>I’m an extremely competitive person and knowing that the guy I’m with is on the “winning” team
>I don’t need any of these Trumpsters to actually like me.
>Plus, in an odd way, sleeping with Trump supporters reaffirms my own political and personal values.
Female Logic
Other urls found in this thread:
This is code for "Chad isn't a leftist"
>bawww why does every Chad I sleep with not support my white-male-hating ideology?
> I hate Trump supporters but they grip a mean pussy
So...Neet virgin fags on r9k are right wing, Melvins are right wing, chads are right wing.... who the actual fuck is a lefty?
cucks and women
This guy gets it.
with a face like a dinner plate, I don't think there are many Chads in this girls rotation
Pretty much, no "man" is left-wing
the left wing is a temporary state of rebellion against nature, the right wing is an acceptance of natural order
Chads don't care about looks
folks folks folks
dont you know adamruinseverything proved theres no such thing as chad??? we're all beta male care givers to our non-monogamous feminine identifying partners, fucking science denying scum
Damn straight, bro. We only care about filling the score card.
>t. NEET larper
They all stay on leftypol on cripple chan.
Jews and their minions
Wasn't that whole video basically a huge strawman?
>hooking up
LOL a girl like that can sleep with a 10 every night if she wants, women can sleep up by 5 points at least
Of course none of them will relationship her
reddit, leftypol, jews, art students, women, niggers
Most of r9k are leftist. How are they getting the autismbux then?
>Neet virgin fags on r9k are right wing
LOL NO, they are whiney leftist fags there
she's actually 15% bodyfat away from having good face genetics
There's a cutoff and she's below it. I'll hit anything above a six but I'll be a lot more casual with a 6 than a 9
>women melt into a puddle and throw away any values they pretended to had as soon as they meet an attractive man
well imagine my shock
women are attracted to confidence, strength, and leadership.
right wing people, even if they are wrong, tend to have stronger convictions and more rationalized world views
lefties are sneaky beta male faggots
nope it was 6 million% accurate and true
>can't stop hooking up with trump supporters
Who would've thought that the 10% of white men who didn't vote trump would be shitty femboys
also iq doesnt real
What the fuck is a Melvin?
>she's actually 15% bodyfat away from having good face genetics
That bitch is a gobbling by all and every metric, I can't get it up with the lights on but if I where to stick my dick on this gobbling I am sure as fuck I'll either have to let lights off or put a Fucking paper bag over her face.
Optional gauge my eyes out
Any White male who possesses both a brain and balls is right wing. Everyone else is left wing.
It sounds good until you realize that many White males lack one or the other. We have more castrations than in Byzantine times. Willing castrations.
>>I’m an extremely competitive person and knowing that the guy I’m with is on the “winning” team
Is this why women love to fuck foreign invaders and conquerors?
White is the new Black.
The opposite of Chad.
That's exactly it. When invaders come men fight to the last or become slaves while women willingly jump in bed with whoever they deem the most likely to win.
racist white bit h fucking other racists why s she not happy
isnt that r9k?
It's all about trends and how fucked one party or the other is doing.
If you're one of those I wear my right wing T-shirt just to root for the home team type of idiot you deserve the shitty Fucking government you have.
Obama won cuss bush was an incompetent idiot, trump won cuss Obama went way too deep in to this gay shit agenda and allowing cunts and Niggers to run a train on America.
This current political movement will run out of gas once trump stops giving a fuck and it's obnoxious followers piss now than one group off
>I'm a centrist and I blow like the wind.
>Plus, in an odd way, sleeping with Trump supporters reaffirms my own political and personal values. I don’t think I could ever have a serious relationship with a one—I can’t be with someone who won’t understand why the news sometimes causes me to burst into tears, or why I want to throw my phone across the room after reading the President’s latest tweet. For me, differing political ideologies are a deal breaker. But that only makes me more OK with accepting these flings for what they are: Opportunities for excellent hate-sex. And to be able to walk away unbothered, unburdened, and sexually satisfied makes me feel powerful at a time when many people with my liberal leanings have never felt less in control.
Is this a sustainable pattern? Probably not. For one, it occasionally brings me added stress and it isn’t really the kind of relationship I want in the long run. But for right now I can highly recommend hooking up with someone whose politics you hate.
As long as you don’t forget to vote.
WTF im reading?
