Hey white Christians your time is up!!!

TYT goes to a new low.


Other urls found in this thread:


>direct link to The Young Turks
Use hooktube, it's like archive.is for youtube. Just change the domain in the url.


>no Embed button
not convenient enough.

They're gonna be really sad about Christians losing their power and influence when the typewriter makes a carriage return and shoots full right. Right wing death squads won't be a joke meme. The true Church suddenly won't look ultra conservative anymore and may be the only trusted arbiter. There will likely be a lot of blood before then.

based Norway

I'm convinced TYT are trolls that just say retarded shit in videos with click bait titles. They're hacks, they know at least half their views are hate-watchers, it's their gimmick.

If you were locked in a room with Ana and given full immunity to the law, what would you do to her Sup Forums?

The bot is evolving!

Convert her to Christianity.


I would stick hot sauce up her ass with bacon and tell her this is not actually happening like that genocide that they say never happend.


Their God-Emperor Sanders hates Christians.


>based norway bro
I will sacrifice a hundred bulls in your name

Trolls wouldn't get genuinely mad when confronted with the background of their name.
Friendly reminder that the Young Turks of a century ago were radical 'liberals' who started and completed the genocide of Christians in the Caucasus region.

The reason why these unintelligent homo-sapiens
are still "relevant", is because of well you know...
I don't have to say it.

I would press her against the wall and kept hitting her face with an open hand and saying "I'm fucking better then you" until she turns into a vegetable.



>Cenk constantly wants Republicans to work with him on things
>Constantly berates them

I hate him.
I hate Cenk and I hope cancer gets to him.

bless you

a felony

Ana Kasparian knows excactly what she is doing when leaving her decolte open like that

Flag them for hate speech.



>be Cenk
>born in Turkey
>come to the greatest country on earth
>said great country was created by white Christians
>20-30 years later proceed to bash those who made the prosperity which you're now enjoying
Why do they do this?

Maybe their Saudi financiers know

All turks need to be genocided honestly

>funded by Al Jazeera(the state media of Qatar)
>banned from every country in the ME for being too extremist
Actively fund the Muslim brotherhood and CARE(banned from every ME country for being too extremist)

inferiority complx and insecuity desu

Irrelevant, I'm agnostic and I still voted for trump

Does Sink Uber still get paid off by the Arabs or have the DNC taken that role now?

He gets paid by the government of Qatar....so Arabs

TYT is fake news and political indoctrination for the mentally retarded and criminally insane.


God damn, I want to participate in this thread, but I can't listen to 30 seconds of Anna's shrill bitch voice without wanting to kill something.


i.e, Turks

And we wonder why degeneracy is at a all time high??

Love it.

I don't watch The Young Turds



I'm a Middle Eastern Christian and seeing this shit makes me sick to my stomach and just makes me want to die for the West even more. Liberals and Muslims need to gassed ASAP, these animals do nothing but destroy anything and everything sacred.

I actually don't even care that white nationalist don't consider one of their own and consider me an enemy. I will fight with you until every one of these scumbags is killed.

Except this isn't the democrat message at all. The future belonds to ALL races. Period. Fucking inbred nazi fuckhead.

lol awesome

>they think equality will last forever
the dream is already shattering

Will we ever see a crusade within our lifetime? I fear that we may succumb to the slow and insidious subversion we are witnessing today if we don't act somehow

Sup Forums is bullshit, overall the pussies who wouldn't fight with you are the exact pussies who wouldn't leave their parents basement and try to stop us with a Kek shrine. We are the ultimate minority group and eventually people will see that.

>hey whitey, ur time is over

is it chunk yoghurt or ana kasparov who is responsible for all the blacked posts on Sup Forums ?

because it looks like it is.

>chunk yogurt

After the debate with Ben, the overgrown insect is pretty much proven a low IQ joke