Why should the state waste resources on trying to stop me from having this?


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Because fk u muh degeneracy.

Because arresting dindus for suspicion of possession of that is a good way to catch them when there is not enough proof of specific other crimes those who often possess it in urban area are often likely to commit.

drinking alcohol or smoking marijuana, you are self-medicating because you can't stand to be in your right mind in the world the Jews have created for you

It's time to take the red pill.

Steven Spielberg made a documentary called "The Last Days" about the Holocaust.
The film features Paul Parks, a black soldier, who claims to be an eyewitness at the liberation of a concentration camp.
The problem is, Paul Parks was a known fraud and liar. He was outed by historians and military documents after taking part in an earlier documentary focusing on black soldiers who supposedly liberated concentration camps in the war (no black soldiers liberated any camps -- whoops!).
That didn't stop Spielberg from including him, though. And it didn't stop the documentary from getting the Oscar that year, either. And the Academy never stripped it of its Oscar, despite this all being common knowledge.
Amazing, isn't it?
You can find out about this and other ridiculous lies by watching this documentary about "The Last Days"

>The Last Days of the Big Lie

What does this have to do with the legality of owning marijuana?

reminder that there is no valid reason for pot to be illegal

Im about to smoke one right now, why don't y'all go and fuck yourselves?

to protect the pharmaceutical monopoly and divert taxes from public coffers

>reminder that there is no valid reason for pot to be illegal
protecting a criminal enterprise is a valid reason, but it isn't an ethical one or a moral one


DUUUUDDDEEEE like why is weed you know like illegal DUUUUDDDEEEE wtf

Reminded that alcohol is just as, if not more, degenerate compared to weed.

Alcohol is not better for you and cigarettes are equally as bad, if not worse.

Alcohol is significantly worse. At least cannabis has CBD/THC and some medical merit. Alcohol has pretty much none.

This. Also reminder that weed is not going away so you either tax it and make money off it or keep it illegal which means it's cheaper for us.

Either way the government is not going to stop it. Ever.

rightwing nanny state knows it's bad for you.

>doood weeed xD


>voluntarily giving up your 2nd amendment rights
Are people actually this retarded?

Even if cannabis has 0 medical merit, alcohol is actually degenerative and causes significant problems with regular use. Smoking doesn't show any significant degenerative effects with the same regular use.

sugar is more degenerate than both, although alcohol is basically the same as sugar

I found a book from India written in the 1700s that explains hashish cures various ailments including diabetes and cancer and to ignore the merchants who decry it's use as the hashish users live longer happier lives, they show a picture of the merchants who decry it's use, guess what the picture looks like?

typical beak noses

Real men smoke sativa=enchanced logic and abstract thinking,creativity and less emotions
Cucks smoke indica=complete lack of energy,stoned to near immobilty,woman-ish emotional reasoning,munchies

This is true.

At the very least, it could be taxed and stoners could pay out the ass in taxes. Legal and that money could go to infrastructure, schools, medicine, etc. NASA, even.

Quit being a stupid, short-sighted MAGApede.

Unless you're schizophrenic, in which case something high in CBD is better for you. You don't want to mix THC with schizoid/psychotic mental disorders.

yeah, you can grow and produce hashish with minimal effort and cost. which means you don't have to buy it from anyone. wonder who would be against that.

Even if weed is degenerate, it shouldn't be banned. It's your own choice to smoke it.

Same with all the drugs. I smoke cigarettes not because I'm addicted to them, I tried one and decided that I like the taste. I know the consequences and I smoke.

Also drugs aren't degenerate. Decent people on drugs are still decent people, drugs are just a way for degenerates to have fun.

Are opponents of legalizing weed even human beings?

I mean, they're pretty much incapable of basic cognitive thinking.

So they're really just on the level of cows when you think about it.

If your family has a history of psychiatric disorders then you are better off not doing any kind of drugs,including alcohol.

>Quit being a stupid, short-sighted MAGApede.

>Degenerate stoners calling me stupid.

You sound mad, have not hit the bong in 30 mins?

This is true, to be honest.

>Talking shit about weed and degeneracy


I don't use cannabis.

Because it's creating jobs in the following fields; law enforcement, courts, rehab, prison etc.

We live in a Keynesian socialist world, means of production is owned by the state via central banking. If you stop creating laws and enforcing them, the GDP falls.

This is also why our countries bring in immigrants, more people = more GDP.

Legalization when?
I want dispensaries, NOW


We see this when medical cannabis states go recreational. Ask Inslee where all that green gold excise tax money went. Whoever finds out gets a crisp high five.

I recently moved from Spain to Colombia for holidays, in Spain I was accustomed to smoking weed with my friends all the time, we all had jobs and we all were smart individuals (we read books, watched documentaries and discussed politics). Nobody had a problem with the other person smoking weed, if you didn't like it you just said "No thanks" when someone passed the dutchie

Here in Colombia anybody smoking weed is seen almost as bad a crackhead in America, you can't even mention weed because people would be like "fucking potheads fucking shits" , I tried to have a conversation with my mother regarding weed because she has Parkinsons and constant headaches but she would shut me down as soon as she knew the conversation was about marihuana.

From this i have learned that the problem is not weed but how you use it, obtuse people are incapable of seeing more than one perspective, they were told by their culture and their governments that weed is evil and they shut down any debate

Me? I fucking love weed. I rather have alcohol banned and weed legalized , alcohol causes more accidents and problems than marihuana. This is not a theory, it's a fact.


it doesnt even matter if or not it has medicinal effect; why should police waste resources on a drug that makes people introverts unlike alcohol that makes you extrovert?
most, if not all, crimes done in relations to weed is because it is illegal. Im not talking about niggers chimping out, but normal people that just want to relax and active the brain for people to start thinking, unlike alcohol that has a proven effect to cause people to be easily swayed by authority.
alcohol has been a weapon for conquest & destruction throughout history

Indicas are used to treat mental health issues. Heavy Indicas reduce anxiety, depression, eating disabilities, PTSD night terrors and fight/fight responses and others.

Sativas will fuck with anyone who has voices/vices. Indica leaning hybrids with a 70/30 I to S ratio tend to be best for patients with severe depression. It gives them just enough "happy" stimulus from the heady sativa but keeps the body calm.

There's science behind this. Unchain our hands so we can save others. We will share our education. Decriminalize it.

so the rest of us have to pay for your racism is what you're saying? Fuck you.

the only reason weed is illegal is because of pharma jew.

should be legalized tbqb


schizo is short for schizophrenic, not schizoid
schizoids actually resist psychotic stimuli better than the general public

Because they're not done shutting down all the illegal operations
Before they make it federal
Then put a cap on thc potency
Which will make no sense because
You can extract it. Then they'll make it pill only or whatever then you'll
Have teens snorting marijuana and
injecting marijuana and it will be a huge
Deal all because