/AHSG/ Atlantic Hurricane Season General - LONGING FOR WARMER WATERS EDITION


>Hurricane Center Update 11 AM EST
>GFS Model Run 12 PM EST
>Fucking up north Cuba and heading to Florida

>Windspeed 130 MPH
>Pressure 937 mb
>Latest models still tracking west and showing landfall somewhere along the Gulf Coast side of Florida
>Traffic is lighter throughout the Florida interstates today. There is still time to leave.



>Track the Tropics

>Tropical Tidbits

>Real-Time Irma Guidance

>Storm Visualization:

Emergency Info:
>Florida Department of Emergency Management

>Hurricane Preparedness

>The Weather Channel - Music from Local Forecasts in the 1980s-1990s

>Livecam Meta Site



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Cuba fucked her boys. It's NOT HAPPENING.

big if true

first for wipe miami off the face of the earth

Will this be storm of the century or what?


wow it's NOTHING

How's the outcome for Tampa looking? Should I evacuate yet?

Port Richey reportan, Irma's a dickteasing braphog

Who else /GET ON WITH IT/ here?

>tfw south GA
how fucked am I if at all?

Cuba raped Irma, its a tropical depression now everyone head home.

WHAT THE FUCK Sup Forums! I was promised a happening! 130MPH and pressure at 937Mb?? WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT?!?

The Jews need to come back with all the food and water.

Reminder, all Irma threads are brought to you by Publix, where shopping is a pleasure.

>Many stores open until 6:00pm today. See publix.com for details. Online easy ordering still down wgile stores focus on in-store needs.

First response picks sub flavor of thread.

t. Irma

Until the next Storm of the Century (tm) happens next year

>I'm leaving on a jet plane

>130 winds

It's fucking nothing

>Irma-Chan en route to warm gulf water
>reports say AL, MS, LA are the targets

no, grab hug a coconut tree

>All those fags heading north in the path of the storm


Tendies of course!

Winter Park's will be closing at 5pm today

Looks like they already got hit. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, user.


>MFW it's fucking nothing

Why does Key West have so many hens?


>Thinking Irma is the real storm

she's just prepping the land.

Tendie sub wins again.
With or without buffy sauce though?

I'm sorry Tampa user, I may have killed your parents


STOP IT. i'm a damn Yankee and i want one but can't have one.

Aye. Her organization is collapsing. there's a fuck ton of shear now too.

Not a fan of the sauce sorry.


Jeb should have been 2020

Buffy sauce if you like spice
But no sauce is just as nice

Get it tossed in honey mustard

Just how fucked is Naples?

What the fuck is going on with weather underground, they won't update? I was getting 20.00 hours now i'm back to 1900 hours, WTF

Naples user here. Sup niggers? WHOS READY TO DIE TODAY???

>cat 5
lol it'll be a cat 3 by Tampa.

>mfw all those idiots worried over nothing that spent a ton of money
>Water bottling companies and lumber yard owners rubbing their hands

Any Tampafags here? GET OUT NOW

nothing yet. Was just out driving around down town naples. Place is a complete ghost town

Thread worth it for new Irma-chan!


>Miami is spared



North of Orlando here. Looks like we are going to be getting that Northeast side of the storm aren't we?

the UK websites think its true

I'm hoping the forecasts are wrong and it powers up to a high cat 4

East of downtown Tampa here. I have no idea how to feel about any of this.

We are evacuating as many as possible

Fuck this I'm going to sleep and next time I wake up going to have that fat bitch over me.

Tendie sub, no buffy sauce!

>Nothing sauce, Irma edition sub


Irma-chan artist, do you have a website? You've made a lot of fans here!

Would like to make Irma-chan a thing outside Sup Forums and need to be able to give credit.

>he still feels
You must be new here.


Landfall will weaken it.

Fuck means work/classes will probably start up sometime this week again.

Boars head londonport roast beef on white. Lettuce, tomato, onion, cucumber, bell pepper, mayo, mustard, subsauce. Cheddar cheese.

You guys do realize there are a bunch of publixs outside of florida, right?

Also their tendies are a bit worse than chick fil a and their subs are just ok.

Ive been going to publix since i was a kid. Its twice as good as other groceries, and definitely way better than subway, but not nearly as good as what you would get at a lot of restaurants.

>Jews raising the price of OJ because of a storm

I didn't know the hurricane somehow made the existing stock of OJ disappear


Same here.

My mom doesn't want to leave naples but I'm not much better I live close to Miami beach I hope you guys make it

Nah. Been here since the beginning. Abandoning either emotions OR logic makes you a pitiful beast whether you want to be or not.

>mrw direct hit on Disney World & Universal Studios. pedos BTFO

how do the chickens feel about that?

>no buffy sauce
Thank you. Everyone seems to go apeshit over the buffalo sauce on tender subs but desu its much better without.

>chicken tender on wheat
>light mayo
>provolone or cheddar
>then some spinach

every time

sheet cake for irma edition?

Northern St. Pete reporting in

2nd floor of a strong apartment, gonna be fun

Orange trees fly north when storms come in

>My dry kitcon will live on for you

Does this even impact orange farming schedules?


Fucking cubans just can't go on a day without raping someone. 'Muricans should have just glassed the fuckers when they had the chance.

>Raising chickens and not superior ducks or geese


Wait, they didn't evacuate the Hemingway house!?

fuck off with your carb jew shit making everyone fat


>takes the memeing seriously
Come on now, just HOW NEW ARE YOU?!

(wish me luck in Miami)

It'll be alight here. My house is at 6ft elevation though so come some time tomorrow I might be submerged. Home is west of 41 in south naples.

Naples here too Bro IT'S BETTER TO BURN OUT THAN TO FADE AWAY youtube.com/watch?v=wcW_Ygs6hm0

Listen to the Hotline Miami OST while you wait. It can help. :^)

Excellent choice.

I think our subs are nearly unmatched in quality meats for the price.

Where are people getting that its a 3?

>still going west
>still getting weaker
this kills the happeningfag.jpg

Lehigh fag here. Let's go with honor, unlike those fags at Miami who would've died like bitches.

Good lord you're stupid.

I hate honey mustard but I always get it on the tendies sub because it's the perfect combo
You know exactly what you're talking about

i find it hilarious how news reporters are secretly happening bros

you can hear them say things like " dont be doubtful this storm could easily get back to a category 5"

like they encourage it to happen

>publix having a field day with all the free publicity

>poltards fall for it

you fags are actually retarded holy shit

Arizona is doomed now.

Get fucked. It's Naples being wiped off the face of the earth.


>Karbz r bad
Lift some weights, FFS are you even white?

Dropping the hottest bars in sign language

If repeating, Irma will restrengthen and get extra THICC before hitting Florida


holy shit lmao