If your great grandfather had access to porn like you do, would you exist?
Porn is (((their))) biggest weapon, why do you capitulate Sup Forums?
Giving in to the electric jew is accepting defeat. Stop.
If your great grandfather had access to porn like you do, would you exist?
Porn is (((their))) biggest weapon, why do you capitulate Sup Forums?
Giving in to the electric jew is accepting defeat. Stop.
If i didn't exist how could i care?
You're getting it
Germans always defend their porn habits
> "it's not cuckoldry it's just on a screen"
Uh yeah they did, they also had access to cleaner hookers too.
He wouldn't need it. Decent women still existed back in those times. A man could make a good living. There wasn't an active invasion going on.
If you think they had the same easy access you are a nigger
>comparing our ancestors to your chinese ones.
Good thread OP.
Stop watching porn.
Stop posting porn.
Stop thinking about porn.
Based thread. Have a bump. You're doing a great thing OP
>flag checks out
It's not men and porn, its the WOMEN.
>cock carousel
>rampant feminism
It's why sex robots are moving forward and becoming more real. Why put up with some stupid picky bitch when you can have your own quality time with a perfect 10 willing to let you have her any way you want.
The only thing missing is loyalty and love, but hey, since women these days only love themselves... when in Rome, and all that...
> not realizing there are no chinks anywhere but toronto and the entirety of B.C.
I resent them more than you
Things were very different back then.
Women wanted to be wives are barely even had the right to vote.
It wasn't hard for an average blue collar guy to get a nice house in the white suburbs and a dutiful wife to provide for.
Now women are obsessed with themselves and have infiltrated the workforce. They also refuse to date men who are inferior to them so essentially if you aren't lawbro chad thundercock who makes 500k a year and owns multiple Porsches, you're screwed.
Porn is an escape for guys these days. Fix women and porn will be easy to destroy IMO
>He wouldn't need it
What makes you think you need porn?
>expecting a Norwog to know anything other than the flavour of German/Swedish cock
You're a generous man, user.
Well said, but in order to fix women we must first reclaim our masculinity. Step 1 is to ditch porn forever.
You can't follow the 14 words and watch porn. It is one or the other.
Are you a man or a boy larping as a man?
Is it still OK to touch myself?
>everything is all white women's fault
>muh sexbots
>pls don't have kids goyim
Broken records
It's not my problem if i have a fucked genetic, i'm pretty short and ugly, my dick is average in length but below average in girth so i'm a pencil dick and i will never give pleasure to a girl, if im lucky and i find a gf she will ask me to have an open relationship or some liberal shit so, i think i will die a virgin and thats better for everyone, the world is fucked anyways
Keeping it to once a week is ideal imo. A little less than that if you can manage it. Twice a week max.
Stop being a faggot
I'm currently en route to be lawbro Chad thundercock who makes 500k a year.
I'm getting shit done. So no I'm not larping.
> hurr durr short ugly men cant accomplish anything so i might as well let apathy end my bloodline
That was a question for men in general. Good work burger I expect great things from you.
stop being a faggot and your will dick size will increase xD or be urself
>5'7 in 1800
he wasnt short at all, thats propaganda
>he wasnt short at all, thats propaganda
Alexander the Great was unusually short for his time and for a Macedonian. He accomplished quite a few things. Manlets can do great things in life, they just have to work harder. Ugly chicks are worthless, ugly men produce and improve civilization. Know the difference
t. 6´3 btw
do kegels to increase girth
Poor Nazi LARP'er...
Whatever dude. We all know the problem, and that problem isn't porn. I didn't say "white women" either, I said ALL women...
So you like your women full of tattoos? Walking around being feminist cunts?
IF you don't like porn, don't watch porn. IF women filled the truly traditional role of being the female and stop riding the endless cock carousel, there wouldn't be any need for rampant porn use by the general masses.
There will always be the shitbags that are sex-addicted etc that will need porn so it will always exist.
two months doing kegels
Your mindset is pityful, kill yourself.
>wahh wahh wahh women are mean
The point of this thread is to promote stopping porn addiction, not endlessly vent your insecurities with women.
>my deadline is not in one year
Great. Go enjoy being a self pitying porn addict until then, and quit shitting up the board. When yous self pity finally does you in, make sure to not leave a big mess for the white police to have to clean up.
what are u talking about
im not porn addicted kek, i spend my days reading about the glorious past and listening to chill music
u have a lot of hate inside nazi-kun
Good for you then
Will instant gratification kill your bloodline?
Why do people assume you can't watch porn and have kids?
Why would you want to have a kid and trap another divine spark in this hell.
>being a husband and father
>watching the virtual jew
Come on now
>If your great grandfather had access to porn
maybe the internet is more prolific but op is still an underage moron
> not reading the whole sentence
You can't just call everyone you don't like a Jew just like people throw the word Nazi around.
Apparently the modern man has seen more naked women than all of his ancestors combined.
You can but you will be doing damage to your relationship with your wife, which could lead to divorce, which would be bad for your kids.
Day 15 checking in
It's worked well for them.
Too comfy here up North.
In what way will any 4chaners not watching porn stop women from being butt-ugly and nasty feminists?
Porn encapsulates men.
It may be a (((solution))) to the problem of women, but we don't need porn to deal with them, and if anything porn prevents us from dealing with them.
I would love porn/fapping, but people start to treat me like shit in workplace/social circles when I masturbate
Literally this is noticeable even by diary entries
When I am on +1-2 months without masturbating I get extreme respect, nobody starts shit with me and I seem to have magnetic quality that even strangers talk with me in the streets and say stuff like "Have a nice day good sir"
When I masturbate all of this stops, people look me as If I am criminal, disgusted looks on their faces, treat me like shit, boss treats me like shit and people generally act aggressive towards me
>It´s all in your head
No it´s not. I´m on 2 months nofap right now and get extreme respect. If I would open up porn site now and bust a load the effects would be immediately noticeable at workplace on monday
I keep relapsing but in doing so I've noticed that it's taking less and less time for the nofap effects to return.
Things like a deeper voice, confidence, looking people in the eye without disgust, etc. It used to take a week but now it's three to four days.
Haven't had the magnetic attraction yet, although people do start conversations with me when I haven't wanked in four to six days.
I've dated 5 """"traditional christian"""" women, and they all start to show their colors as soon as things become more serious.
first, it is amazing, finding a girl that is somewhat traditional.
then later on they get start getting mad when you ask them to cook something for you or being you a drink.
"you have legs, do it yourself"
Then one day they ill break down, and revel that they are not virgins, and fucked a half dozen guys by the time she turned 18.
And it snow balls to the point you realieze that she was just another brainwashed kike slut. Only difference is that she was smart enough to play nice christian girl, rather than sperg out and join slut walks.
No thanks, I'm sticking to my animu girls.
The good old days when single moms were ostracized and called whores...