are asians really capable of human emotions?
Are asians really capable of human emotions?
Can insects?
Is she angry or about to scratch her nose? Not sure.
>that finger
It's funny that she isn't expressive at all in that picture
>article picture features a jewish individual
He he
she just looks confused
Asians are terrible actors in general.
It includes sand niggers and poo loos
These people can be casted in their own countries.
It's interesting, I find they tend to put a lot of emotion into their voice acting and Japanese voice acting is usually leagues above the English dubbing (although I suppose that could just be budget talking)
Italian voice acting is good too, the Japanese are probably better, but english voice acting is really shit
I dunno. In movies i watch they generally just scream about Gojira and shit. They seem to be doing ok job.
Since when was The Major very expressive beyond smiling and being tense in battle? She has an artificial body for fucks sake.
>treat me as special for doing something trivial and normal
>Italian voice acting
Do you have a little screen in the corner that shows someone wildly gesticulating?
Voice acting is a respected part of Japanese culture.
Not so much in 'Murka, hence the difference in quality.
That finger would look great up my bum.
lol gojira
took me a min
>Mama mia Mario-san!!!
>Cazzo,Luigi-kun dropped tha pasta....
>Are Asians terrible actors?
Idunno, step on their tail and see if they can cry.
>East Asians use their entire face to smile.
>Still less expressive than a European moving his/her jaw.
J U S T.
That said having an ice face isn't the end of the world. As long as the character has a defined position within the movie world then it's not hard to tell which chink is which. Assuming the people watching have a brain... which can't be true because unless you're on 500k/year and no longer care about money you're throwing your money away when you could just watch it for free online.
>TFW you could have had fpbp but your brain is half Guinness
I feel like I'm crazy every time I hear someone say Japan has good voice actors. It sounds like utter shit to me. They are incapable of expressing a "nonchalant" tone. They are always full throttle and lack any real emotion in their voice. Even the most meager moments are too much. Their voices lack "manliness", and they over act like crazy.
>poo loos
To be fair Bollywood isn't all bad and they can at least be expressive
Something something high caste poos still have Arian blood or something
>when you put your human suit on backwards
They're not.
Remember Clint Eastwood's Gran Torino? Those chinks were the most wooden actors I've ever seen.
she doesn't even look mad, just confused
technically, those were GOOKS. KNOW YOUR SLURS CUMSKINS
>asians arent expressive enough
>casts scarlet johansen
spoken like a true anime-watching nonce
There's nothing wrong with English voice acting, it's just that you're comparing the original actors who belong to a relatively bizarre culture, to voice actors who are dubbing cartoon from a culture they don't understand.
Americans voice acting American shows are on par with Japs voice acting Japanese shows. But dubbing always sucks.
They were zipperheads!
Johanssen was perfect for the role. SJWs ruined the movie.
The movie however was not true to the original. That is why it ultimately failed.
Compared to english voice actors? I think the japanese are way better in general, I think they try to fit the characters they play.
I don't know if you are saying that they aren't able to do it or the characters themselves lack natural emotions.
>Ghost in the Taco Bell
> (You)
>They were zipperheads!
That too,
no,chinks are aliens
They just wanted to give the jew the role because she fills a bodysuit.
I'm indifferent as I only knew that that show existed, but never watched it. Won't watch the movie; not even tempted.
>Still waiting on people to realize flipping off the camera isn't "edgy and cool" anymore
Glenn in the walking dead is a pretty decent actor
>asians aren't expressive
>let's cast scarlett johansson instaed
what did they mean by this?
Their lives are too hard to let something weak like sympathy or anything like that to exist in their hearts.
I don't think so, do you think for example Rick and Morty voice acting is good? Video game dubbing?
Most of the time I see that Italian voice acting is better than the original American acting in an english movie for example, they also do a great job with anime. I really think English voice actors are just not enough skilled.
Post the pic with his eyeball hanging out.
I-Is she trying to scowl? I mean, I understand the finger, obviously. What the hell is she doing with her face though?
I think you're just flat out retarded if you think Italians know how to voice act.
I'd describe it an inquisitive glare
delete your post rn
I'm not so sure about that. Here he is trying to show excitement. As you can see, it didn't go so well.
What did you watch to think that?
I've had a japanese girlfriend for over 5 years now and can confirm they're not very emotional. she's just like Rei Ayanami from that anime with the giant robots that weebs love so much that I watched when I was a teenager before I grew out of anime.
>Maurene Goo
I wasn't necessarily comparing it to English voice actors, but just acting in general. It's not entirely fair because you can't express things with body language, but they don't do a good job with what they did have. I actually think English voice acting is good, but misunderstood. If you watched the orginal Japanese first the English will seem very tame by comparison. Eventually people grow too used to the Japanese and can't stand the English.
That's irrelevant. If you're actually going to say that people dubbing over the voices in a life action movie are better than the original actors, then there's something wrong with you.
The whole culture of dubbing that exists in mainland Europe is a fucking cancer that needs to die.
Asians don't sell at the box office. That's the real reason. Nicolas Cage, Keanu Reeves, and Schwarzenegger can hardly display any emotions at all but it never hurt their careers.
