I don't get it
Why did MLK's nonviolent protest work and why does ANTIFA's brick throwing not?
Because the average normie sees no harm in non-violent protest, indeed even dignity when the non-violent protestors are abused. They don't feel the same way about a bunch of entitled faggots destroying property and threatening people.
breddy obvious famalam
Been thinking this since Ferguson! Its like in coherent rioting and burning shit hurts your cause?
>OP answers own question in his own loaded question
Like, right? Yeah? Like how people, you know, destroying things isn't, like, achieving an image of being magnamanous, yeah?
If people had to choose between driving past a peaceful neo nazi rally every day on their way to work and having to take a detour because violent leftists are rampaging down the streets they would choose the Nazi rallies that do not disturb them.
Normies do not dig being forced out of their comfort zone.
AntiFa have no proper arguments. They just want to crush everything created by Capitalism and "Fascism".
>They don't feel the same way about a bunch of entitled faggots destroying property and threatening people
You mean just like the government?
are you saying people are fine when govt. does it???
4 frames of someone flapping his mouth
cool gif
Most people obviously are, otherwise we wouldn't HAVE government.
>namefagging tripfag
>You mean just like the government?
No, we're talking about violent vs. non-violent protestors.
You ancap faggots are brainlets
>tfw when in the 60s people where blasted with water cannons and mauled by dogs without fighting back and Antifa attacks people for calling them names
Are you saying government isn't made up of entitled people who use and threaten violence against peaceful people?
its about virtue signalling and showing you have the higher moral standing
like the terrorists
what has the bombing of innocent civilians ever done for them? -nothing
one might say its even better that way so they will never garner enough support for their cause
You are going to swing from a tree soon commie.
>Are you saying government isn't made up of entitled people who use and threaten violence against peaceful people?
I'm saying that's not the topic at hand, faggot. Stop trying to shoehorn your half-baked opinion into a conversation.
shoo shoo, shill
for example*
Simple. People dont want to get hurt. A nonviolent protest wont hurt you. A bunch of thugs with bats and guns will hurt you.
I'm a hyper individualist conservative Christian. You're the commie here, Borg.
It is the topic. Government commits 10^400 the violence of antifaggots. Face reality you bootlicking cuck.
Okay have fun being a pedant with that noose around your neck i dont give a fuck what flavor of commie gets killed.
Have fun in hell commie.
>You mean just like the government?
Government destroys property so I should do it too!!!!
>antifa logic everyone
>It is the topic. Government commits 10^400 the violence of antifaggots. Face reality you bootlicking cuck.
So if we were debating which is tastier, a burger or a hot dog, you'd start talking about the injustices of the beef and pork industry.
You're worse than useless, shill. You're counter-productive.
What's your relationship like with your father?
Because MLK had the non-southern establishment and the media/intelligentsia class on his side, but did a good job of presenting himself as a rebel and outsider.
Anfia also has the establishment and the media/intelligentsia class on their side, but everyone who isn't Antifa knows this and hates them as well as their backers.
Antifags love government cock - them emulating them should come as no surprise.
This isn't a trivial issue of taste. This is a subject of extreme moral gravity. When you cry and whine about some faggot not getting a cake he wants baked by someone who doesn't want to bake it for him, the more pertinent moral issue is that there's some entity to whine to that WILL USE VIOLENT FORCE to dictate the issue.
My father was murdered by a violent thug while he was walking home on a sidewalk. The thug hit him on the head from behind - thanks for asking!
Violence is not sympathetic.
Of course you dont get it, Antifaggot
do you not understand sarcasm my dude?
>This isn't a trivial issue of taste.
I didn't say it was. I said you're diluting the topic at hand in order to grandstand, and it doesn't address the issue directly.
How old were you when your father was murdered?
government is naturally formed from human necessity. if you get rid of "big gov" you'll just replace it with local government and the country will slowly suffer from internal inconsistency like the german states in the HRE, in a state of perpetual chaotic disorganization.
>I didn't say it was
You just compared the issue of aggressive violence to people's tastes in food. Jesus Christ.
I was 20 - I was about to start my junior year in uni.
>saying anything meaningful or clever, ever.
Here's your (you) you stupid faggot
That's not true. There need not be people always threatening violence coupled with people's acceptance of that violence as magically being "legitimate". That's a logical fact.
Nice argument bro.
Government obviously isn't violent at all - thank you for enlightening me with your intelligence!
because anime is gay, deal with it LMAO
>user believes MLK's protest actually happened
Oh boy, user.
because normies are the silent majority who dictate the fate of the country. in general they dont like violence so whoever has the happier message wins. to them antifa and neonazis are both just a bunch of pissed off larpers trying to cause mayhem, normies support peace.
>normies support peace
Odd thing to say when they always seem to go along with war.
>You just compared the issue of aggressive violence to people's tastes in food.
Your reading comprehension is poor, too bad dad didn't teach you that before he was bumped off. Is that why you're so angry? Angry about violence?
Read it again, faggot.
>Non violent
Idiot. Stop making threads
>So if we were debating which is tastier, a burger or a hot dog, you'd start talking about the injustices of the beef and pork industry
I wouldn't because that's a trivial matter of taste. In THIS CASE, I AM talking about a REAL issue, because this issue morally matters to the extreme. If you miss the forest for a tree I'm going to point out the fucking forest every single time dipshit.
