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You can't prove god is not real, but you can be pretty sure that no one of the gods made up at the moment is the real one.
But my God has existed longer than anyone else's, and even other religions talk about Jesus.
>but you can be pretty sure that no one of the gods made up at the moment is the real one.
There have been 3000 gods so far but your atheism is totally real. Everyone else is wrong!
The Lord of the OT is the Jealous god
Why are these reddit/9fag postings always so incredibly edgy?
Its not about the God who created the fucking Planet in seven Days, you retarded imbecilic inbred Hick, its about the Morals that a Religion dictates and therefore preserves throughout the Centuries. What fucking damage is there in going to Church? What fucking damage will you cause by living by the rules dictating by Chrisendom?
Yeah, thought so.
>everybody not realizing we are all praying to the same god (source)
They're all aspects of the same thing. All of them are made up nonsense, but that's not the point anyway.
>There have been 3000 Gods
>religion is a human universal
>I am enlightened by rejecting this fact
>implying I would pray to the same virgin god as you
this man is absolutely right.
There could be other gods, but mine is MY God. I don't deny the possible existence of other gods, but I only have my God.
Christ was a historical figure. 3000 gods are not.
>not understanding Universal Law
>not understanding the laws of dispensation
Confirmed brainlet
The V mask is literally just as bad as a fedora.
Then how come none of the known historians in the area ever mention some dude doing a bunch of crazy miracles?
Just sayin.
Are we begin invaded by 9fag? let's scream them outta here.
Or they are all real. Collective unconscious creating them.
Disprove Zeus is real
this nigga is on the right path.
"I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
Never denies the existence of other gods, but simply states that he is YOUR God and you won't have any others.
It's overflow due to other platforms not allowing content
There are 3000 niggers who get legally killed by the police every year for good reasons. But this nigger you are complaining about did nothing wrong. He was a gud boy. He didn't do nuffin.
I actually have an idea for a story or something based on this. Gods are only as powerful as how many believe in them.
Thor: Jesus fucking CHRIST!
Jesus: What now?
Thor: You left the empty fucking pizza box in the fridge again!
Jesus: Ugh... Fine. *Snaps fingers*
Thor: Thanks. *Grabs slice of new pizza*
The "Christ Myth' theory is not accepted whatsoever. Jesus definitely lived, it's just very hard finding "scientific evidence" of him doing so since, as you know, his death sparked a massive religious movement. When people write about you for 500 years after you die, it's really hard to find and/or trust "firsthand" sources
go read a book though seriously, or even the wikipedia page for these things. Put in a tiny bit of effort please
Known historians did mention this. Why not just do some research at the very least, before making silly assumptions?
He should have said "CHRIST ON A CRACKER!"
Plus his English name should be Josh
>Gods are only as powerful as how many believe them
The book/show "American Gods" is entirely based on this premise. It's a pretty common trope among deities
I'd prefer an atheist to do a nice thing cos they want to, over a religious person he does it because they need to.
The damge done is also just plain stupidity, confinement, a public display of disregard for facts.
>doesn't have a final resting place because he ascended back to Heaven.
Nigga, either he never existed, or is an ayy lmao and that's what I'm sticking to. Would still be cool to worship and ayy lmao tho imo
Gib proof. I've learned the opposite.
It actually does. That mask is cringe though
Fuck that show, and fuck Neil Gaimen. Classic example of a britcuck
Op was born yesterday.
Seriously, it's about culture, shared beliefs, and socializing. It's not about God anymore than Christmas is about Santa Claus.
Grow up OP and stop being an autistic cuk! There's no Santa but we still do it because culture, friends & family
Why do you assume that every religious person acts out of fear of retribution? That's the most childlike, simple minded interpretation among you atheists. If a person has a good moral framework, they are going to do good acts whether or not they're terrified of the afterlife.
I bet you think every Christian is stressed out, on edge their entire life worried about hell, right? That's not how it works
Is it that bad? I never watched but the premise seemed interesting. Norse gods coming to America, etc
A 17th century 'letter from the devil' written by a Sicilian nun who claimed to be possessed by Lucifer, has finally been translated thanks to the dark web.
It describes God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as 'dead weights', and says 'God thinks he can free mortals'.
It also says God was invented by man, adding that 'this system works for no one'.
Another sentence reads: 'Perhaps now, Styx is certain'
Mate I can literally look up at the sky for most of the day and see the Sun. There is scientific evidence that the Sun exists.
If my God didn't exist then this Earth would be a shitty frozen hellhole so back the fuck off with your retarded nonsense.
this, and also just to spite bugmen makes it worth it fedora atheist nu-male shitlib commie soyboys are the children of the devil
Yeah, but statistically you're much more likely to end up with an Atheist sodomizing children because he wants to, or killing millions of people because he's a communist than you are those things.
