If there are no nuclear weapons, only nuclear power plants, then what was the Cuban Missile Crisis about? Why was JFK, a democratically elected leader, assasinated but Castro, a dictator military revolutionist, allowed to live to be 90? All of the Cubans who initially went to USA would have gone back to Cuba if Castro was removed. Why was it important to make sure they didn't?
This is an optimistic thread for optimistic people who want to know the truth.
If there are no nuclear weapons, only nuclear power plants, then what was the Cuban Missile Crisis about? Why was JFK...
Other urls found in this thread:
What device could be causing these "sonic attacks" and why is Cuba one of only three countries not apart of the international banking system? Isn't it just an unimportant island that rich Americans wanted to turn into a Caribbean Las Vegas?
What is the connection between Jack Parsons and Charles Taze Russell? Why did Russell believe Parsons birth was the beginning of the end times? Russell's group eventually became what are now called Jehovah's Witnesses.
This is a thread for people with imagination. The world is to be understood metaphysically, none of this makes sense without it. All of the people who shape history are motivated by metaphysical concerns not money, sex, or power (at least not exclusively).
Get nuked, moron.
Why did Columbus think he had arrived in Japan? He called it Cipangu. Korea is a peninsula too like another place...
Are you feeling ok?
I wish that person calling themselves "Idee New" was here I am really bored maybe it is not a good time. Why does it seem none of you really care about anything or even attempt to make a coherent world view?
Apparently this post is going to be correct I wonder how he/she already knew... something something 923
"But during and after the 1959 communist revolution, 94% of the Jews left for the United States and other countries."
"Some Cubans trace Jewish ancestry to Marranos (converts to Christianity) who came as colonists, though few of these practice Judaism today."
I get that most of you don't believe in anything but the elites who shape and mold everything do. Remember The Book of Revelation has 22 chapters not twelve. This is the most important verse not all of the nightmare ones so keep it in heart.
Rev 21:4 "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
Does no one want to talk to me? I don't really have any information I just want to tell you that everything is a lie, even people who are telling you everything is a lie is also a lie. It seems that the only people who know what is going on are on the wrong side. Even if things are chaotic and random that doesn't mean they don't have a vital influence on them.
Can all of you not go one single day without howling at each other over a bunch of fake nonsense? Tbh I really just want to talk to the person calling themselves "Idee New" at least that person sounded like they still have their soul. I like memes too but I also like speculative discourse stop pretending any of you know anything.
am a reptillian?
How would I know? Have you ever seen The Fabulous Baron Munchausen (1961)? It is one of my favorites Czech films are underrated. The internet is partially to help ease in the bringing about of a one world government btw.
Everything is a hoax right? Not just hoaxes but things that aren't hoaxes are also hoaxes. Everyone is a con artist not just con artists but people who aren't con artists also have to be con artists.
The soviets had medium range nukes in place in Cuba. This was revealed later by the soviets themselves. Kennedy saved us from WWIII. Keep researching...
Also look at the Howard hunt interview- Kennedy was killed by the CIA, not Castro:
Galen Winsor eats uranium. Lives until 82.
Thank you both for replying to my thread.
I don't know were I would go to find the information I need and I am more interested in first having a complete picture of everything first. All of this confusion I think is because people aren't allowed to know what everything is to begin with which you would need before saying this happened and then that happened or it should be like this or that, and so on.
Also what if the CIA and Soviet Union were both working for the same people just wearing different hats and badges?
I think snake fangs were used as syringes in the past, with hormones to create the Nephilim. Mega spoiler: They were biological females. Don't be surprised if you see them in the future.
Yes, it was weird and felt really forced.
Hi thank you for replying to my thread. The picture I posted was actually to show that they lack the anatomy to speak. Snakes can only make hissing sounds, there has never once been an actual snake that talked if there was one then it wasn't a snake. I didn't know that about the syringes that is very interesting.
You mean the movie was forced? I liked it for the visuals and colors.
Snake venom is actually very beneficial when taken directly into the blood stream. Look up Bill Haast.
Yes, I just don't like the weird 80-90s epics like that. All the allusions to Gods and Goddesses fell flat. Holy Mountain or The Fall are better alchemical films.
They were, nukes are fake and Cold War was a ZOG dialectical meme. This is how the US could fake a moon landing while the USSR stayed silent on it. Cuban missile crisis was theater to justify ZOG expansion into Latin America and Eurasia. Nukes were faked to provide a plausible reason for the USSR and the US never actually fighting against each other.
But I am referring to the 1961 Czech version not the Terry Gilliam version. The person I replied had a Czech Republic flag.
