
>thank you Mother Nature for distracting the goyim

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Bump for non interracial, non misogyny and actual major current event thread

Last attempt at trying to help fellow adult burgers
Simply can't compete with Saturday morning bants

b a m p

>your shit has been out there for two months
So we're pretty much fucked

Pretty much
At least one can try to make themselves less fucked.

I'm awake. Just woke up, tried sleeping in but woke at 8:30

So from what I can get tell freezing won't really save you but it'll make you look less desirable to potential identity thieves?

A credit freeze will stop people from doing shit like taking out a credit card or loan in your name.

Yeah. Should help avoid having new credit cards, mortgages, loans, acquiring an apartment etc. you'll receive a 10 digit pin that will be required should you decided to 'thaw' the freeze in order to do one of the above.
This is new to me, but I felt compelled to help others who work hard and don't deserve to get fucked from hackers and the merchants they steal from.
Though this looks like an inside job to be honest

>this looks like an inside job to be honest

I checked on the website and it said my shit was OK.

>Though this looks like an inside job to be honest

More like CHINside job.

By doing what, the last name, 6 digit thing?

yeah. was just saying since OP's pic made it sound like it's rigged to always say your shit's jacked.

Good info.

>this is on page 6

Fucking hell, I don't want to live on this planet anymore. Sup Forums isn't losing their shit about a legitimate HAPPENING. You fuckers have wanted this shit for years.

What the fuck is the deal? Is everyone as defeatest as my friends? I told those assholes about this after it happened, and the more info I got the more info I shared. They stopped me to say "Why do you even care?"

I don't have a credit card or a job but I think they did a credit check when I bought my car. hope they didn't have my info


Can we get some more detailed insight on this? Anyone?


i thought of this several years ago.
a buddy worked in car sales.
did credit checks all day.
every computer in dealership has malware.
if it has malware it probably has keystroke and screen capture.

1. send infected e-mail to dealerships.
2. hungry car salesman will open it.
4. install malware.

My debit card information was recently stolen, the bank was very good about detecting it (charges were made at 1 at night), freezing my account, and working with me to move through it.
Seeing the difference in customer service and response between my bank and Equifax has been shocking. It is obvious Equifax doesn't give a fuck because they don't have to retain you as customer, you are their customer if you like it or not.


>you are their customer if you like it or not.
you aren't their customer at all

Class action lawsuit won't benefit anybody but the kike lawyers. Also, bump.

For a company in the business of selling information, you'd think they'd actually secure said information.

isn't this basically the end of identity verification as we know it?

why isn't government and media not saying anything? the entire credit industry is finished

>why isn't government and media not saying anything?

it's a strategic-level crisis. they aren't allowed to talk about it.

Serious question time. Why should we not murder Equifax employees and their families, aside from the legality issue?

the CSO looks like she could be our mom

The CSO needs to be lit on fire in front of her kids

I read she's like a humanities major with no tech background

amazing how this isn't front page news anywhere. really activates the almonds

Americans are fucking retards. They deserve to be abused and have their shit stolen.


lets blurst this bubble

This is a precursor to dissolving the FED and implementing a gold standard. Resetting everybody's credit rating in preparedness for a new global currency.

Probably because the OP doesn't have much info in it other than

I entered my actual information and it said my data hasn't been breached

i think a lot of random shit before bed, let my mind wander over the global political / financial scheme to pull myself to sleep. i ask the ether a lot of dumb questions.
how can you switch to a basic income if there is debt; how can you wipe the debt of 150million morons at once so everybody gets gibs "fairly" without pissing off the productive? how do you replace social security? how do you create a "medicare" and would that be enough to stop the epic swarms of refugees? would the individualists ever accept that giving some gibs keeps the blobs in their own cities? How do you keep the system going without manufacturing jobs? without farming jobs? without hard labor jobs?

then this happened. i sleep okay.

For adults that have a home, this will hang over them forever. If your address doesn't change and of course your drivers license number and social security doesn't, nothing is stopping the people who now own this info for sitting on it for the next few years and stealing your identity then. Or whoever they sell it to.

i didnt see this thread when i made one. but my theory is

Equifax was hacked by (((them))) so they can use the social security numbers for all the illegals and DACA people.

It will be blamed on Russia, so that when peoples details are leaked they will be mad at Russia and believe the election hacking bullshit.

