History is repeating itself.
You are getting raped by Russians again so you act tough against Poles while we don't give a shit about you at the moment?
why dont poles have empathy? dont they remember the holocaust?
Poles are the most powerful race in the world right now.
>shaking hands with a German
Absolutely disgusting.
Ukraine is Polish clay
Then they can leave the fucking EU if they don't wanna follow the rules.
Good for you, Poland. Don't let them in. Muslims are the worst people in the world. They are a hundred times worse than Russians.
Yes, isolate yourself further. Even Hungary accepted that even if you disagree, some degree of cooperation is required if you want to "end" the current EU - one way or another.
Meanwhile Poland is going full retard and squandering any chance of not being a shithole in the forseeable future.
I still hate you for taking Prussia, but you are fucking based. Pls save Europe.
Prepare to eat ziemnioki, sauerkraut and flour with water, because once Germany decides to hit you with a fine or economic sanctions, then you'll literally have to eat this shit to survive
now wait and see the reaction from triggered Polacks xD "WOOOOO WE RULE UKRAINE YOU PEASANT WE NOBLES!!! HAHA!!!"
Fuck off, faggot.
>Ukraine is Polish clay
>Ukraina = U+kresu+krainy = U+krancu+krainy Korony Królestwa Polskiego, Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów (Pol-Lit)
>Ukraine = At+the+borderland = At+the+end of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
lol Poland will be the faggot when their tough guy act disappears in a couple of weeks because they need the gibs since their economy based on the toilet cleaning service doesn't generate the required amount.
Australia's economy is built on shitposting on dial-up and you're doing fine so I imagine Poland will manage
Australia doesn't have their best and brightest leaving the country in droves every year because there is no work there.
Ukraine isn't polish clay because it's Byzantine/Orthodox although with western influences. Why do you think in the end Poland retracted back to its ethnic borders? Because it was pushed out by Ruthenians, who thought of Poland as a hostile and alien culture
Given that Muslims make up 15% of Russia, I find your statement that Muslims are worse than Russian baffling. Muslims ARE Russians.
They're just keeping Prussia safe
better to eat pyry than to be gorszy sort like you
Clever girl...
That's smart, you're definitely making it to space
There is plenty of work here. It's all about the euro / zł exchange rate.
Literally like Israel, r right bro?
we were there, no vodka so we came back
you could say many bad things about CCCP but hell, those motherfuckers knew their stuff
Why ? German part would be full of niggers and ukrainian part full of white niggers. Fuck off from Poland and fix your land.
Not only will you have to eat pyry, but also you'll have an increased unemployment and homicide rate shortly after
Prussia is safe here, ur government says that u dont have culture so it may lead you to destroy all prussia things.
Germans are going to be nigger nation. Look at the data German girls will racemix with subhuman low IQ niggers and mudslims, you are going to be second Brazil while the East becomes new West.
you forgot climate change, russian invasion and meteor
bend the knee, kurwa polishs
>Germans are going to be nigger nation.
good, at last their outside will match their souls
>Why do you think in the end Poland retracted back to its ethnic borders?
Because of Stalin's revenge with his BS Curzon Line?
am from UK and am pro-Brexit
Poland is doing absolutely the right thing
the EU is going down so any country that is a part of it should just take what the hell they want
watch Brussells spend the next 5 years tripping over themselves trying to get Poland to co-operate
>muh russian invasion
Martin, stop drinking, u are drunk... again.
Those are just pretty fucking obvious consequences of an economic recession. Unemployment->poverty->crime. And we won't be able to export them to the West anymore, like we did with economic migrants
I am moving to Poland.
Give back karpatalja
>Because of Stalin's revenge with his BS Curzon Line?
but you know that borders of P-L retracted already in 1667? And you know that Cossacks submitted to russian Orthodox rule? For how fucking longer can Polacks be so delusional? I don't give a fuck about some old-ass map and pretending that everything can be so easily remade. Learn some history and culture you dumb moron. Ukraine is Orthodox and will never be assimilated into Poland
Yeah, poles found a better cock to bend to. USA. Can't blame them for that tho, it's a better choice.
>Merkel invites them all
>Realises there's too many
>Merkel: Poland, you better take some.
>Poland: No, thanks
>Merkel: Take them, or else.
>Poland: No, thanks. Pay debts.
>Also Merkel: I have no regrets inviting all of the refugees
Good. They might fuck up entire system for good.
>dont they remember the holocaust?
Holocaust literally happened in Polish death camps. I'm fairly sure that they remember it.
Like Italy Greece are not dollowing dublin? They are getting the "refugees" first so they have to make sure they stay there acording to Dublin
EU is hypocrite faggots
Keep it up, Poorland!
Don't be an EU Lapdog and Resist these Idiots sitting in Brussels
yes, indeed everything will turn to shit once we stop sucking german cock, our cows will stop giving milk, sun will hide and Poland will be put in eternal darkness, and the giant jew will show in the sky saying that it is time to holocaust Poles
just like everything turned bad after Trump was elected and everything went bad after Brexit was confirmed, and in our borders everything went bad after PiS got elected
>1939: Germany invades Poland to secure lebensraum for Aryans
>2019: Germany invades Poland to secure lebensraum for Syrians
I'm with Poland on this one.
>>Merkel invites them all
>>Realises there's too many
>>Merkel: Poland, you better take some.
>>Poland: No, thanks
>>Merkel: Take them, or else.
>>Poland: No, thanks. Pay debts.
>>Also Merkel: I have no regrets inviting all of the refugees
>Western europe fall apart and Poland along with EE still grow
>WE looks like shithole meantime EE has nice, white states and never back to leftism
And pidohas alwasy thinking about cocks.