It sounds so bizarre and preposterous to say that there are no nukes, yet it explains so much and I am inclined to accept it as the interpretation that explains the most.
If anything that makes Cuba an argument in favor of the international banking system. It's useful to them.
Want to see actual countries that defied the bankers? The third Reich, Libya, Syria, Iran. As you can see, when your existence bothers them, they react violently. Why did Gadaffi get assassinated by the US but not any of the Castros? Becasue they aren't a threat to the system.
You're starting to see reality beyond the Hollyjew illusion. If you think of both soviet expansion and US expansion as a unified ZOG invasion of the non-Jew world you'll begin to understand why the nuke meme was so important.
So is your interpretation that this is motivated by purely racial supremacy over those who aren't a part of the race. That the history of the world is the history of a set of genetic sequences striving to subject and possibly attain a type of immortality over all the other genetic sequences? Race is first then religion to justify the race? I think these two factors communicate with each other. Don't you think something is missing if everything is explained just by the physical movements of particles through time and space?
>So is your interpretation that this is motivated by purely racial supremacy over those who aren't a part of the race
>sandniggers are white
Educate yourself and stop trying to learn what national socialism is from propaganda by the other side.
I wasn't referring to national socialism. Also I didn't say race I said genetic sequences. The genetic sequences I was referring to was (((them))) obviously. I don't think anyone is getting what my thread is about. I think there is a side beyond your side that contains aspects of it within it and explains more.
Nah, the problem with jews isn't only racial. It's how they act as a group, as a clique. Globalist gentiles can be as bad, and some jews can even be good, we call them honorary aryans.
Oh, now I get what you were trying to convey. I said international banking system, not "jews". The Castros aren't a threat because the normies reject the Cuban lifestyle and see that it only offers poverty and oppression. Cuba is useful to the bankers because it scares normies into thinking capitalism is the best possible system. The holohoax is the other scarecrow, as it allows them to claim natsoc isn't an alternative. So given the choice between communism and capitalism they choose the latter.
But you didn't answer my question of is it enough to explain everything as just physical particles (and the things that are made of physical particles) moving around space and time. Is that really enough for you? I think there is still something missing.
Because you were the one bringing up physical particles
Aren't capitalism and communism made and benefit the same people? Won't both of them be used to help create the one world government? I really made this thread because I wanted to talk to the person called "Idee New" from a few days ago who introduced me to the idea that there aren't any nukes which is something I had never heard before but am now being to think is very true.
Kubrick learned to "stop worrying and love the bomb" .. wonder why ..
>allowed to live to be 90?
motherfucker was better at dealing with hit squads than kennedy.
There ARE nuclear weapons, retard
>the idea that there aren't any nukes
That's absurd
So it is just an endless infinite regress of physical particles using physical particles to questions if everything is physical particles to other physical particles? I think something is still missing in your account.
Why the hostility friend?
Whats absurd is thinking everything can be explained as just being physical.
I'm hostile because you're spreading misinformation. You need to do a lot of work on justifying your claim that nukes don't exist before you start using "imagination" to elaborate off of that. But rather than even try, you just state it as fact. Sage btw
The total is more than the sum of its parts. You're leaving out all the information that those particles carry.
That's a huge strawman.
The guy probably got deluded by some fake-conspiracy theorist
Watch this, OP:
I don't claim to know anything. I just wanted to talk to that person from the other day because I found the ideas really interesting. The misinformation is in your head because you really just don't understand what I am saying. I haven't made any positive claims and clearly said I wanted to engage in speculative discourse.
You're full of shit. Can't tell if you're baiting, a CIA nigger or mentally ill tbqh
> This is a thread for people with imagination. The world is to be understood metaphysically, none of this makes sense without it.
OP understands something that 99% of people don't and will never. Our reality is quite like the Truman Show.
12 "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
"4 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." ... (narrow is the gate that leads to understanding).
Again I don't know why you are so angry. You will never understand anything if continue to deny that the people who own the world have genuine religious beliefs. To you maybe they are just words but to the people who actually shape everything they certainly aren't and its their world you are living in.
Thank you for replying to my thread. Have you ever seen the movie Through a Glass Darkly by Ingmar Bergman? I especially like the scene where they perform a play for their father it is very beautiful.
Great movie and certainly a caricature of modern life with widespread surveillance and post-truth, but that doesn't make the nukes any less real.
I'm not "angry". And some have beliefs, others are atheists. None of that is relevant to this.
I haven't seen that one, no, but I'll check it out - thnx. Ingmar Bergman did some awesome films.
