Realistically, how can we fix the black race?
Realistically, how can we fix the black race?
Other urls found in this thread:
race war
genocide this time with actual gas chambers and ovens
this post is CLEARLY satire btw
ship them back to africa
it's not broken. it made it here
white dicks
>Kill all niggers and ugly nigresses
>Sterilize the qt nigresses
>Give the qt nigresses to white virgins
Problem solved
Gas chambers
africa under white rule again
Why bother? Just leave them somewhere.
Send them all back to africa then proceed to kill
Tax funded trips back to Africa
WHITE them
Mulattos are so much better than pure niggers. Ever notice how almost every successful black person is actually half white?
Add more white seed
just kill all the niggers
>fun flag
>posts some black whore instead of a pic related
>obvious bait for monkey /s/ thread
>I hate you all
In America the Democrats actually seem to be doing a good job by pushing abortion clinics in their ghettos.
zyklon B
Youve never met the Uruk Hai have you?
send them back
Red pills by red pill black (candace Owens) and bernytree66
Sterilization by IQ, making it mandatory that the magic niggers live with the other niggers.
Stop subsidies for the reckless breeding of retarded nigglets.
Majic niggers get to be the nigger government, when the yard niggers go all chimpout the majic niggers get punished.
Red Pill: Black woman destroys white privilege myth
No more gibs
The same way you can fix any race.
prevent the stupid and incapable from reproducing.
Then it will fix itself over a course of several generations.
And yes there are intelligent and capable black people, it is just less likely to happen.
It would also help to segregate the capable from the incapable in order to prevent a bad influence.
Red Pill: I Don't Care About Charlottesville, the KKK, or White Supremacy
>tfw real minority hours
#just K selection problems
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
>prevent the stupid and incapable from reproducing.
>Then it will fix itself over a course of several generations.
this coming from a german is pretty funny
>Mulattos are so much better than pure niggers
Until they go to college or use social media. Then they go full on KANG
>Mulattos are so much better than pure niggers
idk i think its sad since Germany dos the exact opposite right now it feels.
ye you could also add this to this
in order to give them a head start i suppose.
This is the only answer. Black QTs are meant for breeding, not marrying
Breed them until there are none of them
fix the media. stop glorifying degeneracy. blacks and women brainwash easiest. fix this sad society
>put in in one place
>nuke it to ashy shit
>and god saw it was good
Systematic IQ and behaviour tests. Sterilise all people who have IQs below 100 (for women) and 105 (for men). Sterilise all people who have committed crimes. Abort all offspring conceived illegitimately. Encourage the rest to go back to Africa.
muh dic
Lots of rope
Not a bad plan user
I'm majority black, but also 1/16th German. Does that count?
is this qt enough?
One pedoring to rule them all
Have a lotr maymay
None of our concern. Trying to help other races is what got us into all this shit in the first place.
Send them back to Africa and stop trying to force them to live in foreign cultures. They'd be much happier if they'd all live in tribes in mud huts hunting lions
This is the blueprint qt for race mixing.
Have a solution for the baboon faced ones, breed out the ones with western facial features.
Then we get QT brown ladies.
They don't want to be fixed. That would mean that they are confirming to white society, and blacks hate white culture. They don't want to be civil.
Source:I'm an uncle Tom that rejects black and white culture in favor if superior nihongo culture
Force blacks who have committed serious enough crimes to be sterilized. In a few hundred years, they will cease to be violent.
Breed the good genes
Kill the bad genes
As it should be for every race
Are you guys SWJs?
You can't fix what ain't broken. Blacks are fine.
Even if they are begging for help, its not because there's anything wrong. They are just using you
That's like saying "how can we fix cockroaches, lice and ticks?"
They can't be fixed, they can only be eradicated
stop affirmative action, reduce welfare gradually, and make it culturally popular for children to be raised by a mom and a dad
They will cease to exist.
Spread them out where there's only 1 family of them for every 10-20 white families. Also cut off all assistance, get rid of AA and all the other bs nig policies. Obsenity laws about dress and behavior in public. Encourage marriage.
Won't fix anything but it'll def help
I'd impregnate her in a heartbeat.
brazilify africa, tis the only way, multiculti for afrika
Who is "we"?
Why should "we" save the black race?
Isnt it the responsibility of the members of this so called back race to live a life as a true role model, harvest the potential of his/her fellow negroes?
Ein Volk muss sich selbst helfen!
This. Cull the bottom 90%. Do the same with every other race while we're at it.
By posting more ass like that. Damn.
They have to go back to Africa. If they stay in the West, there will be massive civil unrest in the coming decades because blacks are not capable of doing the high-skilled jobs that are coming to replace the jobs today. There are only so many athletic, singing, and token-minority-in-commercials jobs to be filled. Their only choice is more and more welfare at a time when the gubmint money well is running dry.
Damn how long did they spend on photoshop to make that chimp look almost human?
Only blacks can fix blacks. If they want to live as savages, then let them. That's also how we should treat them.
You will come around soon goy
Ah, a fellow appreciator of the voluptuous negress.
Of course the brits have shit taste
I'm mixed race, I'm just appreciating my heritage. For a long time I thought about further bleaching, but nubian goddesses make me second guess.
I wanna be the Banana dipping in your Strawberry Chocolate!
Destroy hip hop culture and change the young mens mindset
You're basically a nigger.
Exterminate them. This is the only possible solution. Race is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack in that reflection.
Looks like a complete fucking idiot
>implying I care
cut foreign aid to Africa entirely, water, education. Absolutely everything. let it rot for a while. Then go in and fix it. Currently the population is too huge and infused with certain ways of thinking. It's impossible to fix currently
>implying you don't
You do browse Sup Forums after all
Kill the males. Breed with their best females. Makes sure each generation gets selectively bleached.
By sending all White-mixed blacks to Africa.
Having black genes makes you inferior in comparison to full whites.
BUT, having white genes makes you superior in comparison to full blacks!
Therefore, send all race-mixed bastards to SSA so they will improve their new countries.
The only group that can save the Black race is the Black Community. It's pointless to try and play "white man's burden" when self-autonomy is the key crucial step to the development of any group. The best thing the White Community can do is get out of the way of Black people who genuinely want to reform the community.
you dont. you fucked up when you brought then here for cheap labor.
theyre your problem for ever
cant fix what aint broke
on the other hand, we will breed white boys out of existence until you bitches go extinct.
Sup Forums stands for politically incorrect, not white supremacist fucktard
genetic engineering
Same problem except I'm a quadroon
>not broken
lmao fuck off mate
Hmm.. genophage you say.
>every thread devolves into some leftypol nigger spamming monkey racemixing
Does this fucking board even have mods anymore?
You fuckers will get the rope (satire btw)
Why would you want to? We already have one perfectly good race in whites. We might just as well throw the unsuccessful ones away.
lower class blacks have some sort of infinite victim complex.
if they do x its always right but by god if a white person does anything they deem wrong theyre automatically racist.
its fucking annoying
>t. black guy whos lived around old white people forever
>stronger, faster, healther than whites
>durr hurr blacks are broken
suck my dick bitch
Take a trip to Europe mate. Mulattos are insufferable.
I like how you think, bong.