What is your plan to fix Christianity

Okey Christianity look very broken and unorganized what is your plan to reform/fix it and make your country 90+% *ACTUAL CHRISTIANS*

Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James 1-5&version=NRSV

Inshallah I'm converting to Islam. I now realize that Christianity is shirk and that Islam is the true religion

you are all just monkeys. paganism will reign supreme in europe

What cult do you want to join

The only westerners that convert to ISLAM are attention whores.

Do yourself and the world a favor and kill yourself.


I was thinking of Shia because they are fighting wahabbi terrorism and because Israel sees Shia as #1 threat

im not even suprised

or they want some of that islam pussy

very true, they do it to virtue signal how anti-racist they are and to get free oppression points. These people were never Christian in the first place and are probably atheist still. Whereas countries like op's are 95% muslim because you dont want your head chopped off for atheism or pay a jizya tax.

And why did it fall if it was righteous and enlightenment my dear

Okey you are welcome this will be helpful to you

Suicide is haram my friend.
>inb4 suicide bombers
they are brainwashed wahabbi terrorists.

>Not an irrelevant cosplay-tier autism filled fashion trend with vegan and SJW-like freaks.

the roman emperors hunted anyone down who was a pagan, because by beeing (((christian))) they could control their populations.

Here is a question for you. Why was ancient egypt great and your country is nothing but a stinking shithole?


>Christianity look very broken and unorganized

Why didn't Jesus foresee this and appoint someone to shepherd his people. Someone who had the authority to appoint his own successor so Christianity would always have a leader; a "rock" to build his Church upon, if you will



i meant mesopotamia, but egypt goes aswell

>thinking pagans were like leftists.
>not knowing pagan thought gave birth to the great aspects of the west, like philosophy and so forth

Take the final red pill and convert to Islam.

Christianity has no foreseeable future.

I'm Orthodox, and it's perfect already, so we just need to get more people to believe. As for the other churches, I'd say toss out all the changes you've made in the last 200 years and take it from there.

If you can, become Orthodox.

so that we could be some stinking irrelevant retards? what great invetion has come from islam?
you use the veil because even your own women dont like you

Did you talk with your priest about your beliefs?

Judeo-Christian mythos is disgusting garbage.
Omnipotent Mary Sue God figure is boring.
Morality is inconsistent internally.
Heaven sounds more like a punishment than a reward for faith.
The main villain of the faith never actually harms or lies to anyone.
You're forced to be a cuck and prostrate yourself both in life and in the afterlife or go to hell, effectively holding you at gun point.
Compared to every other religion I could think of it's trash bruh.

Even their leaders know this full well, it's only a matter of time.

White women belong to us, even your media agrees.

Christianity is just fine. My family understands the plain teaching of the inspired word and are walking in the spirit.

No broken succession of silly hat guys needed

Baptist master race.

Unfortunately, not even Orthodox clergy is immune to brainwashing in the US. Unlike catholics however, we accept that our clergy can err.

>Did you talk with your priest about your beliefs?

He believes the same as myself.

My church is fine too and my salvation is assured.

This is a demoralization thread, dont let it work.

We need to oven all the Jews.

>peasants literally just make shit up
>it spreads
>this is fine, totally fine
All christians are dumb, noncatholic christians are the dumbest.
I bet you don't even know the history of how your retarded nigger tier variant started.

my solution is mass genocide kills the fake Christians and then take Jerusalem from kikes and scarens

>All christians are dumb, noncatholic christians are the dumbest.

spoken like a true Catholic

>He believes the same as myself.
Is he open about it? he could get fucked pretty bad if the word got out.
Russian ortodox don't need to be so uptinght about shitskins since they don't have that many of them over there but allure of more church goers is too enticing for any american church to resist.
Anyway, good luck uncucking christianity. There is a lot of work before you guys.

You should take your religion seriously or not take it at all is all I'm saying. There are literally thousands of variations of christianity because niggers decided to start making shit up and no one stopped them.

>Here is a question for you. Why was ancient egypt great and your country is nothing but a stinking shithole?
Implying it was a great place to live in when it was non Muslim read what was life thier instead of falling for decomantries

You sound like an atheist. Whether true or not, you have a heart filled with hatred.

Iraq was fine until saddam and the current government take over they ruined iraq

HAAHAHAHAHAHAH white women think you are ugly monkes. the only ones you get are ugly or have daddy issues.

You mean the (((media))). No wonder you like jews, they gave you your religion

Am I an atheist or a catholic? I guess it depends on which you think delegitimizes my point more since you can't argue the facts.

i dont even understand what you are saying.
Mesopotamia gave birth to great inventions

wasnt in secular then?

