TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #31 9/8/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania departing for Camp David 9/8/17
>SoS T-Rex opening remarks @US/Kuwaiti Dialogue 9/8/17
>USDA Sec Purdue on Fire Funding 9/8/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, HSA Bossert) 9/8/17
>This Week @State 9/8/17
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #7 (Lara) 9/8/17
>Pres Trump update on Hurricane Irma/Dems/NoKo 9/7/17
>Pres Trump/Amir al-Sabah Press Conf 9/7/17
>Pres Trump meets Kuwaiti Amir al-Sabah 9/7/17
Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
Ivanka and Tiffany look equally weird/ugly to me
It will never cease to confuse me as to why to many think Ivanka looks like 11/10 or something like that
You cannot refute this
Layer : 45
>Asking why Sessions and the DoJ aren't prosecuting Lois Lerner
>This means I am advocating for his firing
Stop assuming I want Sessions gone, as I don't. I am asking why we aren't seeing Lerner being rightfully prosecuted for her crimes.
>Trump supports the basic theory
Bullshit, he is an international businessman. He wants revitalized manufacturing and such like a sensible person in the face of a protectionist global market when places like the gulf states and China subsidize production of everything.
Fake Interpreter LIVE on National TV
I think she got bullied for looking like a jew and converted.
When does wall construction start?
Oh really so where does Trump support anti-America business deals?
Ivanka is definitely an 11/10, Tiffany is a little bit of a different story...
Have you ever considered the possibility that you might be a fag?
desu only Don Jr came out looking normal
Trump made person do thing
You know why I voted for Trump? To sign the DREAM act!
big if true
>Yeah breh, free trade got us,where we are. Let's stick the course
What are they gonna do, eat all of the dollars we trade goods for? Having a healthy manufacturing base is good and so is caring for your citizenry with good jobs but isolationism is insane and I want to harm people who promote it.
Business laws and deals are government-to-government bullshit often. I am probably the only person here who voted for Trump and wanted a TPP like deal because less trade barriers and a developed SEA and EA is good to counter China and sink our teeth into international markets. My views are my own though.
"Let's not crash the debt ceiling with no survivors", "let's get a budget by December", and "let's get relief to hurricane victims" are all pretty bipartisan goals. Meanwhile GOP ™ wanted an 18month temporary budget extension, no wall funding, and a higher debt ceiling
as he said he'd do on the campaign trail
Think of it this way:
> Trump my son. It's time to choose the path you wanna follow
> in the democrat side they propose raising the debt ceiling for 3 months along with Harvey funds, allowing for the saber rattling over it with congress to restart just before Christmas.
> in the Republican side they want to raise the debt ceiling for 18 months, removing a government shutdown, the one weapon you chose to wield to get budget for the wall, conveniently until after the midterms
> choose wisely
Btw, crying that the better option would be not raising the debt ceiling (right now) is stupid: it wouldn't make America spend less as the money was already spent at the second the federal government hired all those people and congress agreed to all that entitlements.
Not raising the debt ceiling before getting rid of that mandatory expenditure is like deciding to stop paying your credit card.before paying it up in full. You may not pay for it now but the debt will just grow regardless.
As it is Trump postponed the wall fight for after Harvey and Irma are fully funded
Neither Trump nor I am talking hard 1800s listianism but you must admit cucking to the chinks isn't working either, we must protect our industry
>There is only Laissez-faire and full blown isolationism
Pro tip: what Trump advocates for is a medium. As long as it benefits the American Working middle class, he's for it.
sessions is in it to nab stoners
if it aint kush he dont care
Amnesty Don, he wants to repeal DACA, but keep it
He wants to ban transsexuals in the military, but his regulation clearly states they don't have to do so.
He wants to repeal Obamacare, but gives up after the first try
He wants to get out of Afghanistan till he's shown a picture of an Afghan girl.
Trump is for neo-listism in theory. Protect our industry, ensure our trade elsewhere.
>DADDY look at this picture of this one dreamer child crying!
Please stop with this nonsense.
I'm not familiar with this particular case but may I assume executive immunity? Burden of proof is immense assuming he didn't fucked up and put ill intention in writing
Please stop with this nonsense.
How do we stop the epidemic of Sup Forumsacks forgetting how to use apostrophes?
>Ivanka that's Gary Sanchez of the New York Yankeea
My dick is worth more than her finger nails.
Hey guys Greg Lansky here AMA
Iowa White pop 2016: 2,702,000
Iowa white pop 2017 estimate: 2,715,000
user wants us to stop bullying him
>it's another Ivankaposter keeps whoring out le Ivanka controls Trump meme episode
Greg you are my favorite user
Pic related
Hey Greg, there's no need for a name, as your information can only be hampered by a name
He's right you know.
I really really hate the term cucking because it implies you are making someone a cuck by old use of that term but I'm going to set that aside actually address that argument:
Chinese are going in and taking business where we refuse to. They are building infrastructure for trade across South Asia, SEA, and Africa as well as securing great economic ties with neighboring countries.
