Congratulations, Nazis. The the most successful man, the main icon, the spotlight of your ideology was a sexually pervert, mentally-ill moron.
Congratulations, Nazis. The the most successful man, the main icon...
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i always see people discrediting right wing movements by saying that they are sexually frustrated
>some random book claims something
wew who fucking gives a shit
I'm pretty sure he was a nofapper. He said something like: "An energy powerful enough to create life should be kept inside you and invoke a virtous passion."
French soldiers are known for being pussies.
>muh dick
I guess he even masturbated jews to death with machines too, wow he is evil
Fuck you
t. french soldier
Whenever I see a communist criticizing a Nazi I just shake my head. Communism killed more people that Nazis ever did.
Every five years to ten years (((they))) find new degenerate things Hitler did.....
back when you had to fap to happenings irl. don't wankshame him.
[Bir Hakeim] is a further proof of the thesis which I have always maintained, namely that the French are, after us, the best soldiers in Europe. France will still be in a position, even with its current birth rate, to set up a hundred divisions. After this war, it will be necessary for us to establish a coalition capable of containing militarily a country capable of accomplishing military prowess which astonish the world as at Bir Hakeim
t. Adolf Hitler
Adolf was getting a blumpkin at the movies
This is tame to what the modern left do in the open today in 2017
Sup Forums isn't Nazis.
Hitler was an atheist.
That's because leftists are the pedos and don't want to be caught. For further info, search Pizzagate.
>Volker Elis Pilgrim
Back from Australia, still shitposting. Nice one, faggot, now stop plugging my damn book.
maybe because he was Christian
most of Germany was
religious people don't like sexual deviants
they were reserved about teaching teens about masturbation
Incredibly factual information undoubtedly.
>people familiar with his thinking have stated
>while not present for the act, the source's grandfather was present for the perverse act, the trauma of which passed down the genetic line
>thankfully he was able to survive three gassings, a firing squad, and near death in the clutches of a masterbation machine
>this powerful story of survival is only enhanced by memory of the most evil being in history, deftly carried through the blood
>to question such revelations after such adversity is clear evidence that such perverse evil is still alive and well, and should be dismissed
It was real in someone's mind, somewhere
Let me tell you something, this is a true story:
Every month the 13th, Hitler personally visited Buchenwald. He inspected the young jewish teenagers and chose two he deemed the most athletic and healthy. He then made Goebells (which also accompanied) prod them with an electric stick forcing them to dance. All this while furiously masturbating in his pants.
And how did this person uncover this? Meanwhile communist pedophiles are working their way into administrative positions in public systems on a global scale.
[Only the first link had documented ties]
Pedophiles took over the Catholic Church, and now they are indoctrinating through tube public school systems of Western Civilization.
>Source: a German
Wow it must be true, its not like they've collectively spent the last 70 years discrediting and distancing themselves from him. No bias at all.
>remember to sage
There's always some random thing coming to light about Hitler, I'd bet very little is true
I remember one guy saying Hitler was possessed by demons that made him have seizures and possessed him during speeches.
Literally Jews coming up with more bullshit to sell books. He's like their Messiah. They just keep milking him so we "never forget".
I like how they make everything about Hitler sexual, like the one ball, the micro-penis, the masturbatory machines that killed kids, etc
Also, remember the 6 nosillion
(((they're))) getting really desperate, eh?
Hitler was a pedophile.
...I don't know why media isn't covering it. The people in Austria that were around him knew it all.
It's just the daily mail
Kennedy orgies in romper room
“It was reported that Mrs. Jacqueline Hammond, age 40, has considerable information concerning sex parties,” the statement said.
Honestly, this is probably just some anti-Hitler propaganda.
Modern Left
>haha Hitler was a sexual degenerate
>of course I'd suck a trannies dick, I'm not sexist
Here's Michelle showing off her penis too.