Christianity needs no fixing. The west simply turned their backs on God in their arrogance, hence the west's downfall.

>your point
It seemed like your anger and disgust was focused on Christians. Though that's about all the curiosity I could muster to examine the motivation of someone so openly unsaved.

Orthodoxy is my choice if I'm going to leave shia islam but I will remain in the cult because I view it as righteous and enlightening
Read history my follow poler islam had made a civilization
Christianity is about being as good as possible that why I love Christians
That will happen if God will it
For some reasons most of the people here are hater why you don't talk my dear Christian


The Christ don't want that
Please don't turn it into hate thread

Christianity isn't about being good. God encourages rape and kidnapping of your enemy's women to bolster your forces later.
How is that good?
How is letting God murder your children good?

Don't let hatred blind God alway open his door for you
Egypt was great from 1925-1956
Iraq was great from 1920-1967
What ruined these countries was the military leadership they don't know economy or politics just a bunch of idiots

Iraq and Egypt were great at science until the 1980 that when the absolute idiots took over and destroy everything the previous modren leader built

>why dont you talk
about? I dont see the focus of the thread. Unbelievers are lost and blind. They are beyond help. I have nothing to say to a "faithful" muslim on the subject of my faith, nor will I trash yours. This is a pointless thread made to benefit Atheism, you should be ashamed honestly.

>Is he open about it?

He's a nationalist, my whole church is. If they started excommunicating people based on that, there'd be no one left.

>but allure of more church goers is too enticing for any american church to resist.

I think the clergy just wants to retain the status quo and have "a better shot at salvation", but Christ does not like cowards nor people who are too lazy to do their research. The white man is incompatible with negroes and mexicans, and the attempt to reconcile the races has led to an almost total loss of Christian values in America. If there is one chance for true Christianity to rise again in the US, it is only by overturning the racial changes in the past 70 years.

>Orthodoxy is my choice if I'm going to leave shia islam but I will remain in the cult because I view it as righteous and enlightening

To even have chance at salvation you must believe in Christ. If you don't you will die like an animal: Your consciousness will disappear upon your physical death.

You are right but what about the false teachings and the unbiblical things
That a good idea
The acts of the church =/= God teachings in many cases the church don't follow the bible and Christians are the best human I know

I don't. It's YOUR fucking desert-cult, not mine.

I wanted to talk to Christians but non Christians answered it was a Christian thread and I don't trash over people faith that won't make my faith more right anyway how can you make America Christian again

I believe in Jesus but as a prophet not as God or the son of God and yes I know he is a gate of salvation that I I believe in him

Europe could know a new golden age if people were intelligent enough to realise this. Christians spend all their time autistically arguing among themselves while living an unhealthy life. Atheists are edgy degenerates with parental issues. Muslims are lower than monkeys.

>Read history my follow poler islam had made a civilization

you mean before or after they burned temples, books and slaughtered innocent people?

couldnt have said it better friend

So why are you saying you're open to Orthodoxy? You should read the book "Seeking Alah Finding Jesus". It'll either renew your own faith or help you to see the truth that I see in Christ. You could probably find a "free" ebook somewhere easily if you looked.



When Christian are not 2nd on the list of greatest threats of america


4yrs ago

You are a retard

Just let it continue to grow. We're doing pretty well as is, Evangelicalism is growing strong in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. It will continue to grow (and maybe we'll even see India get converted) for a while, things are looking good for us.

I'm just gonna let Christianity die off of it's own accord

Go back to the medieval church's doctrin, patriarchal order, holy wars, converting with force, monarchy. We should also abandon the authority of vatican as it's ridden with degenerates, fags, pedos and satanists, and make our own holy city. Good talking points for the future:
"Tolerance for evil makes evil spread and more good people suffer"
"Islam, communism, feminism, are destructive and have to be stopped with violence to enforce christian values so that everyone lives in love and peace in the future"
"the dark ages and converting people to christianity made a foundation for the most advanced civilisation in history, we need to follow that route again"
"degeneracy described as sins in bible destroys civilizations, we don't need to listen and belive anymore because we see it happening to the west and we must never forget this lesson"
"We need to follow the path of self-sacrifice, we should start killing the wicked to make this world pure and united under God, it is a sin but following Jesus Christ we have to make a self-sacrifice of our souls so that our future generation have the world of peace that enables them to live without sin and go to heaven, that is the ultimate act of love"

>we should start killing the wicked to make this world pure and united under God, it is a sin but following Jesus Christ we have to make a self-sacrifice of our souls so that our future generation have the world of peace that enables them to live without sin and go to heaven, that is the ultimate act of love
Well this is a giant crock of bullshit.

No it's not

why do you think so?

