Now Sup Forums will defend their hypocrisy
Now Sup Forums will defend their hypocrisy
white people didn't walk in and claim free stuff
we fought for that stuff, niggers just couldn't compete
>Implying there were socialist welfare systems utilized by the pilgrims
Haha, blacks are so fucking dumb it's funny. Literally the only thing my ancestors wanted was a stretch of land to work and they often paid the natives for it until they started raiding settlements for gibseedats at which point they died from superior European blankets
They were savages who were constantly killing each other. They weren't a nation.
They didnt claim free stuff, they fought and paid for it, unlike spics and niggers.
his ancestors built everything in the country including the country itself and selectively bred that niggristotle's ancestors from mindless savage cannibals into regular dumb niggers who can be trained to perform simple tasks
>implying the natives had settlements with clearly defined and protected borders
yeah ok
>we fought for it so it is justified
What hypocrisy? I am not my ancestors.
literally all people in history fought for what they have idiot, that's the nature of competition
It is interesting that when speaking of "natives" borders suddenly do count.
rule of the strongest you dirty streetshitter
pajeetland is more than welcome to fight NATO or China for our toilets
I guess I need to brush up on the laws from before 1492. What laws were broken?
I heard some boong make a similar argument on an Australian politics show a couple weeks back. They seem to be insinuating past injustices our ancestors supposedly committed justify any injustices committed upon us today.
But my mother always taught me two wrongs don't make a right.
Yeah seriously, Europeans came over and made their own damn everything. Their was nothing to demand of the Indians since they didn't have shit. The original settlers didn't even realize they were in the area until they've already built towns. The Indians just got jealous because they saw people who weren't living hand-to-mouth and having to roam around killing each other.
At this point I seriously wish these dumbasses got their wish and America never existed. We'd all be some Monarch's bitch right now and black people would still be slaves.
survival of the fittest
That is interesting
The forefathers didn't walk into anything. There was no country in America. That's why they are called settlers and not immigrants.
So you are saying we should be scalping Mexicans?
We didn't walk into a country, we built a country where there wasn't one. Nor did we demand anything for free. And if anyone didn't like us building a country there, we killed them.
Blacks are so dumb.
>doesnt have a monopoly on force
>expects to be taken seriously
You guys fought to be independent and now you shit on the street, maybe you should have stayed a colony
"rule of the strongest" doesn't apply when there was a recent pandemic that wiped out over 95% of humans on the continent, you mean "rule of the genuinely lucky"
Unless the natives are white. Then it's "something something revenge for imperialism".
So since my ancestors did it (even though they didn't) I should let others do it too? Wow really makes me think.
That's wrong though. Their ancestors didn't demand free stuff, they outright conquered the place.
For the liberals to be able to argue this on equal terms they'd have to properly invade the USA.
Are you playing on the white guilt again?
>Poo in loo being retarded
Yep checks out.
The NAP, God's, and any sense of morality.
If you want the shitskins to declare war on us, we are more than ready for it.
Yeah, it is.
precisely Albo
Listen you smelly fecal crusted oxygen thief. If you want to go that route then lets talk about the broad consequences for civilisation on the whole.
don't be mad just cause you got owned, Chief Sitting Penis.
I like how the negro is essentially equating the Mexicans to colonial-era white people. We've evolved since then.
Why do blacks hate immigrants so much?
That will never happen, minority cowards will continue to utilize our own systems against us with the encouragement of liberal cucks and Jews until we declare war on them.
>"rule of the strongest" doesn't apply when there was a recent pandemic that wiped out over 95% of humans on the continent
It does.
Fuck you nigger
Uhhhh, remember Thanksgiving sweetie? The Native Americans loved us and our trinkets so much they gave us this land. Not our fault they were ignorant
You did nothing other than pop out of a vagina. Shut the fuck up.
