Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Preußen Edition

Upcoming elections:
15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

>Gather lurkers
>Make memes
>Spell-check memes
>Spread memes
>Come up with new ideas
>Ignore the shills

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal



Weidel leaves ZDF Debate

Storch vs Bushido

Nigel Farage speech

Other urls found in this thread:

For german Anons who want to go the extra mile:

The AfD is still looking for people who can spend some time before the election to placard posters, distribute flyers and stuff into mailboxes, man info booths (together with experienced guys, of course), help prepare locations for speeches, look for posters being damaged/stolen, go to local meetups to discuss plans/ideas etc.

Also if not even more important apply as Wahlhelfer to prevent election fraud. (Check your local deadlines at your town hall) You get even some money from the government for this, between 60-90€

Or if you don't want to spend the entire election day at the polling station, please go there as Wahlbeobachter. Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm on election day. You don't need to do anything else.


Article in the print version of the SPIEGEL about us

Rerequesting here.


The eternal polack gives no rest today. Who'll tell him that we'll never pay reparations?


Just ignore him, you fucking underaged idiot.

>Preußen Edition
Recht so

>Hass, Fake News und Kreml-Propaganda
Oh nice, so they could recycle their Ukraine bullshit about "Putintrolle". This is supposed to be journalism.


What do German anons think of the concept of #TheShyVoter?

These are voters who claim to be liberal when questioned in public but then vote for Conservative candidates during an election. The most common reason for lying in public is to avoid triggering your left-wing friends, neighbors and co-workers. When an off-handed remark about "so-called refugees" can literally get you in trouble with (((them))) it's easier (and maybe smarter) to work behind the scenes.

I think a last-minute meme campaign targeting shy voters could be very effective.

Why don't you guys just unite? Same language, culture basically everything. There shouldn't be such thing as Austria.


Joooooooi Feierabend, erstmal einkaufen gegangen und dabei umgeben von Ziggis gewesen. Schön dass ich gerade rechtzeitig zum neuen Faden da bin.

Grüße aus Bayern geliebte Kameraden!

Wir sind jetzt wirklich berühmt

>Fake Europeans
pic related

Ich dachte immer in Bayern sei die Welt noch in Ordnung

Because it's forbidden.

Nice, thanks!

Not bad.

But since Sup Forums became nu/pol/ (the last two years) we aren't able to raid anything or getting anything done, the shilling of leftists and influx of Sup Forums is just too much.

Also we german anons are maximum 20 people, and the paid Trump posters are long gone, so WHO is suppoesd to post these pics?

Schon aber nicht was die Ballungszentren angeht


how come? is it forbidden by some international treaty after the second world war?

YAY ... we made the news again
Have a brand new print-worthy meme.
Whoever in yesterday's edition asked for a sticker friendly version of Wolf PMS' VTR-LND illumination: pic related


>international treaty after the second world war
Exactly, we aren't also allowed to re-establish Prussia again

What's Stuttgart like?

BR also reported about us



the concept is brilliant but many, many people have to see it. combined consciousness is the key. german twitter aint american twitter so the effects are somewhat smaller. i still hope we reach the 1 mil donation so the AfD can hire President Trumps election team.

we're the trolls but leftyfucks, commies and antifaggits are the activists xD pathetic but at least it gives us publicity

Seems some parts are pretty shit, surprisingly, I remember it as quite okay, though a bit degenerate. But that was twenty years ago ...

And follow up:


It's amazing how self proclaimed "quality journalism" bases their stories on butthurt blogs by fucking Buzzfaggots.

you would be surprised how much changed...

This would be my wish country.
>Pic related

Um was wollen wir wetten, dass es ein Flüchtling war?

>Frauenleiche neben dem Gehweg entdeckt

Nur ein Einzelfall. Weitermachen.

>includes south tyrol

>These are voters who claim to be liberal when questioned in public but then vote for Conservative candidates during an election.

The phenomena has been documented in English-speaking countries as the 'Shy Tory' effect, and it's attributed to part of why all the polling on Trump and Brexit was so wrong.

It probably applies to Germany, though I'm not sure how you'd target them specifically.

You guys do have Secret Ballots, right?


go on


Ich frag mich wie man so etwas abgesehen von Videoüberwachung in Berlin aufklären will


Here are the raw numbers.

What does this say, I cant read arabic.

Reiner Zufall wenn die den Täter schnappen. Vielleicht gibt es DNA Spuren

Ich seh schon ...

>But since Sup Forums became nu/pol/ (the last two years) we aren't able to raid anything or getting anything done, the shilling of leftists and influx of Sup Forums is just too much.
>Also we german anons are maximum 20 people, and the paid Trump posters are long gone, so WHO is suppoesd to post these pics?

So, you guys need to go Old School and analog. Start printing stuff at home on your own printer. Spend the extra money for nice paper and color ink. Make a about 50 copies.
Then, head into a city, and start distributing these things quietly in public. Subways and bus stops are a great place, also entrances to supermarkets. And any location with free magazines and newspapers. Do this discreetly, and at each location take a photo and note the time. In 20 minutes, you can cover a lot of ground and distribute at least 30-40 flyers.
Wait a couple of hours, and then re-walk your route, making notes about what happened (still there, missing, destroyed, modified, and so on). Take more pictures. Then go home and quickly make some inspirational memes and report the results on Sup Forums

>mfw one user can distribute about 50 printed memes IRL in 30 minutes
>mfw analog
>mfw ground game


>FOX News ... rechtspopulistisch
whahahaha ... WTF are these people smoking

That's German, not Arabic.