"A self-sacrifice of sin" is not what God wants us to do, you're trying to create a world where the generation after you will enjoy a Christian society, but you're missing the most important of part of this, and that's having God on your side. You're just kind of hoping that whatever comes after your sinful actions will be Christian, but at most it will have only the aesthetic trappings of Christianity with few of the teachings because the only example you've given to the youth is one of cruelty and hatred and disrespecting the commands of God.

If we don't kill the wicked the sin will spread, the citizens have a pacifistic example to follow in Jesus Christ but the military christians should have a set of values that allows them to kill the evil to protect the good, and that is it, not doing that is betraying God's wish to help others (christians) and spread christianity, and soldier should try to atone during lifetime too.

>If we don't kill the wicked the sin will spread
>"Therefore whoever kills Cain shall suffer sevenfold vengeance"

this is day one stuff, bro

That's the point of this being a self-sacrifice

>P-p-paganism's coming back guys!!!
The most pathetic meme I see spewed here. The only relevant group "reviving" paganism are leftist hippy degenerates. The most "successful" group, in Iceland has a few thousand members, where gay men get married by pagan priestesses. Pathetic.

But you're just spreading sin unto yourself. There's no self sacrifice here, just a suicide.

Christianity is more than just what the bible says, you have to learn from your medieval ancestors who applied it into law and politics, they knew more than we give them credit for.

Christianity will die out.

In Western countries:
Not only are less people believing, Christian families with the exception of Latinos are having less than replacement level birthrates. Christian's are also less willing to marry now that feminism has destroyed marriage.

Muslims on the other hand, coming from a warrior culture, have lots of kids even in a feminist society. They don't integrate which allows them to not be cucked by Western culture and (((values))).

It remains to be seen if Islam will get feminized like Christianity did. So far Islam is winning. There is no hope for Christianity.

Lots of crusaders thought like you, NONE were rewarded by the lord.

> Okey Christianity look very broken and unorganized what is your plan to reform/fix it and make your country 90+% *ACTUAL CHRISTIANS*

Christianity doesn't need a reformation: revival, yes; reformation, no. -- In fact, the Bible holds its own answer to the underlying problem.

The book of James is essentially a church smack-down book -- it's only 5 chapters long, so you can give it a quick read: biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James 1-5&version=NRSV -- the book ends on the note of the power of prayer:

Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise. Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. Elijah was a human being like us, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. Then he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain and the earth yielded its harvest.

My brothers and sisters, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and is brought back by another, you should know that whoever brings back a sinner from wandering will save the sinner’s soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.

They were not supposed to be rewarded, don't you understand? Christian countries are the first world now when others are violent shitholes, that is what their sacrifice was for, they were glorious heroes, we need to do it again for the progress of humanity.


>Christian countries are the first world now when others are violent shitholes
And now Christian countries are no longer Christian. Is that your goal? The destruction of Christianity in favor of a first world atheist society?

>they were glorious heroes
you need to read some history books. They murdered and killed and stole all for greed and vanity and titles. what was gained? only land they couldn't hold.

In the end we lost the true cross and our free access to Jerusalem and destroyed the orthodox Byzantines.

Most people "do" Christianity incorrectly:
They believe in the mystical aspect of it without being do-gooders and living the moral code that Christianity teaches. They also tend to confuse conservative political ideology with their faith. People often say "I'm a Christian conservative!", then break the Christian moral code for the sake of politics they've learned from their parents, or for the sake of a subconscious selfishness that they either ignore or justify somehow.
A strong society will have to, at the minimum, live along the moral code of its faith. Belief in the mysticism of it is, in my opinion anyway, ancillary as long as its lack doesn't jeopardize living the moral code.

It was a mistake of the first world to be ungratful and abandon christianity, next time we won't let that happen because now we know the consequences of abandoning God by the entire society, which is it's gradual destruction.

You think I don't know that? They also protected and spread christianity in Europe through violence and terror which allows us to talk on the internet today because we have a highly organised, peacfull and most importantly long-lasting society capeble of invention. You need to take more red pills on medieval christianity.

Christianity does not need reform. What it needs is to remove all the heretics and Jews from preaching false gospel and blasphemy with absolutely no repercussions. That was the only way to get rid of them long ago too, when the gnostics and chiliasts were all over the place. You had to physically remove them from the country, or push them into a ghetto on the outskirts of the city. You could not co-exist with them, spreading lies and corruption everywhere.

Look at the Evangelicals, they are modern day chiliasts and are utterly wrecked by Zionism and Jewish subversion. Mormons are considered Christian by many misinformed people, even though they are a cult and are not Christian whatsoever. Unfortunately, we can't get rid of them forcefully, so everybody has to suffer them spreading Zionism and heresy everywhere.

