is Brittany the perfect woman?
never mind that ugly jewish dude on the right half of the pic.
is Brittany the perfect woman?
never mind that ugly jewish dude on the right half of the pic.
>brown hair
>not curvy
Pretty much. She strikes me as genuinely smart and mature, unlike most females who do political commentary.
her sister Nicole looks like a doll and speaks so softly, pretty much perfect
Also her Dad ran for the Reform party which had Buchanan and Duke in it, so you could probably talk about the good old days with her father in the drawing room before dinner. sweet.
Also they're both devout Catholics so a good chance they're both virgins UwU
>that video she did with her sisters and all those people in the comments were posting about how thirsty they were for clearly underage girls
Gotta fill that daily quota, right OP?
>the perfect woman
Her young sister in that video is 20 though. The twins are like 24/almost 25.
Her twin sister is better. I want to ejaculate my semen into her
Cancerous eceleb slide thread