There are philosophical atheist moral systems, but they're far too complex and abstract for the vast majority the population (and almost all women). So what you end up with is nihilism, alienation and school shootings, not fedora utopia.
There is only one God, it's just that many cultures over time have attributed different characteristics to the divine. The fact that there are thousands of personifications of the same principle is proof there is a higher power.
He's a lefty shill married to a SJW feminist cunt.
I'm not wasting my time on anything that guy does.
Who taught you the opposite? I'm genuinely interested.
If we go for only first century secular sources from highly reputable historians, Tacitus and Josephus are two examples.
Also, if we consider none-secular sources which modern secular historians accept as evidence, the epistles of Paul would be the best first century source. Other than that, Luke (author of the gospel of Luke) was a historian by profession, and is a first century source, as his "gospel" is a biography of Jesus' life.
All in all, the "Jesus never existed myth" only exists in the mind of a select few, but has no place in academia.
Did I assume that? No, you assumed I did.
The post I replied to used the word "dictates", it's how you're brought up with it, conditioned by it, or I can say in a childlike way, mind controlled for it.
You don't need religion to have a good moral framework. Religion can also give bad frameworks too.
Moron, there's a few billion gods just in Hindu teachings. Across all human cultures, there's probably closer to a trillion gods.
But as each one of us humans live in a unique universe according to science, then yes, my God is the One True One because its my universe.
Thanks for playing.
go and read any scholarly article on the historicity of Christ...
>no final resting place
There have been numerous discoveries claiming so - not to mention there are methods of disposing bodies with cremation (not saying that happened but c'mon nigger use your skull). The historical Jesus was also executed as a criminal, a particularly hated criminal by the Pharisees and Romans - why would he be given a special burial place, fully marked so the followers could continue their (hated) practices? Not to mention the whole resurrection thing (whether you believe or not, which you don't) means that he LEFT THE GRAVE - ie. it was not required, so likely destroyed or filled. There are hundreds of possibilies besides "no evidence lol herp"
>I've learned the opposite
refusing to educate yourself on a topic is not learning
I don't remember now, it's been years since I cared to looked into anything like that.
I assumed that's what you meant by "need to", what else did you mean by that? Of course you don't need a religious morality to do good, but most people are not inherently good, moral beings - so religion helps with the majority.
Remember Atheists, not everyone came to your enlightened conclusion through search and thought. Most atheists don't believe simply because they were never taught to
ok get islamised then
no harm done
I'm not saying he couldn't have been stabbed up, put in a cave for 3 days and healed enough to start moving around again, there's numerous ways some crazy stroke of luck on his end that he never actually died.
But after he got up again and was all like "Sup bitches, not actually dead" he then ascended back into Heaven. Yeah, sure he could've been cremated, but by that time he would've been in the hands of those who worshiped in and they would've taken care of his remains.
Unless they did and some how lost them so they made up the ascension story to cover their asses, which is entirely possible imo kek
Whats wrong OP
>I don't remember
>it's been years since I cared
Then why argue with people as if you remembered and cared?
Exactly. If merely having the institution of a church is the most important thing, might as well be Christian Identity.
Krautpol is saying the Bible doesn't matter and isn't true anyways...
I see the problem here. You think that "historical Jesus" means "all the stories in the New Testament happened on specific, real dates".
That's not even close to what this is about. The entire discussion on the historicity of Christ is about whether or not a MAN named Jesus Christ (or whatever, really) lived and preached in the Roman state of Judea - around the time described in scripture.
Things like pic related also lend a lot of historical credibility to his existence
shame on you to fall for them
I'm bored right now?
Respond to my posts or let the thread die, then
now this...
I like this
>atheism is real
wtf does atheism claim
I'm a Christian and even I think that's a weak argument.
>not believing in all 3000+ gods, but yours is still the boss
Your move, Gervais.
Another autistic moron who thinks "God" is a magical skywizard. First of all, the Greek/Roman/Hindu gods were representations of FORCES for which they lacked naturalistic explanations. The 'gods' were posits used to explain these forces because they didn't have any better explanation YET and yet evenso it was still valuable to in using these representations to talk about things. The use of 'gods' made it easier to communicate the idea to each other, especially younger dudes and even foreigners to whom a more detailed explanation would be difficult to translate.
However, the Monotheistic God is different from the other gods. God as God is the necessary Being, the Being which all other beings rely on for their being.
The closest naturalistic explanation we have for "God" is the Higgs field, the field that exists through the entire universe and gives things mass.
But having mass is slightly less robust than having being. There are things that have being without having mass, the Higgs field itself for example does no have mass but it does have being.
Thus, we still have need for the concept of God, to explain why things have being in the first place. Maybe one day we'll come up with an explanation for why things have being, but right now we don't, and maybe we never will because maybe the best and only explanation is simply that God is real and all being depends on God just because God is God.
>God isn't a sky-daddy, it's just gravity and stuff
Congratulations. It's hard to get more atheistic than you are.
