Celtic Church

Join the non cucked, original church, follow natural law and walk with God.

>Briton New Testament
Brought to the UK and Ireland when Joeseph of Aramathea fled persecution 4 years after the crucifixion

>Egyptian Old Testament
archive.org/stream/pdfy-UYOlu_UlIMBrR3ju/The Kolbrin Bible_djvu.txt
Its an Old,Old testament from creation, an understandable Adam and Eve story (in plain english) on to the destruction of Egypt by 10 plagues.

>Pyramid Texts
A book found in Egypt in 1800's that links to the Egyptian Old Testament (for people who want some comparison, not very understandable, translated by modern mainstream scholars)

>Cant find the Celtic Old Testament online atm
(4 more books)
Books of wisdom, sayings, parables etc.

>Celtic Church Liturgy and ritual
The Celtic Mass (in Latin)

>no pope
>Family and Nation are the founding Pillars
>Only good actions with effort can forgive sin
>Based on the Natural Laws of Gods Creation

>as our spirit develops, God becomes more hidden as we attune with the divine, recombining the heaven and earth, undoing the "split" god done to himself in order to know himself.

>the names of the prophets
Hosea is Called Yosira
Amos is still Amos
Others are not in the current RC or Orthdx teachings.

"Evil Egypt" was a necessary step in souls growth, it explains how it became rotten and was destroyed.

The Dogans of Mali, who claim decent of Egyptian High Priests have the same history

they also knew sirius was a binary star system before modern science, from studying the pattern of the life, they knew there would be a second, unseen star bound to it.

>Celtic Christianity = Nationalist Christianity

Its the reason why Ireland was genocided us for 800 years.

>Ask away, shills and dumb questions will be ignored.

Other urls found in this thread:

arts.ulster.ac.uk/ulsterscots/usep_pdf/Final History Texts/James Heron, The Celtic Church in Ireland the story of Ireland and Irish Christianity from the time of St. Patrick to the Reformation (London, 1898).pdf

What is this?
Better not be some LARPing shit

Why not just be a celtic pagan instead?

Its the Church St.Patrick founded

its like western orthodox

Read History of Celtic Church in Ireland
arts.ulster.ac.uk/ulsterscots/usep_pdf/Final History Texts/James Heron, The Celtic Church in Ireland the story of Ireland and Irish Christianity from the time of St. Patrick to the Reformation (London, 1898).pdf

From Pre-Patrick, past Columbanus, it's the Spirit of Saints and scholars, and its time to be revealed again

Because this has a different (1) new testament (one truth),Google "Kailedy"

but the old myths are tied in with the old Testament (the story of "Hurmanatar" is an Irish myth)


John of the Wilderness is John the Baptist

The Irish church had to reformed in the 1200s after Pope Adrian gave the Normans permission to invade Ireland to bring them into line with the Roman church.

The Gospel was watered down at the Council of Nicea (this wasnt)

In 1200 our history was rewritten "We all descend from Noah"

in 1700 it was rewritten again by the english royals to distroy Irish history (the reason why we refused the saxon royals)

Fuggen based

English royals weren't of Anglo stock and only 10% of English are Saxons.

Go hand it out to people, nows the time, Ireland and England must reunite to fight the invaders, and we cant win unless we follow Gods plan.

this is what The Brehon Laws are based on

They were written in 1750 and hidden due to the persecution of the Brehons and Bards of Ireland, Scotland and Wales

The Book of The Sons of Fire =
>the Book of Magee, saved by the McGees of Island Mcgee, who fled to Ireland

The collection was kept safe by Clan Byrne in Scotland.

This is why Glastonbury abbey was burned (HUGE collection of Celtic teachings)

I understand, but Im trying to keep it palatable to people thatdon't know any of this.

Glad you know your history though, fair play
"A history of Ireland, Ancient and Modern by Abbe McGeoghegan" pulls apart the liesPost 1700

Yeah papal laudabilitier etc. Invasion to bring the irish churches into the papal fold, we need a celtic christian revival

But aside from Easter dates and more authonomy how does it vary from regular Catholicism?

This is an interesting Christian sect.

its based on the teachings of patrick

St Columbanus

The creation
>God was alone and perfect
>but unused potential is frustration
>he tore himself in two parts so he could see himself
>Creating "The Physical world" and "the Spiritual World"
>Doing this, a dividing line between was created
>The Veil of Mist,The Valley of tears etc
>As we see the physical, it teaches us spiritually
>as we combine the phsical and spiritual, God becomes more hidden (why he usedto speak from the sky,now just guides us internally)
>When our Souls have completed our Journey along Gods plan/path
>The Plan is Completed and we return to God,who is us and us,him.

Trinitarian,But One God,withan unspeakable name
>known to Celtic Pagans as "Daghda"
pronounced " Dada, The Father of Lugh, The Godess Brigid, many other Prophets etc.
>Culminating in Christ, the embodiment of Heaven and Earth United.

When Jesus died on the Cross,His last words were:

Father,Why have you abandoned me?
>He sees the ultimate physical truth

Father,Into your Hands I commend my Spirit
>he sees the ultimate spiritual truth

Then it is finished, and Jesus returned to the all-father Daghda.

This is why we should do what jesus done, but his path isn't "exactly" your path, and all we must do is look for our own path

I am very intrested where do i start?