>experian won't let me put a freeze online and wants me to send my SSN by mail
>Transunion says I already have an account with them even though I never made one
what do?

What info do you want, you fuckl tard. If you haven't been living in a homeless shelter for the last decade you have been hacked. The only info we need is the home addresses of Equifax corporate officers and pictures of their kids.

I was thinking this could be an opportunity to create national ID cards, which will be given to illegals as well, allowing them to vote.

>Transunion says I already have an account with them even though I never made one

So is it already frozen through them?

you Faggot, I am a NEET. I don't pay attention to this stuff. How about what is it that is LITERALLY HAPPENING to start.

Equifaz sat on this for TWO FUCKING MONTHS. They released this during a gargantuan hurricane threat. Every single Executive employed at Equifax needs to fucking die. They need to be scared to death to go outside. They need to get their kids out of the country and live on a boat, or fucking die.

call them
you can freeze your credit that way

No idea. When I try to get my account info by saying I forgot my pass/username they want me to answer my secret question and enter date of birth but when I did it said my date of birth is wrong. So I have no way of freezing my credit with them.


What already happened a couple months ago is that Equifax was breached and >40% of American SSNs, driver's license numbers, CC numbers, work history, insurance history, addresses, phone numbers, were all copied. That includes you unless you are a child or were born off the grid and have never rented nor owned anything, nor ever applied for a job anywhere, nor ever went to school. Unless you are literally a hermit since birth, you're probably compromised.

Sounds like you got your shit pushed in by hackers through TU. Good luck.


>Actually important news that is huge
>Effects you and the countries future
Sup Forums: no thanks I would rather talk about niggers and jews for the millionth time
If there any proof Sup Forums is merely filled with edgy children this is it.

>owning a credit card

That's what you get for playing into the ultimate kike scam, usury.

I buy everything with cash. Even big purchases you just need to save up for. I didn't go through the (((banks))) to purchase my home because I simply paid the guy $300,000 in cash for it

>Though this looks like an inside job to be honest

This would not surprise me in the slightest. With the level of outright mental illness in this country over our election results, anti-patriotism, anti-capitalism, and class hatred, I can see somebody doing this just to wreck the economy. It is the one success nobody can argue Trump over. All of that aside, imagine the MILLIONS an insider(s) would get paid for doing this.

Do you pay rent? no? i guess you purchased your property then? They have your info

This sounds pretty big. Is it time to get rid of SSN and credit cards? Say yes please.

Has anyone been able to place a freeze through Transunion? I keep getting a "Unable to process your request" message.

lol that won't save you.

Probably less than the millions the CEO saved by slowly unloading his stock over the course of two months before they told anyone. Fucker needs to be killed in public, in front of his family.

Equifax is a credit bureau, meaning they're one of the companies that banks and credit card companies ask in order to see if it's a bad idea to give you a loan.

In order to determine if you're safe to loan to or not, credit bureaus will build a dossier on each individual citizen they can with as much information as they can get their hands on. Your Social Security Number, name, date of birth, address, workplace information including previous places of employment and anything your employers felt the need to report, so on and so fourth. More than enough information for someone to steal your identity and do with it as they wish. This could be simply taking out credit cards and loans in your name, or they could file taxes in your name and receive your tax returns, for just a couple of examples as to the possibilities.

Equifax estimated they were hacked from mid-May through the end of July, meaning all that data for at least 144 million Americans can be considered to be in the hands of the hackers, their associates, or anyone they've sold or given the data to, intentionally or not. To put that number in perspective, that's about 44% of US citizens, and I've read it's roughly 2/3 of the working age population.

"I've never had a loan, I must be safe!" Unfortunately, that won't save you. View the image in the OP for more information as to why.

>someone steals your identity
>immediately begins freezing your credit

Good luck user. I hope it's just someone fucking with you, but watch your back for doppelgangers.

Quick rundown?

So I put my info on the checker page (normie friends had me do it at work, didn't realize it was a scam) , but it came up negative.

Am I still not able to class action them, or does it sign everyone up regardless?

His data breach has only affected americans so only americans are interested. Everyone else doesnt give a shit

When someone's life is ruined because of this, will we see public executions of Equifax employees?

