If your great grandfather had access to porn like you do, would you exist?
Porn is (((their))) biggest weapon, why do you capitulate Sup Forums?
Giving in to the electric jew is accepting defeat. Stop.
If your great grandfather had access to porn like you do, would you exist?
Porn is (((their))) biggest weapon, why do you capitulate Sup Forums?
Giving in to the electric jew is accepting defeat. Stop.
If i didn't exist how could i care?
You're getting it
Germans always defend their porn habits
> "it's not cuckoldry it's just on a screen"
Uh yeah they did, they also had access to cleaner hookers too.
He wouldn't need it. Decent women still existed back in those times. A man could make a good living. There wasn't an active invasion going on.
If you think they had the same easy access you are a nigger
>comparing our ancestors to your chinese ones.