Is marrying a half German and half Greek girl race-mixing?
Is marrying a half German and half Greek girl race-mixing?
>tfw spaniard-slav marrying a greek-french
>Mfw this would be egregious race mixing 100 years ago
Race obsessed fags make me laugh.
As long as the Homeland and culture continues, why are you triggered about melting pot countries actions?
It just doesn't feel right.
This is why America will die.
There is no America anymore. The jews won.
This sounds jewy.
They aren't half Greek and half German they are 100% European. It's ok go..guy. gotta save the white race.
Yes, Mr. Burgstein. Sorry for the holocaust.
All Europeans are descended from the mixture of 3 ancient races. The difference between Greeks and Germans is only the ratio of the mixture. Greek/German basically evens out to North Italian.
Are north Italians still human?
what colour is her hair, how thick is her bodyhair and what colour are her eyes?
americans are mutts anyways so doesnt matter for you
Is Indo-European the blue one, which explains why Toscany (Etruscans) and Spaniards (Iberians) have none of it?
Brainfart. Estonians have *most* of it, so it can't be IE.
Brown hair. I think she shaves. Blue eyes. Arab nose though.
Yes it is, even one drop of g*rman blood makes you an uncivilized savage.
I'm pure Slav, but it's a mix of Pole and Slovenian.
Blue - Western hunter-gatherers, migrated into Europe about 15,000 years ago.
Orange - Invented agriculture in the fertile crescent and migrated into Europe about 10,000 years ago.
Green - Aryan steppe nomads who migrated into Europe about 5,000 years ago.
There are pure whites in America.
Do you realize how autistic it is to use that ambiguous word? What do you mean by "Aryan"? North Indian? Indo-European? Nordic?
>Nitpicks about the name of an extinct ancient population
>accuses others of being autistic
Because you sit on a large pile of ressources and happen to just be the Jew's plaything because you've been deracianated and your entire 'culture' is consumerism.
I didn't notice green was the Yamna culture
So I suppose green *is* the Indo-Euros, or at least Indo-Euros are the ones who spread green in southern Europe
Still, I'm a bit confused about how Fennoscandians, including non-IE, seem to be the most Yamna of all. Didn't blue eyes develop around the Baltic sea before the Indo-Europeans / Yamna people moved there? By this token, wouldn't the Yamna invasion decrease the prevalence of lighter features?
Or are lighter eye features not specifically tied to any of the (supposed) three races of ancient Eurasia?