An Israeli leftist activist is crying because the son of the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is using this meme from "not nice antisemitic conspiracy sites"
An Israeli leftist activist is crying because the son of the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is using this meme from...
here is the post of Netanyahu's son
>Likud: We want the Sup Forums audience
The jews have fallen for the memeology trap.
That's clearly a scheming nazi happy merchant edit edit. Nothing antisemitic about that at all.
he lives off neet bux and has no job.
one of us!
please Sup Forums post some good memes
here is the tweet
I find it amusing when you Israelis post happy merchants.
can u translate what he writes
MFW Bibi's son is a notorious Sup Forumsack
Is the Netanyahu family redpilled?
well the international jew and a lot of politicians hate him so I intend to think so
>a happy merchant postes happy merchant memes on (((social media)))
funny story, the original ben garrison edits that launched the Ben "6 million more" Garrison into alt-right infamy were edited by a Sup Forums going jew
M8, if you Isrealis become nazis and support the right to European peoples to have homogenous ethnostates as well, I will legit be your greatest ally.
Just stop the fucking diaspora kikes from meddling with our shit.
Israel has always been redpilled!
"In the photo on the right: a post from the son of the Prime Minister of the Jewish People.
In the picture on the left: The source of anti-Semitic inspiration."
and in the picture:
"Laughter aside, the source of caricature is in not nice at all anti-Semitic conspiracy sites.
Where the guy surfs and acquires an "education" "
right wing conservative israeli jews are usually pretty cool
Right wing Israelis are our allies.
All they want is a homeland for their people. They understand.
lel that would just throw the narrative into total chaos
Israeli Jews go Nazi to fight globalist Jews, while the shills tied their own hands with hate speech bullshit
what fucking timeline even is this anymore?
yea everyone and everything is "redpilled" now
SJW's are redpilled!
Conservatives are redpilled!
Israel is redpilled
Africa is redpilled!
My dog is redpilled!
>Check out this based black guy in trump hat!
Obama is redpilled!
Israel is the redemption of the Jewish people.
Soros paid protests waving Pal flags and chanting DEATH TO ISRAEL. The Left is more of a danger to Israel than the Right.
You don't sound very redpilled to me
I don't have to become nazi in order to support the right to European peoples to have homogenous ethnostates.
I do support it
is the guy complaining about it even semitic? or is he just some ashkenazi European
My shows are redpilled man!!!
"The goyim know, SHUT IT DOWN!"
Can you explain this shit then?
stop talking nonsense, goy
I'm not going to watch all of this shit, but I will say that I'm against """refugees"""
I love travel to europe from time to time, and I do appreciate the culture, science, etc.
I don't want to see it destroyed
Sup Forums discover that there is no such think like jewish hivemind. :o
Post this for me, greatest ally, I don't have a twatter.
Nothing gets me harder than a heeb calling me goy.
>Israel is redpilled
>Israel is repdilled
>Israel is reptille
Judging his actions, he seems to be carefully navigating the country's image from one of globalist swinery to that of a right honourable ethnostate which ethno-nationalist organisations wouldn't necessarily want to nuke.
We know that the globalists played their hand too soon, but it's entirely possible some of them knew better and have been trying to prepare Israel for over a decade.
All I'm saying is that it's essential to remain sceptical.
Every time the Jews got banished, they bartered their way back in.
>if you Isrealis become nazis and support the right to European peoples to have homogenous ethnostates as well,
Israel was the last nation to support Rhodesia and Apartheid
It was also one of the few nations to support the serbs in the bosnian war
Can't get subsidized submarines from the germans or billions from the swiss without the holocaust racket goy.
fuck i just want bibi to be our dictator and yair to be his heir
>Implying the meme came first
They are seizing our memes of production!
Battle stations goys!
"The Jew may tell a lie to the goyim when appropriate and will not be punished." ~ The Talmud.
What a funny coincidence that the sa communist party was so interested in the anc.
"Shall the Goyim ever find out what we teach about them, this is equal to the killing of all the Jews. They will kill us openly." ~ The Talmud
Why do liberal diaspora jews hate Israel? I thought they are all Zionists
Oy nee, niet m'n thee
imagine yourself stuck outside the party
There's not enough interest to sustain a jewish ethnostate for the long haul.
Jews would rather skim the cream off the top than engage in the hard work of holding the land, so Israel is destined to fail.