The only cure to is to promote Orthodoxy, the true Church.


>The most pathetic meme I see spewed here.

Paganism isn't a meme, it's a PSYOP pushed by the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Internet Defense Force. They're trying to break the promotion and awareness of Christianity on Sup Forums and stop it from leaking out all over the internet, which it is. Paganism is just one of many things they push on here to disrupt things.

As you can see though, much like all those pro-Israel threads full of models, it failed. Look, there are no Paganism threads in the catalogue right now. It went from dozens a day, to fucking nothing. The Jews gave up on it when everybody but the biggest retards realized what was going on. All that is left is a few genuine idiots who actually bought into their shit, like

>next time we won't let that happen because [...]
you're still not getting it
Its not up to you.
> [...] shall suffer sevenfold vengeance"

I don't think he actually believes in God, he's just one of those "cultural Christians"

>a first world atheist society
Sounds pretty fucking good to me

I know, it's up to the christian society, only now we have factual evidence why it shouldn't happen which people have no reason not to belive because its true. We live in an age of information and we have the process of our societies degradation as a result of abandoning traditional values, recorded throughout. Why is it so hard to belive? We have to enforce our medieval tradition, only then we will survive as a culture, and we are capable of survival and evolution because we're not sandniggers or niggers.

Your faggot "rock" is the reason Christianity is so divided today.

No, I'm catholic

A Catholic who goes against the teachings of his church. Huh.

First of all Church needs to be change, than I won't be against its teachings anymore. Church changes its policy all the time

Yes, but you are against the supposedly infallible teachings of the church. I really don't see why you pretend to be a Catholic at all.

I was raised catholic, church is improved by those whoe see its mistakes so why shouldn't I point them out?

>church is improved by those whoe see its mistakes so why shouldn't I point them out?
So you're basically a protestant then. You want to change the church and don't believe in the doctrines that it believes are infallible. You're a protestant.

kys, churches stance on things isn't constant it changes accoridingly with time. Example the churches opinion on gays isn't the same as it was 30 years ago why are you so dense?

>churches stance on things isn't constant it changes accoridingly with time
Tell that to the Catholic church

For all the misgivings I have about the cucked state of Christianity atm, it really is our best and only choice for preserving white nationhood.

Nobody really knows the details of pagan worship, so it inevitably degenerates into larping and snowflake faggotry.

Like it or not, the last 900 of European Civilization has been defined by Christianity, and any attempt to tarnish that history reveals an unholy convergence of atheists, kikes, mudslimes, and pagans all crying about muh oppression at the hands of da evil church.

>What we need is widespread proselytization from below to gradually put pressure on the church hierarchy - the demand for a return to the old traditions
>Find people with some inkling of political consciousness, either people with inherent religious sentiment or those who are confused and have lost their way in the sea of multicult
>Remind them of what makes Christianity unique among the world religions, the unparalleled achievements of the Church, and push back against the years of lefty brainwashing that makes people doubt their faith
>Everything at this stage hinges upon the knowledge and charisma of proselytizer, and it helps if this person has a good relationship with any conservative authorities at his local church
>This will likely take years, but this seed of dissent has to be cultivated with great caution, otherwise it'll never take root

The one I just said changes? Ok I'll tell em but they know it well so whats the point. I don't know what you imagine catholic church is but it's not what you think it is. It's not a monolith and it's not against catholicism to argue with it's policies. You're protestant right? How would you know anything about what catholic priests teach.

The story of Jesus as recorded in the gospels is about what happens when the Spirit of God appears on Earth, and is resisted by the worldly powers of organized religion and the state. Anytime the message of Christ becomes co-opted by religious doctrine or state power, it has already abandoned its roots, since at its core the Jesus story is about how those very powers will stop at nothing to subvert and destroy the Christ. Though of course they can never succeed - to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the King remains enthroned.

Christ shows us that self-giving sacrificial love is the true power in the universe, not the top-down tyrannical brute strength of Caesar. Christ's earliest followers proclaimed "Jesus is Lord!", rather than "Caesar is Lord!" which regions conquered by the empire were required to say. The implied subversive question - who is making a better Kingdom? Caesar who puts people on crosses, or Christ who bears the cross in love for all? Caesar who dominates and kills all who oppose with brute strength, or God who raised Christ from the dead?

Why is self-giving sacrifice the ultimate power? Picture water. In some senses, the most submissive substance imaginable. It will flow through your fingers, fit any container you put it in. Yet nothing can compete with it for domination of the planet - it covers 70% of Earth's surface. It uses its power not to dominate like a tyrant, but to quietly nourish each and every thing that lives. This is built into Creation as a prefiguration of Christ. The blood of Christ is spiritual water, and those who drink of it will never thirst again.