Would you vote for Bernie Sanders in 2020?

Would you vote for Bernie Sanders in 2020?

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socialism is for fags

Yes! Anything to destroy the Democrats further.

Considering Trump has not turned out to be the anti-establishment candidate he tricked us into believing he was, yes I would. Even as a republican.

No it's not. Socialism is redpilled for the poor and middle class

No. He's a hateful demagogue who tries to buy votes by promising his voters other people's money.

By increasing the "give aways", he would increase the national debt, which serves his banker masters.

The whole "Glass Steagle" Schtick wouldn't hurt the bankers in the least. That's just for the Rubes.

He's been a corrupt, hateful little demagogue his entire life.

Lol ok Malcolm X

Checked. How much does trump piss you off as a republican?

ahahahahahhahaha no

Absolutely. The basic-tier leftist policies (taxing globalist elite classes, healthcare etc.) he wanted to implement in the United States are already default/commonplace in most countries. He's not a radical leftist or an extremist at all.

Hitler sucks. He wants to gas the blacks

>effective leader
I genuinely feel bad for hernie cucks. The recent Jimmy Dore on Bernie answering a question about the DNC lawsuit was genuinely depressing. Thankfully all I have to do is remember these people want me dead after they steal all my productive effort and I can go on, but still, it's hard to watch humans suffer.

>other people's money.

Money belongs to the people who actually create the wealth - the working people of America. Sitting on your ass moving money about on a screen like what bankers do isn't productive, it's parasitical. Get that through your thick brainwashed skull.

I don't vote for Jews. They are parasites.

Thank you for your opinion Ukraine bro. I wish you a swift victory against the Russians


If Trump does not run in 2020 I am voting for the worst candidate. Americans are fucking ungrateful lazy assholes, who have take this opportunity to take back control o the government, by protesting stupid shit, and making memes. Not exactly doing much of anything to fix a government that operates outside of the and Constitutuon. We will burn soon enough. Trump is just delaying the inevitable.

This. Remember a jew is a jew first and foremost no matter what society they live in. They will play their eternal victim card but do not give them sympathy.
No one in any political office should be allowed to have dual-citizenship.

Sander's fake health care scam would raise my taxes by over $6000. That's money I earned.

I'm not voting to be a host a bunch of leaches. No, what I earn is not yours and you can't take it because you want it.

A guy with an GOP flag, wants a socialist, and thinks he can take my stuff because of the bankers. Amazing.


Trump says things all across the spectrum, it's impossible to follow him. Especially if English isn't your first language. Everyday something controversial comes out of his mouth, he's basically like a showman/distraction as the more hardcore extremist radical right members of the Republican party, such as Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, constantly just gut the working and middle classes by transferring wealth up.

For example on the day Trump announced his provocative 'Trans people are banned from the military' initiative----> regulations were passed, in stealth, to dismantle what was left of the fishing industry in America. look it up

Paraphrasing: "If you don't believe in socialist principles as a child, you have no heart. If you continue to believe the same way as an adult, you have no brain."
The Bernster and his crew still have a lot of growing up left to do before I'll even consider taking them seriously, but I will never be their proxy parent.

No. He is a sjw kike socialist/communist who lived in the USSR and fucked over his retarded fan base and used their kike money to fund his umpteenth new vacation home

>Trump says things all across the spectrum, it's impossible to follow him

And he speaks like a 4th grader.


hell, I probably won't even vote anymore

Exactly. He's the USA's Corbyn lol.


Then later, "Er it wasn't really a promise, just an aspiration. We wouldn't actually be able to afford it..."

Hitler was a National Socialist who turned Germany around in a decade.

We could afford it, we just need to tax the shit out of the parasitical banking corporate class

I see nothing wrong with that brother

Because we all know that socialism works long term

Real socialism literally hasn't been tried.


That's good for me because English is my first language but even when I listen to Gump (I call him Gump because he's a successful idiot) he strikes me more as a salesman then a politician ).

....and also another characteristic is a bizarre sort of gloating about his own accomplishments very narcissistically.

English is my third language***

I'm not one of these retard leftists who call Trump literally Hitler - I don't hate him, he's actually funny and I hate SJWs far more than I hate the alt-right, who I agree with on most issues, but yes he's definately not very smart and the deep state still runs the country.

The irony is Trump's policies are indifferent to Obama and Bush's, but liberal fucks get triggered anyway. The USA needs a revolution

I think what's really going on in a larger sense is a total stasis; a stasis of opinion, an aversion to change, even when people use YouTube; the google algorithm just gives them more of what they want to see and keeps them in an ideological echo chamber. everything is static.

everyone is living in their own individualized little cell.

Russia for example used to be the country of Revolutions, now their main goal is to stop revolutions in as many post-soviet countries as possible... because they lose power to the west everytime.

The global financial edifice/system/thingy is totally resistant to any major changes; their entire goal is risk prevention too.

He would be 78 by that point. He will probably die before or during the 2020 primary elections. If he somehow survived all of that and won, he'd die during his first term as President. I doubt he would last two years as president given the inherent stress involved and all of the government programs he'll push to enact and his continual need to increase the government at every level possible.

>would you vote for a SELF PROCLAIMED socialist
No. That being said someone like Trump isn't much better with his "We're not gonna reduce your benefits but we're totally gonna manage to lower your taxes".

>universal healthcare
>living wage
>re-building infrastructure
>criminal justice reform

What exactly does Sup Forums disagree with? Here in the UK these things are commonplace.

>Open immigration
>Higher wages

Can't into labor gluts and wage suppression.

>he fell for the """living"""" wage meme

Watch the Cruz vs Sanders Obamacare debate from CNN and you will see why I could never support Sanders.

>Unchecked, mass illegal immigration
>Less jobs in the marketplace all requiring a bachelor's degree and 4+ years experience
>Unchecked crimes committed by blacks and hispanics

We need Medicare for all

>gas the blacks
he should've, but he didn't.

Well he killed a lot of black people with high tech German guns

Your problem is that you think government can do everything. I don't even have faith in Bernie but I do have faith in his ability to enact a universal Healthcare system and increased taxes on the mega rich. I'm sure he can do at least both those things as president. The rest is just dust In the wind and I believe there's no chance in Donald Gump doing anything of the sort.

Borderline economic illiteracy

He's not even going to be alive in 2020.

Maybe if I forgot to switch parties for the Primary and couldn't vote Trump... May as well make them screw him over again or run the easy loss communist.

no, hes a socialist, people that vote for this idiot are the most uninformed.

>Your problem is that you think government can do everything.

No, I do not.

>I do have faith in his ability to enact a universal Healthcare system and increased taxes on the mega rich
President Obama was barely able to enact his watered-down healthcare plan. He had a supermajority in both the house and Senate. Don't give me this "The republicans blocked it" nonsense, the democratic party had 60 votes which is the minimum needed to block any attempts as something as a filibuster and so on. Bernie would never be able to enact either policy, President Obama wasn't able to increase income taxes on the rich as he had planned.

Of course, I would vote for him. He endorsed the most qualified person ever to run for president in the history of the world.