Learn to fucking read.
>I AM talking about a REAL issue
No, you're talking about a theoretical issue. The REAL issue is
>Why did MLK's nonviolent protest work and why does ANTIFA's brick throwing not?
which you haven't addressed. All your ancap blathering hasn't answered the question. Don't post again until you answer the question, faggot.
Namefags and tripfags are cancer.
violence isn't what holds a state together, it's the people's satisfaction with its performance. Always threatening? You're creating nonexistent scenarios. If you speak with people out on the street the government itself isn't an issue but whether or not it's staffed with competent, trustworthy people with a good track record, morality, and loyalty to public service.
I've never felt this way about the government, i've spoken to police, i've been to court, i went to public university, people always treated me with respect. i've never felt threatened, unlike for instance when I talk to ideologues like communists and anarchists who are the reflection of the violence they purport to hate.
MLK blocked highways and promoted rioting.
And y'know
Just in-case you forgot
Was shot for it.
Stop reading re-visioned history books.
>government violence, which takes place every day at every moment
Kill yourself.
>Always threatening?
I'll help you teach yourself.
What is a law?
le boiling frog meme
>Kill yourself.
You really answered the question, faggot. Dad would be so proud of you and your sharp debate skills. Let's try again:
>Why did MLK's nonviolent protest work and why does ANTIFA's brick throwing not?
I don't care about your question. I care about a bigger issue that you refuse to even look at, which is why it's more important to berate you for being a thoughtless bootlicking faggot. I'll repeat - kys you violent commie shitter.
law functions in different ways for different systems
in a democracy, it's a written rule society agrees to abide by, that the common branches of government, elected by the people, legislative and executive sign into law, and is constitutionality is reviewed by the judicial branch.
you're equating government with authoritarian dictatorships where the word of one man is law and that authority is backed by the military
>I don't care about your question.
What a surprise. You're a special kind of faggot. You don't listen to others, you just want to be heard - but no one's listening. Are you a woman? Maybe Dad offed himself to get away from you.
>you refuse to even look at
I don't refuse to look at it, it's just the thread topic. Start your own thread if you're not going to answer the question. This question:
>>Why did MLK's nonviolent protest work and why does ANTIFA's brick throwing not?
>it's a written rule society agrees to abide by
No that's actually wrong. Law is commands issued by a sovereign, backed up by the threat of violence.
You can't use "agreement" as a justified basis for law, because nobody agrees to anything, and - as John Locke noted - it's a lost cause to try and get everyone to agree due not only to the fact that people will differ but also due to the sheer logistics of getting everyone's consent on every matter which you would impose on them.
Law as "commands issued by a sovereign" is a far more truthful descriptive account of what law is, while feigning consent or agreement as the force behind law is descriptively false.
Your question is pointless - does that upset you, bootlicker?
Meanwhile, government fucks you in the ass and all you do is pine for more. Jesus fuck you're pretty gay aren't you faggot?
At the end of the day, it all boils down to being able to morally and ethically justify your cause.
>Your question is pointless
Pointless or not, it's the thread topic. You just want to spout your poorly-thought out talking points. You should be embarrassed to be this thoughtless, but you're too far gone. It's what happens when you lack a strong male role model. I'll bet your mother is controlling and also tired of talking to you, because you don't listen to others.
Are you confusing MLK with Malcom X?
>it's the thread topic therefore I can only talk about it xD
>it's the law to not jaywalk therefore when I get ticketed for it it's okay that there's a latent threat if I don't pay it that I'll be violently thrown in a cage or killed if I resist xD
lad wew
bootlickers gonna lick boots
>it's the law to not jaywalk therefore when I get ticketed for it it's okay that there's a latent threat if I don't pay it that I'll be violently thrown in a cage or killed if I resist
I agree, and you're still a cunt
I hope some thug brains you from behind too
Try listening instead of forcing your opinions on other people, you may find it a pleasant experience. I'm bored with you.
17 posts and yet not a single thing of value was said
>forcing opinions
You will not be silenced! My hatespeech is violence!
Kill yourself~
Choose one
Because black had a real objetive, Liberal job failures just want a perpetual show to gain attention and victimization by using imaginary enemies that don't exist. They have no reason and logic to explain their movement, if they act like anarchists and society soon or later will hate them
>Law is commands issued by a sovereign, backed up by the threat of violence
once again, I think you're confusing dictatorship and government. if you commit violent crime that I think everyone on here will agree is heinous, you go to prison. I don't see how violence is unjustified in preventing harsh criminality against innocents.
Declaring "nobody agrees to anything" is not a verifiable assertion. You can use agreement as a justified basis for law, because people are rational and can hold a debate, a referendum, an election, and agree to respect the results as binding for whatever decision is to be made. People can respectfully disagree but entire national systems which have endured centuries shouldn't be dismantled on a whim and left to mob rule. I will agree with you that the state is capable and historically guilty of horrifying violence because of its position that demands responsibility and respect for the nation, its customs, and its laws. I believe in a certain degree of decentralization and the harmony between the people and the state.
>low energy
>tickets are violent
>fines are violent
>order is violent
Further proof that commies are nigger tier in their logic.
and another worthless tripfag goes on the blacklist. Feels good