Hitler was an autistic omega male and so are his followers
>born in Austria
>apply to art school and denied despite being fairly talented
>become war hero, nearly die
>spend ten years brawling with commies in the streets to save your beloved fatherland
>hate jews like everybody else in this age
>lead successful revolt, restore Germany to its former glory and then some, literally save your countrymen from starving
>attempt to reclaim rightful German clay
>make a few tactical errors, nearly conquer the world but ultimately lose
>100 years later you are documented as a child raping, pee drinking drug addict
that's hilarious
>tfw immune to gas
Why are they still slandering a man who's been dead for over seven decades?
Hitler was a true hero, who had the best intentions for his people.
History is written by the victors, and they have depicted him as a degenerate.
Because an idea never dies and it's as frightening today as it was back then.
>hfw it was literally just a shower
He was Germanys great leaders and one of the greatest leaders of all time.
It's well known that Jews in Europe didn't fucking shower at the time. What actually happened was the Nazis got sick of the damn sweaty smell and ordered the Jew fucks to go get washed. The Jews, not knowing the purpose of a shower, assumed they were getting killed.
>tfw the holocaust was just 6 million jews getting a scrubadubdub
Is that a quote from the book? What the hell is that?
>shit attracts flies
So is this another one of those unproven things or is there proofs to this? the laundry list of hitler factlets is already as rediculous as the holocaust, actually probably moreso
top kek this 100 %
The contradictions add up to something truly hilarious at this point. Hitler was:
>African ancestry
>Jewish ancestry
>Got castrated by shrapnel in WWI
>But still somehow got a French whore pregnant while on leave to heal from hi wounds
>Has a bastard son with a French whore despite being castrated and one testicle by shrapnel and also being GAY
>Was gay but also into scat fetish
>Was into sex with his dogs
>His niece committed suicide because he was in love with her (despite also being gay and no testicles and into sex with dogs and shit)
>He became vegetarian because she comitted suicide
>He became vegetarian because he had a rare fart disorder
>He became vegetarian because he was actually a pagan
You can find all these contradictory nonsense myths in articles in "serious newspapers". Its like a trope of propaganda for Jewish newspapers, the:
>"salacious Hitler true facts you didn't know that prove he was a complete hypocrite in some fantastical shocking way omg if only we knew!"
They're retarded stories that you expect from the jews. Who ares tbhfam, because there's infinitely better things in life to give a fuck about. What is demoralizing is knowing how many goyim believe the nonsense the media craps out. Its sad knowing that entire system is set up to turn us into the Proles from Orwell's 1984.
Ever notice that the longer we get from the end of WWII the more insane and ludicrous the stories get. It's almost as if the less people are alive to refute it, the more lies and outrageous things can be made up.
Actually true. Patton talks about how disgusting they were in his Diaries.
yes, and?
Funny how all these new wild claims of Hitler being a complete rootless degenerate all come out several decades after the man's life was documented. It's almost like someone's both bitter and projecting
Of course, this definitely happened.
Trust the psychics that project Hitler!!11!!
Its literally American Mainstream news reports. Words directly quoted from the new MSM beast that emerged during T.R.U.M.P.
into the trash
>as if you can trust the media which is obviously biased and left wing
>i laugh at you
Look up yellow journalism, user.
you'd jizz your pants if you saw your enemies who once blinded you and humiliated your country get shot on camera
Big word, no action. At least fight Islam irl instead of being a big boy on Sup Forums kys
This sounds about as credible as the roller coasters that led into ovens.
Its the only thing with any value left in the leftists brain and the Society they created around them.
>inb4 permavirgin
I like Sex, but the obsession these people have with it is ridiculous. Any opposition or unhappyness with the current system is immidietly counterd with "Oh you're a virgin!" or wondering if he/she has much Sex, simply because it is the only fucking thing with any goddamn worth left.
So he was fapping to snuff scenes? lel.
None of these have any weight behind them except the thing with his niece Geli Raubal, that is well documented. There's no evidence that he ever had sexual contact with her but he was extremely controlling of her like a mad jealous lover.
Imagine what the healthy ones can accomplish if even a mentally unstable one can bring a country from depression into the most prosperous and dangerous state in a few years and hold his own in a war in all directions.
That's a womynxs tactic. Trying to enforce an opinion with the threat of witholding her only worth, or ridiculing opinions with claims of not being good enough to enjoy her only worth.