Every adult in the country was doxxed two months ago and the jews waiting until a hurricane panic to tell anyone, but not before unloading their stock.

Dead kikes when?

>not caring for an actual HAPPENING in the world aside from all these fake Korea happenings

I dunno, this would be the time for turkroaches and whites escaping Europe to get a fastpass into America through identity fraud. As long as they aren't fuckign stupid with it they'll survuve

So you think this does not matter, because you have done nothing with your life and never plan to? Will never own anything and never plan to? Maybe your MOM got breached - Ever stopped to think the person keeping a roof over your head and tendies in your belly might be screwed? Does THAT resonate with you, at all? Because clearly you are unconcerned about other people.

See or the image in the OP.

I did forget to mention how Equifax only held a press release late Thursday night after three of their executives finished dumping their stocks into the market, clearly making them guilty of insider trading. They've already said they're innocent of this, because they "didn't know."

Place your bets if they'll hang or walk in court.

Yeah, that sounds bad. Obviously, there is going to be a suit against them but-
Looks like (((they))) are looking at reducing the number.
Anything a neet like me can do? I don't have anything to my name so I would probably have average credit and susceptible to fraud like this.

Read the image in the OP. Get security freezes from the credit bureaus.

>Everyone else doesnt give a shit

Reminder that the crash of Lehman Brothers, an American investment firm, is what caused the 2008 global financial crisis.

Take one for the team and kill some Equifax employees, since you weren't doing anything with your life anyway. Kill their kids first, preferably.

it took awhile to finally register but i realized all those "i'm neet, doesn't affect me" are shill deflection tactics to undermine the actual severity of what's happening

fucking kikes

>dumped their stocks
If the court doesn't, you can bet someone who was personally affected will set things right.
You are misunderstanding, I was asking what has even happened because there is no coverage of this at all on the news and the op is unclear with the information too. The only thing the I got from the op pic was what to do and not to do.

read the fucking OP.

They're either shills or commie faggots who secretly relish the idea of watching working-class lose everything, because it's "not fair" that other people have nice things (because they worked for them). Either way, these people are useless.

are any of them actually jews

Can someone give me the tl;dr: 6-year-old Edition? I'm not savvy with financial shit.

Will get a credit freeze after the 21st when I probably fail this job interview

Wait, why doesn't the USA government demand all data equifax had and order all these cc numbers and social IDs to be renewed?
Isn't this precisely the kind of situation why a government above companies is required?

Also, whats the big deal about social ID in USA? I thought it was just a number with which you pay texes. Why would someone else want to pay taxes in your place?

This is a ticking time bomb. It is good that nothing (that we know of) has happened yet. This is why OP is doing God's work - INFORM PEOPLE so they can protect themselves, and hopefully the damage can be minimized.

God forbid a coordinated attack is planned. Can you imagine what would happen to our country if suddenly 1/3 of the population was instantly financially ruined and credit so dead they might never recover?

If you signed a form that had to do with money, there is a 50% somebody has all the information on that form

>Can someone give me the tl;dr: 6-year-old Edition?

Look a few posts up. The thread isn't that big.

OP here
Check this site out in order to have the proper links and numbers to security freeze your credit.


CEO Richard Smith
>i'll be damned
at least we have a list to start with

>if you signed a form
From when to when? Most I've signed in the last six months are my paychecks.

>Also, whats the big deal about social ID in USA?

apparently it's "racist" and discourages minorities and colored people to go out and vote

That is specifically the opposite of what I asked for, numbnuts. Do you know what tldr means?

at any time, ever

More like "discourages them to pay taxes".

God damn it, i'm freaking out. Every turn (((they))) always get you.

there we go, since you clearly have a bank account there is a 50% the information used to make that account is stolen.
Timeframe is not relevant, everything on record since before the hack is at risk

tl;dr - Are you a working-age US citizen? You have been completely fucking dox'd. Everything is out there.

Now you're missing quite a bit of information. Scroll up to see what it is.

you mean SSN, i got confused when you said social ID and thought you were talkinga bout some voter ID bullshit

SSNs are shit numbers that provide no security whatsoever to prevent others from hijacking said number, and wreaking havoc with it. if someone has your ssn, you're basically fucked cause the system is fucked

Just the SSN or the name too?

>will we see public executions of Equifax employees?
If by public execution you mean a big severance package then yeah