Those are filthy american jews.
Israeli jews are based and supported Apartheid to the end
>youve got good spidey senses
What do you know about the erev rav?
In some sense many/ most Jews are red pilled, but they have an incentive structure that kind of dictates that they fuck over the goyim
However one has to admit that some weird shit is happening with Jews and Donald J. Trump so there may be a certain recognition that they don't really benefit from Marxist third worldists taking over the USA.
Interesting times
No, they were south african jews in south africa. A cursory internet search would refute your belief that they're american.
>politicians are browsing Sup Forums
Not all Jews.
they are more dangerous than the goyim
Basically, diaspora Jews are subverting a little too hard for their own good
Well, a lot too hard for their own good
They're killing the 'Murricans who literally worship them and the 'Murricans are slowly noticing.. incredibly slowly, but it still represents a questionable choice
Can someone please post his twitter account? I can't find it anywhere!
>pole thinks one nonmember of the hivemind disproves the hivemind
>the only times the israelis take off their memeflags is when it's an israel thread
why you cunts hiding under nazi flags all the time, some of the funniest posts are kike shitposters've got it backwards.
Probably that jew that started the Garrison edits
scerch Yair hun
i was from a facebook account
cuz they nazis
Sup Forums control the Jews who control Sup Forums who control the Jews
We have the best memes folks
>jews psychologically fucked up because forever immigrants
>get a native land
>become even bigger shitlords than whites
>become even bigger shitlords than whites
how is this true?
ethnic cleansing Muslims and getting away with it while our countries cuck to anyone brown
absolute madmen
>tfw Sup Forums is more subversive than the jews and indoctrinated jew pm son
How so?
Jews benefit from subverting and PWNing their host population but actually killing it off (when it is already totally subservient) seems like a risky scheme
White evangelicals were never going to be a threat, but Marxist third worldists are harder to predict.
>getting away with it
I wish you were right, but whites have special attraction to the Muslim dick
>implying his post wasnt for the lols and hes just as jewish as they want you to believe
only a retard would think hes OUR GUY LEL
How much do you wanna bet he posts here?
So basically the Jews realized they fucked up? Or are the Jews getting Jewed too?
also the twitter is raging, every "type z" politician and journalist wrote about it.
Sup Forums is too powerful
we antisemites now
also no one here uses twitter everyones in kikebook
Can't even tell who's jewing who.
actually, in the side of the picture there is a credit to the facebook group from which he probably took it.
more like divide between Jews themselves
Sup Forums: love through hate
Sup Forums: peace through comedy
Sup Forums: unity through separation
>pol controls the memes
>memes control the jews
>jews control the goys
pol controls the world?
No race war, so inconclusive.
One of us!
how was your initial reaction to this?
Genuine question.
What do the runes say
this is the facebook page
its full of dank memes
I assume some of them are noticing a dangerous trend.
>Get rid of the 'smart'-goy, thinking you can control the rest like cattle
>Realize that the dumb ones are more likely going to join islam.
>Now no one is going to protect them when the muslim horde decides to go all out.
I think we might have to call it a day on Anti-Semitism if they're this capable of banter / memeing. I really just don't have it in me to hold any negative opinion of Israel or Israelis at this point.
>he couldn't be bothered clicking "translate from hebrew" so us lowly goyim could read the master's writing
yea they're really sympathetic what's the worse that could happen right you stupid goy?
i first found out i had jewish ancestry when i was like 11 because i made a jew joke (i watched south park) and my mum said i have jewish ancestors, i didnt feel disgusted because i was fucking 11 and having jewish ancestors wasnt anymore special than having christian ancestors to me, except jewish ancestry made me a little more unqiue
before the DNA test i already knew i was atleast 1/4 jewish so when i got the DNA back the only thing i was shocked by was the fact that im 10% italian/greek, i thought i was atleast 70% british
its funny because after browsing Sup Forums for so long i eventually was able to recognise jewish facial feautres and realised that my mum actually looks jewish
Israeli Jews are fine, it's the global elites and diaspora Jews that are the problem.
oy vey
He's right. The worst problem right now are leftist feelfags, there is no reasoning with them.
A sane individual can balance between self-interest and moral imperatives, to achieve results that are not cruel and not self-damaging. Leftists can't do that, they are possessed by one extremity.