Anyone else really want to be a Christian but can't believe in God?
Is there any way to find God?
Believe in Tay.
>Believe in Tay.
god exists but not in a way people understand... there is no religion in this world that even gets close to comprehend what god is really about... all their prayers left unheard, all depictions are false, nothing people believe in is actually the truth. You might as well craft your own god for your liking if that makes you sleep better at night, but remember, in the end god is something your one dimensional mind could not ever possibly comprehend and fathom.
>New age drivel from the 90s
>Not believing in Christ crucified
Have you tried looking up your butt?
If a happening happens on the 23rd, there is a God. If nothing happens then ....back to fapping i go
The purpose of the 23rd meme is rarely stated so explicitly.
Start believing in Satan first -- That's much easier to do, by simply looing at human societies today. Once you understand that there is a real evil force at work in the world, you'll begin to understand that God also exists, mostly because the alternative is unbearable.
Kike on a stick has been misused to allow those who try to bring the word become a victim of it. Christians aren't supposed to allow libshits and non Whites and Jews shit up our Nations and cities. Some are okay but it isn't okay why they are doing. Leftists are inherently anti white most of them and anti white male. Its what they form laws against and preach against. White Devil which some are but those a Blue Eye'd Nigger Kikes. Know Your Enemy and Subversives.
Was raised catholic... Went to private catholic shcools K-8.. Had some really awesome Irish Catholic nuns as teachers. back in the 80's. I abandoned my faith in the 90's and now am older and want to go back, but Pope Francis is against all that I stand for. Still thinking about going back to the church and attempt to red pill others there.
3rd worlders actually like this shit
You don't have to believe in anything to be a good Christian. It doesn't matter to me whether any of that crap is real or not.
What matters is peace and the ability to walk around in relative safety.
>Muh magical sandnigger in space
You need some of this in your life my friend, let go of that fucking desert cult, if you truly are british, it does not belong to you.
Well as a matter of fact the Jewish roots derive from Egyptian roots. Which the real Egyptians were white people and red heads. The people Kikes have been breeding with for Eons. They are like genestealers. Might as well be.
Pretty much every darky on the planet wants to be a genestealer with a white woman. They will even settle for the 300 pounders sometimes just to do it!
Check my Paleolithic 4 Proof! Big Booty Lust!
Three things drive religion: ignorance, brainwashing and self-delusion.
Self-delusion is generally genetic, so if you're bad at that, you probably won't get it.
Brainwashing is something that has to happen from birth in order to be technically viable if you aren't an impressionable idiot, but since you're here asking that question chances are you aren't.
That leaves ignorance: give yourself moderate braindamage, especially in the parts of the brain that govern critical thinking and logic. I recommend a lobotomy.
Think harder
Gods as possible as computers and VR, which exist. We are Gods invention, AI being tested in his VR (sort of, more R than VR).
Atheism is built on religious zealotry and makes a joke of science.
you don't need to believe in God to take the path. read the bibles (preferably greek translation of old testament, KJV or greek translation new testament), study christian philosophers (pascal comes to mind), partake in the rituals of faith. will God deny someone who really tried their best to communicate?
the one thing i will say is if you really want to pick a denomination, stick with orthodoxy or catholicism. both have a direct connection to the early christian church (though catholicism has become far more cucked, the history is still there).
don't forget, churches are merely buildings of worship. you don't need a church to follow the path set before by Christ and the apostles, you just need the bible and faith in yourself and the teachings.
infact, doing it yourself is probably the least cucked way, but taking the path of faith alone is hard.
Find Satan, his works and minions are everywhere. Then use logic, user.
>And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
I want to believe in something bigger than us/creator but I definitely do not believe the Bible or in organized religion. Sounds like an old horoscope
Prayer. Making the jump Walking with the Lord.
The most religious person that I know has a disease where he can't eat all of the best foods because he'll suffer brain damage or something. And he also fractured his back from playing sports. Dude is 23 and goes to church every week. He doesn't swear, he's waiting for marriage to have sex but hasn't ever had a real girlfriend. He's devout as fuck and he has basically gotten shit on so.
Eating things that are bad for his body is no big deal, a fractured back will heal and most never have problems after, your friend will be find. Give him credit for being so devout, he'll find a hot qt, and you'll be sad you didn't follow his path.
When I was young I had to attend local AA meetings, one of the first things they tell you is if you don't believe in God, use the word like this
It helped ppl that didn't believe...
(Deuteronomy 4:29 NKJV) “But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.
(Psalms 14:2 NKJV) The LORD looks down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are any who understand, who seek God.
(Psalms 145:18-20 NKJV) The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth. {19} He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry and save them. {20} The LORD preserves all who love Him, But all the wicked He will destroy.
(Proverbs 8:17-19 NKJV) I love those who love me, And those who seek me diligently will find me.
awful remix, original is superior
I really like the song it was mixed with too, they just sound terrible together
Believe in the traditions of western civilization; many of which are Christian in origin.
society of st. pious the tenth is for you my good sir
That image is wrong. Taylor never swears, and never has in public.
no, religious people are idiots.
Tay mind in TayTay Body.
You dont have be a Christian to believe in God OP. Just think of The Great Spirit instead. The life and intelligence in all of creation, interconnected is obvious to anyone to see.
To go beyond that you have to be open to receiving guidance. Miracles do happen, your eyes need to open to seeing them and you have to take a chance and trust.
Always look to the light.
god dutch posters are so bad. Why are Belgians so superior?