Even worse is that they switch between "Meme" and "Mem" all the time

some politicians from the CDU SPD Grüne, Linke came to a school to teach them (((good))) politics. They did a fun election and as you can see the students were having none of it. AfD won by a mile


fuck all your cities are destroyed

yes, we do. but more people should be watching what happens AFTER election is closed (fraud)

this is actually a brilliant idea that i will start tomorrow. i can print some at my workplace

>Berlin Zoo
Couldn't it as well have been a junky?

stuttgart is a very dirty place
i have been to most of the biggest cities because of my job
even i was shocked when i discovered how fucked up the main train station is
(they are building a new underground multi billion dollar station for the past years - stuttgart 21 you should look it up - giant waste of taxpayer money)

it often seems that every mohammed and utuwatenge is concentrated in this city so be prepared to enter a caliphate

somehow its strange because the state of baden württenberg and bavaria are the two most aspiring and booming states in germany for decades

but in BW its all spent on the countryside wich is quite splendid actually (especially the bodensee area)

lots of residents from stuttgart actually love their city
i still cannot figure out why

Mit welcher Datenbank will man das dann abgleichen? Asylanten nach einer DNA zu fragen ist schließlich die Vorstufe zum vierten Reich, das müsstest du doch mittlerweile wissen.

generation Z is hope


Most interesting thing about this is that the fucking Antifa and "Die Partei" shitlibs (essentially the same over here) didn't recognize AfD Chan at all when I stickered her out on the streets and trolled anti-AfD posts with it. Some actually kept up for about a month ... colors already bleaching out 'n sheeit.
Now, all of a sudden -- because these Neets only get their information from Buzzfeed and Spiegel -- they go after anything in the urban landscape that resembles an anime waifu with bright blue hair and a red hair clip.
Like pawlowian dogs.
I'll bet that pic related stickers would stay a long time because these idiots actually don't read that well -- and betraying old blue collar leftist values anyway, Teddy rolling over in his grave.

Does any german user know how much one of these election posters made from cardboard coasts?
A good action would be to print/produce some
posters with slogans on it ridiculing the other parties and make the voter more unsure.
I think it is of importance that these posters should have the same design as used by the other parties e.g. CDU, SPD

>Nice hat

Genießt eure endlose Kanaken- und Negerinvasion gesponsert von Mutti und Michel, ich bin raus hier.


Is the german military still called the Wehrmacht?

>this is an idea that i will start tomorrow. i can print some at my workplace

I'll post a couple of some English "Two Faces" memes. Give me the German translation you want, and I'll make the changes.

>I have two identities
>Two faces

>In public I'll say what's necessary
>Refugees Welcome!
>Open borders
>More EU
>There is no "Plan B"
>Report Fake News

>But in private I'll do what's necessary

Nah, we call them nowadays Cuckmacht.

It's sad.


Left and Green would form a Koalition.

is that /trixie/ bombing her own photo op ... kek



Es ist wirklich unglaublich. Ich kann das nicht fassen. Bitte lass es in den nächsten 3 Jahren scheppern.

The actual state of Britain(and France and Germany) is just sad, the fight is coming, and we will fight together.

I spoke to ze Führer today and he asked me to zend best Führergreetings. Samstag is Führerday

>Bitte lass es in den nächsten 3 Jahren scheppern.

Und dann?

5% more for the AfD won't save us, won't save France, and won't save anything.

We are in this shitshow till the end, and the end will become violent.

The idea here is to inspire other anons to do the same thing, then eventually get one of the big news agencies to write another article about Sup Forums and Sup Forums in which they feature (and therefore spread) some hand-crafted memes

two identities: Ich habe zwei Identitäten
two faces: Ich habe zwei Gesichter (i like this one more desu)

in public.. : In der Öffentlichkeit sage ich das Richtige (more like "in public i say what's right")

Refugees Welcome (we use it that way, too)
Offene Grenzen / Keine Grenzen (open border / no borders)
Mehr EU
Es gibt keinen "Plan B"
Melde "Fake News"

but in private.. : Aber privat tue ich das Richtige ("in public ill do whats right")

Thats it
I am looking for the election
but in the end its going to be nothing but a minor happening
purge is going to happen
the task of our generation

pic related, the middle top one is in german.

>Refugees Welcome
>Offene Grenzen / Keine Grenzen
>Mehr EU
>Es gibt keinen "Plan B"
>Melde "Fake News"

Are these still meaningful? For example, reporting Fake News as a catchprase probably doesn't make sense to most Germans. What are more relevant political cliches?

>Wir schaffen das!

Damn Bavaria seems quite pozzed as well. I thought they were hardcore and shit?

AfD girl on the left claimed as my Waifu

Nice. I think I'm missing one or two of those.
>mfw I have too many versions of memes

Frauke Petry could be a 10/10 if she made a bit more effort on her look, she has a great body and face.


>For example, reporting Fake News as a catchprase probably doesn't make sense to most Germans.

It IS relevant!
Germany is your fucking vasall state, so we just copy everything you do over there and try it 6 month later.

So "Fake News" are BIG news in Germany, the Lügenpresse tries to push them hard and fast.


>mother of five
She's already perfect

Looks too young

tfw no frauke gf

Hallo Berndi, hast du auch die zweite Seite von dem Artikel?

The fact that she has her hair like I did when I was 16 doesn't help.

>Report Your Neighbors
>for spreading fake news

in other words, she could stop styling herself as a dyke.