Would be fun to spam the hashtag with these kinds of pictures.
Pick one
>Asians don't sell at the box office.
>Keanu Reeves
Japanese Darth Vader > original
Do it.
They're basically robots
Japanese and Korean, aka westernized asians, people are fairly expressive.
Chinese, Flips, Vietnamese and Thai aren't.
>are asians really capable of human emotions?
they literally eat dogs and babies
so no...
I don't know about acting in general, if we talk about voice acting I disagree, I don't have that feeling of tameness with Italian voice acting for example.
I don't like english voice acting but I "tolerate" italian dubbing because it's still good even thouh maybe worse than the Japanese.
I don't think it's strange that people who only train to act with their voice are better than a lot of original actors at talking, I didn't say all original actors.
I'm not sure that voice acting is a cancerous culture.
Tessho Genda dVOICE OVERubs Arnold Schwarzenegger in most of his movies, he's a thousand times better as an actor than the Austrian meathead
The TermInator is supposed to be robotic and emotionless I guess but the way this guy VOICE-deeuubs his lines is funny as shit
I get what you mean, but that is just their style and culture.
Find some videos of japanese people talking randomly and compare it to anime.
Its worlds apart.
Anime is much more direct and fast with exaggarated lines, while regular japanese is much more timid and slow.
The funniest thing about this is that she (he?) had to include the middle finger to signify that it was an angry face and not just middle aged asian resting bitch face
Even niggers aren't big draws, which is why they always use the same handful of actors who happen to get popular. In the 80s and early 90s, it was Eddie Murphy, then it was Will Smith, and now it seems to be Idris Elba. Sprinkle that with some Denzel Washington and Samuel L Jackson, and you've got most of the niggers who aren't relegated to supporting cast.
You mean they lack depth and warmth?
Maybe if they weren't playing meme adolescents they'd deploy it.
also her name seems to have been truncated
Kevin Hart is the highest grossing comedic actor of all time.
Not saying he's funny, but I respect his work for trying to appeal to all audiences and be a family oriented funny man.
Found the weebs
>I'm not sure that voice acting is a cancerous culture.
It is. You just don't realize it because you've grown up around it.
Nobody expects the Gook Inquisition
>Kevin Hart is the highest grossing comedic actor of all time.
Seriously? That guy is painfully unfunny and seems like a terrible person.
Why is it cancerous?
source? moar?
asians can only see white skin. this is why the meme "jews fear the samurai" has no merit when modern day japanese cant tell the difference between a white person or jew
He's actually a really cool guy and refused to condemn Trump or say he supports BLM.
He basically said it's his job to entertain and getting political limits his audience.
If it weren't for the middle finger I'd say that expression was "sad."
> found the weebs on their website
wow congratulations you may jump off the building now
I never said Italian was tame. I've never heard and Italian dub but I would imagine it's louder/faster than English. I was saying in my post. English is so tame compared to Japanese people don't like it. Italian is probably closer to Japanese with the exaggerations and overall pace.
Pretty good descriptions.
>on their website
Sup Forums was the first board created and Sup Forums was already more active than Sup Forums in 2007
I got him mixed up with Tracy Morgan for some reason. I've only seen Kevin Hart on Conan, so I don't really have an opinion on him.
>grow up in Canada
>surrounded by Asians
>see them acting the same
>see them dressing the same
>see them talking the same
>see them driving the same shitty way
>see them aspiring to do the same even in sexuality
>eventually come to terms with racism
>call them robots because they don't have regular human emotions
>work at university
>literally every other group of humans are more or less the same, though some have more douchebags and more nice guys than others
>except chinks
>[Racism Intensifies]
I am not joking when I say that working at a university, I became less racist towards other groups, INCLUDING niggers. I even dated a black girl for a while.
Chinese people are, BY FAR, the LEAST human people I have ever met. I am not saying they are not human or want to deny them human rights, but even Koreans were more human than the Chinese. Working at a university made me less racist towards everyone EXCEPT the Chinese, where I became more racist.
I have always referred to them as robots, but you guys call them insect or insectoid, but we are getting at the same fucking thing. Honestly, the thought of China becoming a superpower scares the living shit out of me. They are like the fucking Zerg.
>pic related
If you ever want to know how Chinese do business, download this audiobook. Finished it on a plane ride across Canada. Can find it on piratebay.
Because you're changing the vision of the director, and it's impossible to time the lines to match the mouth movement in a believable manner, so you either get awkward sentence structures in order to make it fit, or the mouth movement doesn't match.
Also, no sane person on earth thinks that dubbing is superior to the actual actors speaking their lines.
notice the first thing it mentions
> board for every kind of thing is more popular than board for 1 specific thing
wow, truly fascinating
Just google "Asians" and "ahegao", you Democrat pig.
you tell me.
something something communism
>I never said Italian was tame
I know, I'm saying that if people can't go back to english dubbing after hearing the japanese original is because the english one is just worse, if it's tame it just means it's just not done well, I don't have that feel with Italian dubbing.
I can still enjoy italian voice acting because it's still pretty good, there's a lot of study behind it, I don't think english voice actors have the same skill and importance in their country.
Sup Forums was anime random you inbred non-white