated on College Campuses in the US. European Gender Studies departments barely contribute anything, they just copy the bullshit coming from the Leftmost side of 'Murica.
Gender =/= Sex
These sjw fascists don't understand translinguistics
fucking white people
Don't do that. They would take it as evidence that there are so many boys who menstruate that they used them all.
This is the infamous "rfsl" Swedish homo lobby. They reach levels of degeneracy that would make Satan look like a little baby
Also, at least in Italy, they are barely noticieable, as in 4 years of college (One of the largest University in Europe) I i barely even saw a feminist, and my city is the headquarters of the communist party in Italy.
Then again the city is full of pic related commies that openly do drugs around the streets and leave them full of garbage.
Oh man, poor kid.
He's obviously reading his lines from a card.
My uni has a machines that sells condoms, brown university has tampons to stop the anal bleeding of those faggots taking it up their asses
Dude I knew about the stereotype that nogs have big lips but that's plain out freakish.
>both sexes menstruate
Are they retarded?
I'm trans and I want this bullshit to stop. It used to be that everyone attacked me. Now everyone wants to attack me and everyone pretends to be me. So now I'm stuck with people who sit around making fucking fun of my birth condition as if it was some fucking delightful thing. I'm so fucking isolated from everyone and everything. I suffered so fucking much and I've put guns in my mouth and self injured and all this horrendous shit and now I'm supposed to treat these diaper wearing faggot fucks as my equals? Fucking fuck. I wish they'd all die in a fucking fire.
It's like I got my legs blown off by a grenade and everyone else just goes around in a wheelchair with perfectly working legs going My legs are broken too! XD
They are all making a mockery of it and exhibit no signs and just fucking obviously lie to meet the criteria. Nobody in their right mind would think chris chan is trans. These people are all clearly egotistical, manipulative sociopaths that have turned virtue signaling into a lifestyle. Its so fucked up.
I want to reach out and help young trans kids but these crazy fucks attack me and try to dox me and shit every single time I speak out and call them on their made up degenerate bullshit. I had to grow up with Jerry Springer and these kids see much worse. I feel so bad for them and know they must feel so alone. I want to help them, but I'm not sure politically correct society will allow me. I just get silenced every time.
I mean I saw someone on reddit get banned for fucking being an mtf for "being transphobivc to nonbinary people by excluding male haircuts" when they asked for suggestions on what women's haircuts they should get to avoid looking manly.
I swear I live in fucking bizarro world.
There's a reason the bible has an explicit story on degeneracy, and god's wrath.
I'm not even a Christian and I hate that
Not gonna lie that's actually badass
this here / like what the fuck is wrong with these people
>Institutions of white supremacy
>Sjw fascists
Spotted the newfag
welcome to the hellhole of a world which is the result of "intersectional Feminism" coming into influential positions. But if you think it can't be harder on you than it is right now, then i'm afraid you're wrong: The more power Leftsits get, the more "peaceful, feminist muslims" will be imported, up to the point where they can enact sharia law as the official law system. Then you will have the ones pretending to be "trans-defenders" suddenly turn face and hunt LGBTers because those are "Islamophobes".
tldr kill yourself please
Degenerates happens naturally and there's no problem with it.
The real problem is when you enforce degenerate behavior on a population that naturally will lean to not be degenerates, as it's being done now.
Being a housewife is a sin, being hetero is a sin. Following your basic natural instincts is a sin.
I have some Polish family and you people are alright.
literally made me gag.
Not even gore threads can do that anymore.
Everyone that has had anything to do with the production of this show needs to be gassed. I don't care if you worked on the set or donated the bear. That drag queen thing is first.