>muh religion
>muh morality
Religion and morality are for the weak, docile masses of nigger cattle and mindless bugmen. All humans who are intelligent enough to actually "think outside the box" are agnostic or atheist.
I can't seem to find the actual translation, just the few scattered sentences you quoted.
So I'm calling this fake ass news until you provide the source.
I think it can be argued that morality is a thing. With or without a god. Religious people just tend to skip the hard working of philosophizing about this and just follow the rules people thousands of years ago set down for them.
(To be fair they don't really skip this hard work, they cherry-pick the nice passages anyway; but they like to pretend the book is a good guide on morality when even they know deep down it's not suited for the job in the slightest).
Atheist idiot memes employing Guy Fawkes icon, who was a Catholic looking you engage in terrorism that would have resulted in European domination by Catholic church and Habsburgs. Stupids.
No serious theist believes that "all other gods are nonsense" or anything remotely similar. Moreover, classical paganism ENTAILED plurality of gods, all "real", and viewed monotheism as a form of ATHEISM.
Ignorant atheists, you are so stupid. You are blank. You are puddles of mindless, irrelevant culture whining.
And that would explain why the message of his "prophets" is different all around the world right?
Religions ARE the moral philosophy of a culture. The late, atheist stage is just the end point. The belief in atheism as an institution that will outlast its historical triumph is painfully naive. Whatever morality is left is a stripped down remnant of Christianity, and when it fails, the religious cycle will begin again.
The crusading popular atheism of today, coupled with the preposterous contradictions of the dying progressive political tradition, are the bookend of "the peasants' crusade" of a millennium ago, which likewise sent the masses into a confused doom of religion- fueled stupidity. Instead of being slaughtered by Saracens, the atheists today willfully offer their heads to Richard Dawkins to be severed via a factory farming type system which yields a supply is meat that leaves everyone ill and malnourished..
Fuck off Marius.
Don't you have school this Monday?
God is not real no but, god united europe after the collapse of the empire and allowed europe to claw back up the technological ladder it had fallen down. God as the image of a perfect being allows man to strive to be better than they are in an effort to get closer to God. God instilled the values that created the western world as it was in the late centuries of the last millennium. I dont care if God does not exist. He has done more for Humanity than you and your edgelord friends ever will.
>God as the image of a perfect being allows man to strive to be better than they are in an effort to get closer to God.
1. The Infinity of God
2:1.1."Touching the Infinite, we cannot find him out. The divine footsteps are not known." "His understanding is infinite and his greatness is unsearchable." The blinding light of the Father's presence is such that to his lowly creatures he apparently "dwells in the thick darkness." Not only are his thoughts and plans unsearchable, but "he does great and marvelous things without number." "God is great; we comprehend him not, neither can the number of his years be searched out." "Will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, the heaven (universe) and the heaven of heavens (universe of universes) cannot contain him." "How unsearchable are his judgments and his ways past finding out!"
2:1.2."There is but one God, the infinite Father, who is also a faithful Creator." "The divine Creator is also the Universal Disposer, the source and destiny of souls. He is the Supreme Soul, the Primal Mind, and the Unlimited Spirit of all creation." "The great Controller makes no mistakes. He is resplendent in majesty and glory." "The Creator God is wholly devoid of fear and enmity. He is immortal, eternal, self-existent, divine, and bountiful." "How pure and beautiful, how deep and unfathomable is the supernal Ancestor of all things!" "The Infinite is most excellent in that he imparts himself to men. He is the beginning and the end, the Father of every good and perfect purpose." "With God all things are possible; the eternal Creator is the cause of causes."
Thats what happens when all the old guard get arrested and start working for the fbi.
Not at all. The atheist box is stupider than your average peasant theist box at this point. And it's much boxier, ie, composed of mindless platitudes. Atheists will refuse to entertain any thought that threatens their atheism, and they won't read any books that aren't pop science or pseudo philosophical garbage of the last few decades.
Existence of Jesus =/= proof of God.
yeah but only my God is the supreme God above all others. the rest were more like demi-Gods and none claimed to be the creator of all
Didn't do
Suck mandela's dick
Exactly. Even God speaks about other god's existing, in the Bible. Says not to put them before him, etc
The early Christians believed in the reality of the pagan gods; they just thought they were demonic.
Baraba was crucified like 1000s before him but we still don't wear cross in their's glory.
I inseminate your mothers mouth
no it doesn't.
there's only one true God, His name is Kek and /pol is His prophet.
>there have been over 30000 explanations for the physical world so far.
>But only the standard model actually correctly describes it.
>Others are silly pseudoscience nonsense
>But not the standard model, its real
Reality does not obey to statistics or popular opinion.
a "prophet" is just another characteristic assigned to the divine source from which everything springs
ITT: proof that atheism destroys the ability to reason.