Now Sup Forums will defend their hypocrisy
Now Sup Forums will defend their hypocrisy
white people didn't walk in and claim free stuff
we fought for that stuff, niggers just couldn't compete
>Implying there were socialist welfare systems utilized by the pilgrims
Haha, blacks are so fucking dumb it's funny. Literally the only thing my ancestors wanted was a stretch of land to work and they often paid the natives for it until they started raiding settlements for gibseedats at which point they died from superior European blankets
They were savages who were constantly killing each other. They weren't a nation.
They didnt claim free stuff, they fought and paid for it, unlike spics and niggers.
his ancestors built everything in the country including the country itself and selectively bred that niggristotle's ancestors from mindless savage cannibals into regular dumb niggers who can be trained to perform simple tasks
>implying the natives had settlements with clearly defined and protected borders
yeah ok
>we fought for it so it is justified
What hypocrisy? I am not my ancestors.
literally all people in history fought for what they have idiot, that's the nature of competition