Keep in mind too the Indians couldn't even literally see the settler's boats because they had no concept of what a sail boat was. Like since their imagination couldn't conceive of the thing, they couldn't even see what they were looking at. It took a whole new born generation of natives to actually notice boats bringing people over.
They thought some other Indian tribe was just looking a little pale lately and somehow got all this advanced tech out of nowhere. It scared them mostly, so they just keep killing them. When the settlers tried explaining where they were from, again, since Indians were too retarded to understand sail boats they just couldn't believe it. There was no land or tribes behind the Big Water. This weird pale-skin tribe was disappearing into the water and coming back out with shiny beads and stuff!
just a quick separate thought for all the Americans
>be pro immigration / open borders
>pay taxes -> directly support ICE / border control
Would it be unreasonable to try and get the left to go on a tax strike just for laughs since it'll appear hypocritical to directly fund the very thing they propose to be against?
He means white people. Sperg out harder.
>my ancestors came over and went on aboriginal welfare
boy, the things you learn
Not demand, take by force or buy just like we did to India.
Europeans had their fair share of pandemics, we just paid our toll forward. Every disease they died from Europeans died from by the droves as well.
People like to conveniently forget this fact that the resistance to the disease existed because the colonist's ancestors had to take the brunt of it just like the Injun savages
Which country did the settlers invade?
>conquest is the equivalent of moving into a country and exploiting their welfare system
Aside from the Spanish who did go up to the aztecs and say 'give us gold and shiet', the English conquered North America.
Look how well it worked out for the natives back then. Are we supposed to just repeat their mistake?
Fuck you.
My ancestors immigrated legally and assimilated.
>settling on no-man's land is the same as illegal immigration
Fuck off already
>"rule of the strongest" doesn't apply when there was a recent pandemic that wiped out over 95% of humans on the continent, you mean "rule of the genuinely lucky"
>what is "rule of the strongest immune system"
yeah, right of conquest
If the native americans want it back they can fight the americans for it
>tfw your entire race is wiped out by a microscopic speck
Free stuff? The settlers worked their asses off with blood sweat and did our the victor belongs the spoils. stay mad faggot
>free stuff
Pretty sure the white just conquered, weren't given anything.
Either way, wouldn't what happened to the Indians be a great case against DACA, not to repeated that shit?
the british also conquered india and had control over it for centuries and there was no giant epidemic destroying its population, and could have held onto it if it wasn't for ww2
>what is the black plague
no because it's bad when it happens to brown people and good when it happens to white
Liberal arguements for DACA
>Bbbut..but...the native americans were here first! Youre illegals too!
>its inhumane! They had not choice!
A. Europeans didnt demand welfare from the native americas
B. This wasnt even a country yet. It was a bunch of tribes wasting eachother over land
C. So should we just accept the replacement like the Native Americans did out of white guilt?
We have that insane idea touted by the "elites" here that the Sápmi are the natives to all of Sweden and the scandinavian peninsula but they never even went beyond Norrland, meaning that if they actually wanted to use the border argument in the first place they also needs to face the facts about borders being moved through conflict by other native tribes as in Swedens case, Sviars and Geats fought over the rest of the peninsula. We still call parts of Sweden Svealand and Götaland for that reason. Sviars are cowards.
But also, if your shitty defense consists of >well your ancestors did it hundreds of years ago
You need to realize the world was different back then
>tu quoque fallacy
>Anarchy dont have countries. specially anarcho primitivism.
I>blaming the long lost past
No wonder Africa's a shithole. Blacks can't keep their minds in the present or envision the future. Just bitch at the past.
Also, thanks for the cheap slaves. It's funny how only whites are to blame for something that every race under the sun did and that blacks still do to this day.
That alone speaks volumes to this ape's hypocrisy.
Talking about yourself. Suddenly you're your ancestors ...
most of the area where i live is Irish, Italian, and German ancestry....
those people didn't start coming over until the 1850s, and really came in force from the 1870s-1910s... by that time most of the real slaving and conquering of land had already finished.
they were just people coming (legally) in search of a better life.
