Pol will defend this

>pol will defend this

they are all traps, right?

noone here likes that fbi mole

Defend what? That bolshevik zionist fag supporting CIA plant? Nah.

Four men in a picture?

Why is he at an anime convention

Whoa... so those are the asian qt's Sup Forums told me so much about...

Damn are they?
Now that I look closer at the hands and virtually no tits of the middle one, I think they may be
Right one looks like a legit female though

also セージ

There is a sign in the back that says no photos. I will not defend this.

traps are not gay

i see nothing wrong here









he a lost a lot of support from neo-nazi otaku weebs (i.e. all neo-nazis) when he dissed anime, and now hes trying to repent


Fuck she's ugly

All I see here is celebration of modern asian ethnocentrism.
Don't get carried away with your imagination.

nobody here likes richard spencer. he's literally shilled here either by himself or opposition.

Why the fuck do they have blue eyes? Looks scary.


10/10 would fucking wreck the one with horns no matter it's preferred pronouns.

>Sup Forums will defend this

wtf i love richard spencer now

defend what? what's wrong with that pic?


>His wife is a literal commie

This. And end it.

Traps are gay

I would destroy the one on the right and I can't stand asians

Spencer is amazing stfu

He's never done that.

>nazi larper
Someone like Jared Taylor is amazing. You know, a person who debates others with facts and spent 25 years developing his arguments instead of just handing out tiki torches.

Derb shredded his genes good, what a good goy

They are all traps, fag.

fuck off dicky

forgot pic

defend what exactly?

would pound those boipussy.

He's a bush plant

> pol are mostly nonwhites with a hardon for chads

well duh

and where are his hands

speaking of plants, donny t and his Clinton handlers

holy shit

Those are tiny hands...

Is that Arya Stark in the middel?

Defend what? His shit eating grin in that photo?
t. nationalist globalist

I'm mexican and don't really agree with all this white nationalist stuff but I wanna suck his dick.

Chilling White + cheerful Asian = sociopath Russian


No, Sup Forums doesn't care because Spencer is a nobody

How many months of prison did they give him?



Spencer is a GOd.
Alt-Right=fuck them just don't breed

Even a Chink like me knows this
what are you guys? Nazis?

They are east asians

All east asians are feminine, boys and girls are same.

eurotrash vs real life animu

How can roasties even compete?