>And it is with deep admiration and respect for her decades of public service that I request that she, and all the other women, disappear from sight somewhere far away from me. But nowhere fun, like a screening of “Wonder Woman.” I’m picturing someplace boring, like some kind of knitting camp, or a farm that makes kombucha and then keeps it there. (Elizabeth Warren, of course, can stay.)
>The point is, we’ll never move ahead as a nation if we keep following a failed candidate. It’s time to think about Sanders 2020.
Yeah, a compliant sell-out who hypocritically bitches about Wall St. (who mainly donates to the Democratic candidates) and "thuh rich!"...that sounds like a winner!
Aiden Davis
letting women vote was a mistake b/c they vote for soul sucking big government
Jose Hill
>It’s time to think about Sanders 2020. He will be 79 years old by then Who are these delusional people who want someone this old?
Logan Allen
Oroboros at work
Grayson Martin
When did The New Yorker become sexist?
Bentley Lewis
Wall St. doesn't 'mainly' donate to the Democrats. They donate to democrats sure, but they donate far more to republicans. Dumbass.
Christian Rogers
I hope they listen to him. Only retards will vote for a retarded old socialist that is retarded. And he's mentally deficient.