Some times I wonder if this board was originally a couple of guys shit posting ironically, and everyone else was too autistic to realize it was ironic, and thus a whole board of genuine nazis was unintentionally born.
Some times I wonder if this board was originally a couple of guys shit posting ironically...
Well, if anything else, thanks for letting us know you discovered Sup Forums recently
Is putin's wife hot? Never seen her
I'll help you out there, OP.
every post is satire
>Sup Forums invented nazis
That particular fake quote is usually ascribed to Voltaire.
It took me 3 years to realize this
No. There is evidence to back up what the original people posted.
by the way, what does /thread mean? am i doing this right? i'm new.
It's still people shitposting ironically. Stormfags were never welcome here and most left a long time ago (notably to hugboxes like cripplechan).
Unfortunately the elections, the fappening etc. flooded this place with redditor teenagers.
Whether they were posting it ironically or seriously, the facts remain the same.
>It took me 3 years to realize this
>Sup Forums is not one person
>Sup Forums is a board of peace
>Sup Forums is satire
It's fake? That's new information to me, I see it pretty often, I'll do some more research and get back to you.
>Muh storm weenies
>uses eu flag
/leftypol/ shill detected
Putin has some fine cursive writing.
How the fuck does that cause-and-effect work?
Someone jokes about X. This somehow causes enormous numbers of people to take X seriously.
Maybe you should kill yourself.
I ironically LARP on this board. If you're hanging out on Sup Forums you most likely have something in common with someone miles away. Race doesn't really matter. Everyone that visits Sup Forums is a little broken inside.
Been here since 2006
Sup Forums isn't simply ironic, that's plebbit, which I'm sure you're familiar with. Sup Forums is sarcastic, sardonic, and a "joke".
Is it a joke that Jews control cnn and msnbc?