>VANG VIENG, Laos — Along the jungle-covered mountains of Laos, squads of Chinese engineers are drilling hundreds of tunnels and bridges to support a 260-mile railway, a $6 billion project that will eventually connect eight Asian countries.
Chinese money is building power plants in Pakistan to address chronic electricity shortages, part of an expected $46 billion worth of investment.
>Chinese planners are mapping out train lines from Budapest to Belgrade, Serbia, providing another artery for Chinese goods flowing into Europe through a Chinese-owned port in Greece.
>The massive infrastructure projects, along with hundreds of others across Asia, Africa and Europe, form the backbone of China’s ambitious economic and geopolitical agenda. President Xi Jinping of China is literally and figuratively forging ties, creating new markets for the country’s construction companies and exporting its model of state-led development in a quest to create deep economic connections and strong diplomatic relationships.
If we don't reach out then China will and eat our lunch as they have been doing for a decade. We become cucked in that way. Argue substantively instead of with meme words please.
Please archive those
>nytimes com/2017/05/13/business/china-railway-one-belt-one-road-1-trillion-plan.html?mcubz=1
I advise you to read up on Friedrich List tho, he is important
*tips sea*
Just think of cuck as the white man's version of coon.
Very simply Trump's ideals meeting reality is about as free trade minus freedom of movement for harmful people's as I could have gotten. Congress and reality will temper his isolationist tenancies which can not work in a modern system. We need to work to counter Chinese development and business. .5% economic growth loss in America is a many fold economic development increase to SEA nations who can help counter Chinese power balance.
Ivanka is so ugly even hundreds of thousands couldn't fix her face and her body is shit
Even though I hate her and know you fucks are completely mental and she's definitely ugly, her voice is a gift from the gods and I would jack it to her if she made a JOI every night before bed
user Trump's policy is to cuck china hard,
She's gorgeous. Sure I can't refute how you feel. Attrractiveness is somewhat subjective.
My guess is repubs will agree to some sort of legal DACA that grants protections from deportion. It'll be like a work permit or whatever. But full amnesty will be what the democrats demand, and house repubs aren't going to give them 1 million+ voters.
Govt will shutdown in December over the amnesty battle.
Please don't namefag for no reason.
I know, I'm just saying that this and that are poor substitutes for proper discourse.
Trump could allow Chinese development and ties to accelerate if we don't act properly.
she always looks like she is suffering inside, even when smiling
I can't explain it otherwise
last night Sup Forums exposed this week's social media viral dreamer. milo and coulter reporting it, so far. how many others are voting in our elections?
Well I don't see it.
Have you ever heard Jared speak before? That's why.
thats not how hurricanes work but ok mr assange.
It was going to shut down anyway with the wall vattke
There are over 3m illegals who qualify for DACA. 800k approved so far. But it's based on an honor system, ripe with fraud--could be as high as 7m-8m all in
NO AMNESTY. period
Trump idolizes Andrew Jackson. Trump will get his trail of tears with Daca eventually ending. Am i wrong in predicting he will go after Fed or Central Banks by 2020?
he never said any of those things, roma pig
Are you telling the brains behind BLACKED to stop being a homosexual?
Fine. Let it shut down. What is anyone expecting congress to accomplish in 2018 anyway?
what does this mean?
He posted it 6 million times, user. Image and all
>Think a super rare case of jap stands up for all the asisan.
I wonder who is behind this get.
Katia wasn't a hurricane...Irma keeps changing course and Jose is doing his own thing.
We're not allowed to tell people to stop namefagging now?
>This is your first female president
What do?
Is Michelle Malkin /ourgirl/?
Also, I bet you didn't know that she's nearly 50. Aging like fine wine.
then post it for the 6,000,001th time faggot
The mods understand the power of the eternal KFC/EBT/BBC
Nice. I tried to fix it up a bit.
Slip her the koolaid if you know what I mean
It was easier for Andy Jack in his time but Trump will somehow make his hero proud from beyond the grave.
Why is it so fucking hard for the GOP to do any of the things voters want them to do.
Do they now want to win? I think that is legitimately quite possible.
So is DeVos officially /ourgal/?
That nigger is beyond the normal nigger level of stupid.
Always was
Trump's policy is to sell china coal
And if they don't like it, we flood the market with rare earth metals
Trump wants to re-astore America as the principal economy
Yes, but I wonder how much of the Marxist universities she can change?
I dont know what you mean, please elaborate.
That's an awfully narrow plan.
Hello FBI. You guys better stop sending me underage models. Almost got me last time.
this needs go be next OP
Stop derailing the thread even further, faggot.
DeVos has been doing a really great job. How salty the left was over her really was a sign she was a good pick for the job.
accept it into your mind, then expand your mind
This refresh your noggin?