I think I get what you're talking about. The concept is so all encompassing of our experience in the world that it's hard to put into words, and the implications are threatening to people's understanding of the world around them, which is why it sometimes invites abuse to those that pose the questions or risk engagement over the subject. Great thread tho' .. be interesting to see it get some traction.
JFK was assassinated because he was going to expose the us working with the Ayy's and our ufo's (hydro-dynamic magneto centrifugal craft). Same with Marylin Monroe and RFK. And I don't know where you get there were no nukes...you may want to research oppenheimer. Also, Castro was a tool of the cabal which has had control of out country for a very long time. Why would they eliminate an ally? Their goal was to destroy America.
Castro was an asset but the ayy lmaos part is bullshit.
They killed him because he fought the bank.
Jim carrey illuminati whistle blower
Listen the world is controlled, whether you want to believe delusionaly or not, by non-human intelligence. The God of this world is himself an atheist. There is no escaping and there is no neutral position. I am sorry if everyone you have ever talked to was a con artist liar but there are many who aren't.
I would desperately like to talk to the people who have been making these really interesting threads lately usually about pizzagate. I think there must be only a handful of people who would intuitively know what it is I am trying to communicate with this thread (I hope that doesn't sound condescending). I hope I am not doomed to abject isolation, I just would like someone receptive to talk to.
Jim carrey one year after exposing the illuminati:
>exposing the illuminati
he didn't expose shit, he was mocking the conspiracy theories about illuminati. It's been done several times in the past, he did it himself a couple times too.
See this, 1994:
how much do u get paid for the amount of shit u type? and if not paid, dont you have a family to care or that take care of you loser?
Was he? Ok...
Look at jimmy kimmels face.
>Castro was an asset but the ayy lmaos part is bullshit.
You misunderstood, Castro was an asset to the cabal, not the ayy's.
>They killed him because he fought the bank
Partially, but not the main reason. Read the email...LEARN
See? Digits tell the truth.
And yet the video is uploaded on Jimmy Kimmel's account. Those shows are scripted, they're performing there. Nothing is out of control. Kimmel knew beforehand.
I said that he's an asset to the globalists, of course he's not an asset to the ayys if I don't believe in the ayys
You are doing exactly what this guy
said you would do. Almost like you are reading a script.
You should, you really really should. Soon your going to have confirmation that we are not alone. And that email...was from the C eye A inside the C eye A buddy boy. I realllllllyyyyy don't think those boys lie about the shit that they have internally. Oh btw...the mail was based from the 60's, take that into account.
Of course we aren't alone, but to believe that there's ayys who have visited our irrelevant planet and look similar to us is a huge stretch
why is that giraffe sucking that pole
The email is literally taken from rense.com, specifically this:
XD you would be amazed how similar they are to not only me and you...but everyone else on this planet as well. Say hello to your true creators.
Lmao, real talk? I was going through Huma FOIAs, needed a break (FOIA format is garbage for search) went to wikileaks....typed UFO in the search field, limited the results to the gifiles, and like fucking magic after going through 2 pages of results...found that. Try again.
What I'm saying is that the guy copied the text from rense and pasted it into the mail that he sent and WL intercepted. The link is even there ffs.
Btw of all of the ETIs known as of now...most have a DNA structure that is only between 2-20% different than us. They are all carbon based entities as well...those without multi-dimensional capabilities at least. God, I can't wait until this is over. A few more weeks and there won't be anything to argue about anymore.
Anyone who tries to understand ((that stuff)) .. e.g. .. the illuminati, the fed, the political divide, the elite, hollywood, bohemian grove, moloch, pizzagate, flat earth, antarctica, aliens, ufo’s, crop circles, cult religions .. whatever .. ALL OF IT .. anyone who goes really deep .. finds God, the Bible and Jesus Christ.
It’s all about Him. It’s a war on HIM.
It’s ALL connected.
Take the Final Redpill :
All of this, ALL of it .. is a WAR on CHRIST by (((them))):
Because CHRIST is the EMBODIMENT of TRUTH .. The LOGOS made FLESH. For YOU.”
“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4
“I am the way, the truth, and the light: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” John 14:6
For those who have ears to hear and eyes to see, there is much material pointing to the truth:
i.e. …
Thank you for replying to my thread. This is very close to what I am trying to say. I really would just like to get these people who keep coming here with really interesting information to this thread I think another one of them is called bohi mantra or something. Hopefully I can keep posting and not have to leave.
They can never take him from you don't worry. It is a very futile war. Some would call it infantile even, by I try not to presume as much.
interesting stuff
>if there are no nuclear weapons,
only nuclear power plants ............
oops kek flag