Just leftied being lefties. Wherever a leftie holds an opinion he will use the same 'virtue' to paint his oponents as evil
>Sexual deviancy and hedonism is great guys watch me dance in my dildo costume next to a 10yo boy on hormones twerking in drag makeup.
>Hurrrr Hitler had kinks so hes bad
The more I study the Interwar Period and the Nazi movement itself, the more I come to appreciate Hitler.
He was trying to save European culture and power from the ravages of liberalism and communism. He also opposed corrupt capitalists who cared more about shekels than the health of the nation. Hitler was at the peak of human consciousness.
If the fascists had won WWII, Europe and Europe's descendants would be dominating the world, and we wouldn't be beholden to 3rd-world trash.
Lets do a quick checklist then
>Scat fetishist
>Raped and had his cousin murdered
>Drug addict
>Jewish heritage
>Had one testicle
>Had a micropenis
>"lurid pervert"
>Was a homosexual
>Was a virgin
I know I'm missing a few, lets churn them out anons. I cannot believe this man was real, so so bad :^)
>the thing with his niece Geli Raubal, that is well documented
lol none of it is "well documented". The "salacious stories" about third Reich are notoriously poorly documented. Most source back to the diaries of some Italian diplomat, or the (now admitted to be forged) Engels diaries. Salacious sex stories about the 3rd Reich are all Human Soap and Human Lampshades tier. Even the "respectable" historians repeat the same inevitably debunked myths, because its legally dangerous to "deny the holocaust", so they get a tiny basket of "accepted" sources, then just reference each other in a stovepipe fashion. Kind of like how the US intelligence community was "controversy averse" in its assessment of Iraq WMD, and just produced the conclusions it knew it was expected to produce. We truly are living in 1984 when there is such scant critical thinking that even "educated" people can't spot when information is dubious. You're all living in the decline of the West, typified by lies that have become so layered and saturated, that no one has the ability to tell lies from the truth anymore. We're all liars by default now. It literally 1984.
Says who? The jew
fucking whore of the jew.
For fucks sake go read 100,000 pages of history. You'll find that the winners make up bullshit all the time on the defeated enemy.
Also note retard German is the size of Montana.
Fucking jew lover go suck down more shit from the kike.
uh Alex, what is Jewish projection?
>destroys democracy
>breaks international treaties
>promotes a violent ideology of supremacy
>annexes whole nations with paramilitary infiltrators
>mass arrests his own people
>appropriates assets of political opponents
>rewrites the law to maximize his power
>invades foreign countries for conquest
>purges millions of his own people
>purges millions of foreigners
This was all fine.
>sex acts in a movie theater
This was a bridge too far!
>There is something fucking wrong with commmunists.
Witch craft
Alien believer
Hollow AND flat earther
Yeah, the first things you listed all apply to Stalin.
I am a sick pervert as well this just makes me worship Hitler even more. I hope this is true. I've legit jerked off to The Grey Zone where the little girl is gassed. Multiple times.
I heard that Hitler once put an glass tube up the ass of a Jewish schoolboy and made him jump on a trampoline until the squeezing of his anus muscles shattered the glass.
If that isn't sick enough, Hitler then fucked him wearing a "very strong" condom until the child bled to death.
Legend has it that Hitler wore the condom every time he gave an order to move large swaths of troops, singing "lets hear it for the boys!"
This. His whole doctrine was based on (((darwinism))).
Germans confirmed for having a sex fetish about frenchs
>new book about hitler
how did he do that with just one ball, a micro penis, an incurable scat fetish, and being only able to become erect when shitting on his neice?
how could he do it?
>I believe everything the kikes say about Hitler because I'm a total fucking retard.
luckily for us we have a fresh stream of new holocaust survivors to verify it
If this was actually real we probably would've heard it earlier, this is (((them))) just trying to slander his name further
Leftists are pathetic
wow drumpf is literally hitler
Gee I wonder (((who))) wrote it.
Thats just Aussie bants r-right?
>he became vegetarian because he had a rare fart disorder
This one seems the most believable honestly.
>dude hitler was achsually a homosexual trans zoophile pedophile violent self-hating jew