When will the white devils die out?
Well, you're too big of pussies to meet us in open war and instead run around like rats attacking soft targets and blending in with civilians.
So, not for a long ass time.
Allah hates you. we don't have to fire a single bullet you are dying and your countries are bankrupt. this cannot go on forever and soon your nations will be Islamic all we have to do is use the Islamic womb.
Aksalam alaykum brother. I'm white and I'm going to have so many white babies with my many wives. Inshallah!
leave islam you filthy pig. and end your life
LARPing much?
I'm no apostate, brother. My glorious white children will spread the word of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and have many white children and white wives themselves.
Can any oldfag bongs answer if it was normal to see old women in England wear something on their head like how the the queen is wearing? Not for religion or something. To keep their hair tidy or dry from the rain. I've seen it sometimes in old English TV shows.
Yeah old cunts wear this shit all the time
implying hetrosexual marriage isn't going to be illegal in Kanada
well at lest they'll be Muslim and when we take over they will be slaves.
In Danmark too.
soon polygamy will once be legal when we take over
Nice fairytale Bro, what are you 3 years old? Lmao. Fuck off.
You sound like the jews, are all sandniggers the same?
you are confused why do you not accept Allah surrender to him of suffer for eternity.
heterosexual marriage will be the only type of marriage once the last of the degenerates are thrown from the roof of the Parliament building. anyone who steps in Allah's path will be put to the sword
I hate kikes
That whole tweet is like your typical Sup Forums shitpost. Just ignore it.
other than the Koran Mein Kampf is my second favorite book every Muslim should read it
Kikes enslave the world because their religion says to, and you want to do the same thing.
you and the kikes are soul brothers.
never ... blacks & shitskins above equator will naturally evolve to whites in a reasonable span of time ... evolution.
I just want this question answered.
Hello Sandnigger. In my country we impale muslims and we kill them whenever possible.
No we are of higher evolution than snow-chimps snow chips are de-evolved compared to us.
it was answered:
in my country will kill fags trannies and infidels.
You know Hitler would have allowed either the Japs or the Hindus to massacre you muslims had the Axis powers won right? Hitler knew how to manipulate people and some Indians worshipped Hitler as a Hindu Avatar of vengeance against the British. After freeing India he would have probably supported Hindu ultranationalists against the muslim minority in order to cement valuable trade relations with The Jewel of Asia.
I choose to believe!
my local telephone exchange is older than the failed state of pakistan, my smelly friend
so some native Americans supported Hitler
What's wrong with headscarves?
nothing but the burka is better
Ye, it's adequate for trash.
misinfo, the monarch IS the law
indeed, the trash you call women should be covered
you mean beautiful women
In yo dreams
New Pantheon:
Awoo Aloo!, Spring, Masta Wasab-E, Fendon Roo, Bean Bean, Vladim Babyron, and at the top of the pantheon, Freddaccuini, the duke of your hearts.
Worship anyone but these and suffer for it.
this again
But trannies are Gods chosen people?
>No we are of higher evolution than snow-chimps snow chips are de-evolved compared to us.
>doesn't know how to reply
> babushkaed
Allah wills it, first is a Muslim mayor next you will have a Muslim king. All your slags will be covered up and will learn to be modest and submit to their husbands lest they be put to death outside Buckingham Palace
Women wore headscarves to protect their hair. Permanent waves were quite fragile without hairspray.
fucking Islamaphobes. he dindu nuffin
hahaha i remember that
OP stopped posting right after I pointed that out kek
that's an old woman headscarf not an Islamic headscarf
Why do brits have a white queen each year?
This is fuckin racist and shit, brothers.
When I was in Irak, I got 7 kills 4 were kids probably between ages of 10 and 17.
Moral of the story is..we can out kil faster than you can out birth.
As for wombs....I have no compunction about cutting wifes tits off and throwing them against a wall right after I open her guts up with the dry wall knife I keep in my kit for special "needs".
My mormor always wore one of those. So did her mother. Same with my grandmother and great grandmothers who were english, austrian and ukranian.
I'd say it's a normal thing for any woman who was born before 1940.
She looks like 90% of old women in Serbia.
It's the house of Windsor secretly slav?
But Muslim girls all like being fucked in the arse
That's not how you make a baby you spastic, oh hold on maybe it is how you make a Muslim baby
We're going to nuke all you sand niggers.
And THEN we'll get rid of the jews.
How you like that, camel jockey?
P.S. Enjoy sucking mohammad's dick after he fuck's your sons' asses in Hell for all eternity.
standard fare for old women in the UK because it's always windy here
You're just like fucking jews, sand nigger.
I like your country very much. Do you allow white immigrants with master's in geology and oilfield experience?
Even the old whore """queen""" must show respect to Islam the west is finished
And that's why you are the rats of the earth, the least rare create of all. Worthless.
stealing, lying and violent, no honor what so ever! pathetic
You know they're hideous, vile, bitches underneath those rags.
>master's in geology
How many times have you been laid off and had to work at MacDonalds?
then GTFO the west
>heterosexual marriage will be the only type of marriage
keep dreaming faggot
Islam is for everyone, if you don't like that, leave. Islam does not discriminate, it's for all races unlike christianity which is only for whites, just look at Chechens and Bosnians, they're white as fuck but they love Islam just as much as any arab. You're not racist, are you?
Yes brother! Where are you from?
You will live in eternal darkness if we pass from this earth
>Yes brother, brother, brother borther, peace be upon brother, brother you are so big.
how come you speak like this, like you have a carrot up your ass. It's ridiculous.
Last time I checked, the only muslim country doing well is Saudi Arabia. And all the other muslim countries hate Saudi Arabia, because the kings pilgrimage tax is higher than ever.
Islam is a joke. The Vatican doesn't have toll booths at the gates of St Peters Basilica.