Pajama boys, not STEM / labor boys, commies sympathizers, etc
> I am tea badger and I don't care what the government does, if it's a shit government is my shit government.
(((Psychology))) students
She's completely unaware that by enjoying hate sex, she is enjoying the same thing she hates about colonialism when we raped those indio bitches and killed the men during 1500-1700's.
These people are entirely unaware.
>I'll let a nigger run my country for 8 years as long as it's not with whoever the last guys were.
What's more amazing is how you idiots can't seem to realized how close America is to Roman Empire type debacle.
If it's own citizens see each other as enemies simply cuss they don't like each others ideas, the country is Fucking doom
>This is code for "Chad isn't a leftist"
You're right. Chad's much more adaptable that left/right lemmingism and repeated buzzwords.
Jesus Christ women are so fucking simple. After countless eons and evolution, they haven't changed one bit.
These fine revolutionaries.
Translation: Nu-males don't turn me on
well said user
>I don’t think I could ever have a serious relationship with a one—I can’t be with someone who won’t understand why the news sometimes causes me to burst into tears, or why I want to throw my phone across the room after reading the President’s latest tweet.
Holy shit. How come THESE people dominate the public discourse?
Could not have said it better. Seeing how low the bar is to be right-wing you can guess just how low men who are left-wing really are.
> I'll keep a bunch of incompetent idiots keep running the country and pillaging the coffers cuss I hate Niggers
At the time obongo looked like the most reasonable choice, mcain has always been shit and the other option was miss Clinton.
Who would you rather tea bagger
>YOUNG communist league
>that old bag on the right
Always makes me kek
At least you can jam your cock down their throat till you watch a tier roll down their face.
Post MOAR!
Proof Trump supporters are high t and energy
How can Hillbois even compete?
Thought that was a Millhouse
Women, non-whites, aimless dole-bludgers & twenty-something arts students who haven't figured out what to do with their lives.
and gender and black on black crime
Why are women so fucking worthless???
House Hearing on U.S. Visa Waiver Program
Employee Profile of Kelli Ann Burriesci
I wonder whatever happened to this couple? Hopefully the guy tossed her ass out the door by now.
If I met her somewhere socially drinking id bang her and treat her like shit. She would be the human equivalent of eating left overs or getting dressed to grab dinner.
Really one of the worst ideas of all time.
Tbh weve been doomed since 9/11
this is gold
Only cute, easily influence-able girls should be allowed to vote.
more like a tree trunk firmly grounded and reaching towards the sun
the sun is christ btw
minorities and negros too.
Tell that to Robert Sapalsky or literally any evolutionary biologist.
Democrats are politically atheist so you tree trunk should be placed firmly on the right.
>who the actual fuck is a lefty?
Cucks, Women and people with sub 80 IQs
it slants right m8 relax
Remember when they had to swear off nazi dick because they were all too slutty to just not fuck guys that politically revolted them?
What a neat read, surprisingly realistic. It's written by a woman, but she's honest. It puts Trump in a good light if you don't have an emotional knee jerk reaction, and she gives her husband a lot of respect.
Thanks for sharing.
Chad Nationalism is working
Politically islamist
It's so weird to remember that liberals claimed to care about the first amendment a few months ago and now it's this obstacle to quelling "hate speech"
This, angry hate fuck while you slowly red pill them.
This will be either extremely damaging to their psyche..getting sexually used and tossed away by literal hitlers..or best chance to redpill stupid women again. Idk if many are even worth it at this point in the game though.
Don't forget mudpeople! That's why they need to import 6 gorillion of them.
>I can’t be with someone who won’t understand why the news sometimes causes me to burst into tears, or why I want to throw my phone across the room after reading the President’s latest tweet.
she can't be with a man who can't live with a child?
>Melvins are right wing
Minorities too
To be fair it's probably the other way round. The man knows exactly how to live with a child which is why 1) they get on and 2) he doesn't listen to her tantrums.
A lefty cuck would be all 'muh childfree' and 'muh emotional baggage' to deal with her despite the adequate sex.
>ywn fuck an SJW qt while quoting hitler and looking at her cry and moan at the same time
>Play 'Is this a Hitler quote' while fucking her.
>She agrees with some quotes and disagrees with others while her brain isn't fully able to concentrate.
>All the quotes are Hitler quotes.