There are people who voted for Trump thinking he would be any different from the corrupt political establishment

There are people who voted for Trump thinking he would be any different from the corrupt political establishment.

Just like every other politician he said whatever he had to to get elected and then immediately disregarded it all.

How does it feel to have been played Sup Forums?




so when is ww3 finally kicking off? not that it's trump's fault.

Humpty Drumpty did not build a wall
Humpty Drumpty had a great fall
All of the redditards and the klansmen
couldn't put Drumpty together again

Drumpity broke his promise on wars
The lion of Syria cut off his balls
Putin and Xinping laughed at his dick
Bill Mitchell settled on his asshole to lick

Drumpity's presidency turned to shite
America's now less than 50% white
Niggers and spics, the kikes at the top
Didn't we vote for the bullshit to stop?

Drumpf he tried washing his shame out with water
All while a jew was fucking his daughter
And making the choices on every adventure
And you thought I suffered from dementia?

Oh little trumplets, look at you now
You were all duped and we all know how
Your IQs so low, we should just pull the cord
When will you realize, Sup Forums isn't your board?

Burgerland's passing now into the grave
The world will not miss you, the gay things you gave
Pretty soon you will look like Brazil
And that little trumptards, is the true redpill

It's now getting late, so I bid you adieu
Hilldog's the name, with my guitar too
And as you are niggerfied, one thing you'll see
You're already wishing you voted for me

1 post by this id

1 post by this id

The wall will be built, they will go back, bringing back jobs, wages are increasing for labor workers. You lost.. your girl is a sickly old crooked amount of shilling for her will change who out president is. He started a movement. What he can't accomplish the next democratically elected leader will. Silent majority is sick of your shit. Also sage

Facts show that the silent majority voted for Hillary.

But yeah, keep living in your echochamber of fact-denial. Reality has a left wing bias.

OP is right. He's only renting the GOP. The word is that he loved the coverage he received from the deal he made with the Dems this weeks. He's a narcissist who just wants to be loved. He didn't believe a damn thing he said during the campaign nor much of what he's said so far as President. If the Dems manage to win back the House in '18 then he's going to get awfully friendly with them awfully fast and the GOP voters are going to realize they were used.

The wall will be a massive waste of money and will accomplish nothing, you have fallen for rhetoric.

I didn't back Hilary I am not from the US even, you really need a better argument than "Hilary sucks worse so stay mad". Really instead of hopping on Trumps cock you ought to have used that farce of an election to force the urgent electoral reform your country needs.

>china is good

dumb shill, he still does "china is bad"

>you really need a better argument than "Hilary sucks worse so stay mad".
This. I'm a conservative so I never liked Trump very much. I'll never defend him unless or until he begins to show himself as a conservative. I hear Trump supporters defend him, and themselves and their votes, by criticizing Hillary. I'm thinking, "That was 10 months ago. Hillary is done. The dragon is slayed. She ain't coming back." How much longer are Trump supporters going to use Hillary as a foil?

I'd give him until the end of 2019 before counting him out, what really matters is that americans purge the never trumps that are against the first picture

He can still do it, don't give up

Cant tell if ironic or just stupid


What universe were you living in last year. I hope she runs again in 2020, you do too right?!?

You'll give him until campaigning for the next election starts so he can throw more false promises your way?

It's like you want to be lied to.

Nobody in their right mind thought Trump was the messiah, here to solve all our problems. Trump is just a temporary bulwark holding back the inevitable, giving conservative whites just a bit more time to get ready for when SHTF.

Your argument is that he hasn't fulfilled his campaign promises before the first years up (without mention of those standing in his way like ryan).

My counter argument would be that we give him more time, they'll need to get onboard or he'll need to remove them as an obstacle.

I'll admit, while I didn't vote for him, I did believe that, being wealthy, he couldn't be bought.
It never occurred to me that he was actually financially unstable and that he would risk prison to secure federal contracts.

Automation is seizing better-paying jobs faster than any illegal; meanwhile, the jobs that illegals are working trend toward ones that no one wants to do.

Hillary is a piece of shit for sure, but you're focusing on a non-issue and proving yourself a useful idiot.

>Russia must respect us
Go back to bed, Ivan






>trumpcucks still defending him nearly a year later

Just checking in on this post.

I agree with OP.





Feels good.


This gay rebbit song is the cringiest thing i've read on the internet

OP's got a point though.

It's not like I would have voted for HER though...

It's just that both politicians are shit and I'd rather not have a shit president.

Hitler 2020. The year of perfect vision. You can see clearly now through the Jewish bullshit.

le ebin strawman maymay

>cracking down on ISIS
>supplies them, bombs syria and sanctions their ally for no reason

Yes he is doing a good job in the least I cannot disagree but the Zionist element is still there sadly.

Drumpf's opinion on any matter is the opinion of the last person he talked to that he actually liked/respected

sage all these shareblue slide threads. they are meant to distract

>1 post by this ID
Ignore the shills. This is a valid thread.

Walls work.

So what is your point? Candidate Trump didn't have the power to fulfill all these promises and we knew it. President Trump does what he can actually do as a president.

It's not like people actually wanted to see a literal wall on the border or see Hillary in jail. Former would have been a terrible insult to our neighbor and the latter would have been a national disgrace, because you don't throw a SoS, even a retired one, in jail. Did she do anything wrong? No. So, shut the fuck up and forget about her.

Neither can he insult the biggest and the most important trading partner, which is China. Obamacare turned out to be quite good and on the rest (Assad, Russia, NATO) he was probably red-pilled by CIA. Only a literal retard could have believed that the US would dismantle NATO.