This is St. Columba(nus), Ireland has 3 patron saints, but most only know Patrick, These are sermons he gave around 500AD

>Patrick, Columba and Brigid
3 patron saints of a trinitarian god

>Patrick, Lawgiver (Senchus Mor)
>Columba, The Dove (Saintly service)
>Brigid, The Smith (Creation)

Its now out in the open, after 800 years, spread it far and wide and save yourself, Spiritually and Physically.

Did you study this? What do you do?

Finally, someone who has also read the Kolbrin!

Have you seen Varg's video on the Stav churches in Norway being from the era of the original Celtic/Nordic church?

Read, Look at the Natural World and Study its Law, the one true Law, Natural Law, why do birds sing? When do they not?

Seek no farther concerning God; for those who wish to know the great deep must first review the natural world. For knowledge of the Trinity is properly likened to the depths of the sea, according to that saying of the Sage, And the great deep, who shall find it out?’’
>From the 1st Sermon of St Columba

The Brehon Laws (Written by the High King, The Ollamh and St. Patrick, are codified Natural Law, we followed this Law, and is why Ireland had an unbelievable number of Saints prior to Roman subjugation.

Reject Rome, God is within you

God is not in the Sky, or the Sea, but they are under his Law, and we must follow the rules that the Sky, Sea and Land follow

Man-Made Laws have destroyed our culture, our countries and soon our souls.

Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Truth, the Truth all around us.

I have not, but I will

God Bless You!

>Only good actions with effort can forgive sin
I always thought pelagianism was a British herecy. =^)


Check out this Gnostic heretical garbage

Im a Farmer btw

the noblest profession, as they say

The History of the Celtic Church in Ireland, with its main tenets explained

Spread the word

Thanks celt-user i will be going over this stuff all weekend, this has really stuck a chord god bless.

It isnt gnostic, it says to use nature as a guide to Gods divine plan, just look outside.

That's where the Sacred Groves etc come from

The Irish taught strict rules, very detailed, based on natural occurrences, Patrick refined the Laws so circumspection and thought were included, such as a chance to work off your sins,instead of simple Eye for Eye law

the Brehon Law Academy on YT

Don't thank me, I literally cannot stop myself from spreading this truth

>it pisses SO MANY people off

A farmer where? Did you go to college?

Brehon Laws (Natural Law)
vol 1
>cant find Vol 2, please help
vol 3
vol 4
vol 5
vol 6 glossary


Way out west
multiple time dropout (its all bs in those "centres of learning", I was under no illusions about them (beer and bitches was needed in my days gone by)

are you Rego? :^)

Dunno what rego means/is

Do you go to mass?

Not the RC one anymore, but thats why I started to search this out, RC just didn't resonate deeper than the wallpaper of truth they have over it

just a dude who goes around looking for the "truth" in new age books, sounded like a question he'd ask

Do you have a network of people with similar interests about this celtic church business in Ireland or have you done most of the research etc on your own?

kolbrin bible is best bible

yes, Slavic Churches/Orthodox are /ourguys/ this is still followed in every walk of life where there is freedom
ie.not under a "man made law", which are false

this is the religion of farmers, growers, people who get along with a natural common understanding

everyone has some truth in them, but many cant tell the truth from the lies anymore

this is not a military operation like the RC/Prods

this is a natural order that is called Gods Law, working against it leads to spiritual death, working toward it follows the Eternal Laws

I reject no-onewho accepts me,and i agree to disagree. This is a family/community based religion, even if no-one identifies as a celtic church member,if I love them, even as a friend or neighbor, I accept that I must put effort in to help them, whether i feel like it or not (but i can agree to disagree with their plans)

many times i have fallen out with people who want me to help them do something outside the law, later on, many have returned and said "You were lucky not to get involved in that escapade"

its just a choice to follow natural morality

"There is no greater love than to lay down your life (and spend your time) for your friend"

Im looking for a Kolbrin Alphabet Cypher, have you any idea where to find one?

Apparently its in a 18th century book, possibly a welsh one (considered a forgery, but it isnt)

Do you think there's appetite or potential for Celtic church activism in Ireland? Have you always had an interest in religion?



and tbph, i do go to RC mass 3 times a year, St Patricks day (for the nationalism and "time to plant food" principles (and "Hail Glorious St Patrick" is just the best) Easter (For Brigid) and Christmas (Jesus/Columba)

otherwise its usually funerals i go inside "churches"

Will you go see pope Francis when he comes

If you mean survival, I think so, but many lost people dont seem to want to survive (abortion,Gay Marriage etc)

I was a complete heathen as a child, at 14 i quit the RC, I cursed it and screamed about how stupid God and religion was.

I had a "Dark night of the Soul" a few short years later (from following carnal desires)

Then by divine intervention (by my reckoning), this all just became painfully, and i mean painfully, obvious, and then I found that all this was just sitting on dusty shelves.

We naturally follow this Law, people are following it to the letter and have never heard of its name, I have no desire to force a labelon anyone, its the Principle of it I love seeing in people

Maybe like how I go see the local GAA team come back from a final

my mother is RC and across timezones we have both witnessed miracles (at the exact same time) which revealed the Holy Trinity to me,
(by a woman who lived in a van and walked dogs for a living, sounds crazy, but god lives in strange places, from my own experience, she just wanted to be able to stay outside constantly, which matches with the "Natural" in Natural Law

sorry cannot help
i have only known about it for 6 months.

nb have a (you)

Everyone, god wants us to be happy, not crying on Sup Forums about things we cant change, go back out and redpill the world