Your filename reminds me about something...
How can anyone even defend the fact that EU wants to give blacks and muslims rent free housing with 1000€ a month tax free wage when all they do is peddle drugs and increase crime rate?
You have to be kike or a shill to push that onto a homogeneous country like Poland. Kindly fuck off and take your garbage with you on your way out.
>just like everything turned bad after Trump was elected and everything went bad after Brexit was confirmed, and in our borders everything went bad after PiS got elected
UK and USA are not Poland, they're much more independent and stronger. They both have a way more independent and balanced economy as opposed to Poland and Eastern Europe which are basically extensions of the german economy
so basically germany existed to ensure the state of israel and now to strengthen Polska? DELET THIS
We should be on other side of the wall user. Our PM will accept them very soon.
yes, and Poland will never ever have good economy
germany won't allow it
just like germany won't allow Poland to not take refugees
yes, well, 50% of Poland is basically gopniks and chavs. For instance 90% of polish Sup Forums users are aggressive and impulsive gopniks. They can't take a joke or a critique, they immediately threaten to beat you and curse at you. I suppose they're drunk for 60% of the day, when they don't work
You actually posted british chavs and not the gopniks.
Don't you know that we always join the eternal german?
Damn we were your first ally wich fought together with you against poles.
Look hir and hir , kraut friend. ;)
ehh, I feel so sorry for you. You have no idea about economics, you have no idea about economic history
The first polish company listed here is 99th and it's an oil company. You really have no idea about the advantage of Western Europe over Eastern. Hopefully the polish government knows
ethnomasochist detected
pls leave my homeland cuck
Polish gopniks have shaved off heads and always alc in their hand while roaming the streets
Still prefer them over (I am not allowed to say that because it's an illegal opinion.)
Are your anuses ready to welcome cultural enrichment?
and I feel hatred for you, you supreme faggot
you exchanged love for Poland to love for shekels
get the fuck out judeopolak scum
>but you know that borders of P-L retracted already in 1667?
I don't give a fuck about core (real) Ukraine. I only care about lands that were majority Polish and have Polish culture around Lwow that should be still within Poland today. Lwow area was never Ukraine but Galicia. Polish-Ukrainian border should be at Zbruch/Smotrych rivers.
Teuton detected
Yeah but muh V4 you gotta stay strong together :(
explains a lot
dont worry friend, it is jst about the sudetenland after we get that back we can walk along to glory, splitting poland up again someday
Poland literally created Prussia (
>Prussia was a mistake
wet german dreams, how cute
Bend over like ROVER!!
you feel hatred because you're a worthless, depressed alcoholic failure. You can suck my dick
True that. They always think about the wrong definition of this word.
noun: cock; plural noun: cocks
a male bird, especially of a domestic fowl.
synonyms: rooster, cockerel, male fowl, capon; literarychanticleer
"a cock and two hens"
used in names of birds, especially game birds, e.g. watercock.
suffix: -cock
a male lobster, crab, or salmon.
"the biggest salmon I ever had was a 45 lb cock"
a friendly form of address among men.
"please yourself, cock"
"that's all a lot of cock"
a firing lever in a gun which can be raised to be released by the trigger.
a stopcock.
verb: cock; 3rd person present: cocks; past tense: cocked; past participle: cocked; gerund or present participle: cocking
tilt (something) in a particular direction.
"she cocked her head slightly to one side"
synonyms: tilt, tip, angle, lean, slope, bank, slant, incline, pitch, dip, cant, bevel, camber, heel, careen, put at an angle
"he cocked his head towards the sound"
bend a (limb or joint) at an angle.
"Madge threw herself into the armchair and cocked her legs over the side"
synonyms: bend, flex, crook, angle, curve, kink
"she cocked her little finger when she held a cup"
(of a male dog) lift (a back leg) in order to urinate.
"a greyhound cocked its leg against the tree"
synonyms: lift, raise, lift up, hold up
"a greyhound cocked its leg against a tree"
raise the cock of (a gun) in order to make it ready for firing.
"he took the loaded pistol from his belt and cocked it"
ruin something as a result of incompetence or inefficiency.
"the party cocked up the Euro-elections"
I wonder if there is some secret plan between Israel and Poland to make great Israel and great Poland.....
how about we don't do that and concentrate on more important stuff?
the eternal polish
One can only admire such resolve.
Maybe its the globalist ((((guys)))) vs Israel who sided with Poland and V4 for whatever reason? I don't really know what ((((their)))) plan is anymore
> pidoraha maneuvers
I am not a gay like you, turbofaggot
I feel hatred because you act against interests of my homeland, traitorous scum
polish culture was never sufficiently dominant in Ruthenia. It was always an aristocratic culture, barely urban and not rural at all. This is why when peasantry became more important in politics, Poland got wiped out totally from the East. What you're saying here are some primitive fairy tales. Having an aristocratic culture will always be insufficient to keep land for longer
someone needs to round them up and send them back
Poland and Israel has always good relations.
>anti polish cuck propaganda
How can prussia be safe when prussians were basically expelled and exterminated after WW2?
Because no one helped us during WWII and after we were fucked? Why would anyone expect any sympathies from us at this point is beyond me.
I don't care whether you're gay. You are most likely depressed, every evening you feel like your life is pointless so you have to feel hatred to distract yourself from your depression. You probably also abuse alcohol and possibly your mother and father like to drink frequently, this is why for you drinking alcohol is a normal habit, it also serves to forget about your depression. Aggressive people are generally depressed people. Worthless scumbag piece of shit, hang yourself and end your misery
land is safe when germans are gone