They te everyone they just bitch at who ever gibs dem dats. It will never stop no matter how much is given.
>it's okay if brown people do it
>it's not okay when white people do it
I can't justify this hypocrisy. Sorry.
>implying that there was a country here when our neighbors showed up
fucking libs man
Never trust a person from lappland. Crafty motherfuckers with their stupid hats, they'll stab you in the back with a reindeer bone in no time given the chance.
Yes and no, most epidemiologists and historians agree that the main reason why native americans got BTFO is because they lived on a smaller continent with a smaller population pool and lesser exposure to diseases, infections, viruses, etc.
Whereas on the eurasian continent, much larger population groups had to contend with numerous plagues throughout the millennia and therefore developed a much more developed immune system on average.
So yes, it was a "luck of the draw" at first glance however the reasons why the european populations had better immuno-defenses is not random. It was quite simply natural selection in effect. You're literally getting buttmad at evolution.
Made me chuckle
Going to a country with a welfare system and full infrastructure.
Building everything from ground up while under attack by savages in animal skins armed with sticks.
There were no civilisation or countries in North America when Europeans arrived. You can argue that Europeans didn't have a right to settle the land in some other places but not North America.
So then it's fine if niggers and Mexicans use violence to remain in America? Or to use politics to diplomatically fight to remain in America? They're currently 'fighting' for the right to stay.
why did #blackaugust stay in US? Why did his ancestors stay there? If he thinks colonialism is wrong he should go where he belongs. If he stays, he's equally stealing from the natives.
So if I show up at your house tonight and murder everyone, the house becomes mine right? I fought for it fair and square.
They had some advanced cannibalism and human sacrifice tech going on though. But no the europen man wouldnt have any of that, ruined their tradition.
Sure they can fight to stay and we can fight to kick them out
If you want the invoke "rules of the jungle argument" you have to remember that you should not be surprised when your perceived victim turns out to actually be stronger and fights back.
If they use violence then violence returned is an acceptable vindication.
Early European explorers did ask for free stuff a lot though. Settlement/colonization took a long time to get going and there were plenty of hungry winters
this desu, there was no native american state to begin with. The only reason topics like jurisdiction, borders, laws and citizenship can be discussed today in real-life impacting terms is because the settlers were capable of developing state institutions which precisely enable the sort of shit the natives could not do in order to defend themselves.
There were no houses to raid you buffoon. Just plots of land which you could buy with a couple of shiny beads.
Actually my ancestors (Nords) came to Greenland before the Indians set foot there and lived there for over 500 years and eventually the Indians slaughtered them when they finally discovered the massive island existed. The Indians are not innocent in this situation. Not to mention every single Indian tribe slaughtered every other Indian tribe for land and resources.
Early settlers tried a form of socialism and failed horribly causing starvation.
Since we now live in a civilized society ruled by laws, no.
The Norse got pushed out due to dropping temperatures you retard. Making shit up doesn't help anyone here bud.
Yup. The Pilgrims just came across and stole all that infrastructure the Indians left lying around. Resources unused may as well not exist.
>Implying there was anything beyond a few scattered loosely associated tribes before whitey showed up
>Implying natives from weaker tribes didn't initially welcome settlers in the hopes of gaining potential allies against stronger more aggressive tribes
>Implying whites didn't initially try to be fair and pay savages for territory that they had neither the will nor the means to properly utilize
>Implying plains apes weren't fine with this arrangement until they realized how much smarter the milk demons were than them and wanted a bigger payout
>Implying subsequent centuries of chimpouts and wars with savages didn't erode any sympathy whitey might have otherwise had and cemented an image of the mindless red savage not worthy of consideration for years to come
>Implying white supreme court didn't decide to take pity on the savages, but President Jackson decided, "Fuck the court, it's back to the concentration camps for the red jew."
Also a product of legal immigration. Family came here from Germany before World War I through Ellis island
Do you not think it's "fine"?