Did jews successfully destroyed every white country?
Did jews successfully destroyed every white country?
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why are white people the way they are pic related
The Jewish people of Germany are not afraid to dismiss every anti-semitic claim thrown to them.
We, as a community, have never once destroyed a nation, and any such assumptions are merely lies fabricated by ambitious national socialists.
So yes
Lauren Southern is unbelievably beautiful, real, and selfless in her pursuit of traditionalist values. I personally purchased her 90 page book 3 times (gave 2 to my based black friends) just to financially assist her and i think you should all do the same! Also, if any of you know anyone in the movie business, producers, directors, writers etc. I think Lauren deserves a chance at full length feature films because she is more beautiful than any woman in Hollywood. Also, she has experience playing characters from her time as a Cosplay model. I mean, hey, if you help her out enough, maybe she'll even give you her number...heh who knows where that will lead.
SSS (Special Snowflake Syndrome)
>Jewish people of Germany
How are there jews in germany if they were all killed 70 years ago?
The Red Shields...
they wish
Yes, we failed in 1939
Not yet, it's a WIP!
White people own it.
Christians are their own worse enemy.
who is this cute lil brit ?
There are some who are resisting
of course a kike would post this
no, Jews are Christian's worst enemy
actually even Orthodox Jews are Jews enemy
you guys are problematic people
jews are so fucking weird
Why would you say that?
The question is, if they did, wouldn't it make them the superior race?
You won a golden star.
Here...Take itttttt
glue it to the base of pool :^)
trust me it works like magick
Is anyone in that crowd not a jew?
Were rats the superior species during the black plague?
Lefties did alongside their muslims and faggots.
How dare you besmirch your (((fellow white people))) with such an evil anti-Semitic canard?!
oy don't be antisemitic
remember muh 6 gorylion
Are both situations equivalent?
Yes, it was revenge.
Not yet.
The Manchus conquered the Chinese through infiltration. Where's the Manchus, now?
Taking advantage of white Christian empathy to fuck over white Christians is more of a statement about themselves than anything. Our forefathers charged into machine gun fire to rescue them, and the thanks they get is their countries ruined. Ultimately, few people have any attachment to the Jews as a race, anymore. They made sure to sever any ties we had, be they cultural or religious. That was there doing, not ours. Someone could drop a nuke on them and I wouldn't feel anything about it one way or another, just like I don't care when one African tribe slays another.
Revenge for the crime of sparing them from Germany's wrath. Oy vey how terrabuhls.
>Diseased group of individuals take over white nation leading to it's fall
Please tell me the difference?
Rats didn't destroy mankind. Jews will succeed.
Guess it's time to drug myself up enough to sleep
If you want to call it that
they will if white man keeps sitting on their asses,.
>Lauren Southern is unbelievably beautiful, real, and selfless in her pursuit of traditionalist values.
sorry, I though you were being unironical until I read the rest of the post
White people successfully destroyed every white country.
Jews are successfully destroying themselves
As long as there are white people on this planet the fight is never over. Whites can take there countries back at any time. Just need to wake up.
did they really use the 6 gorillion. I'm fed up with this shit.
She's ukrainian not jewish
it's interesting, the way the Jews have been assimilating american culture. They tend to portray themselves as white, until they are called white, then they are proud jews. It's "we whites must blah blah blah", followed closely by "i'm a proud jew". Well, which is it?
No other race (and Judaism has the privilege of being both a race and a religion for some reason) can say they are white and not white, depending on the conversation. Ask an Hispanic person if they are white, and even though they are technically classified as such, they will vehemently deny it.
This basically allowed the Jews to infiltrate white culture (especially film, art, music, etc). It allowed them to infiltrate our education systems. Whites empowered them after WWII, and they took it to another level. So now we're stuck with them as our "allies", but in reality, they work their hardest to make this a world for jews, not whites.
Like rats, they are an infestation trying to survive, but bringing death and disease on their backs.
Sadly, this. Whites lived with jews for thousands of years and kept them from infilitrating and corrupting the seats of power. Over the last century or two, whites have lost the will to power. That is the reason jews and increasingly asians can dominate our institutions and industries. White culture has become so nihilistic we don't even see the point in reproducing.
Stop buying movies (video games, old ones aren't as Jewy) and stop watching TV. We need to starve the synagogue of Satan.
And that is only because so many whites are DEMORALIZED. If most whites would shut off the electric Jew (TV) and educate themselves and also IGNORE niggers, we'd all get our edge back quickly.
heh heh y-yeah m-maybe she'll even like you enough to f-fuck you
No other race has achieved the ultimate goal of ethnonationalism of having a nation state for their race. We hear about how bad white nationalism is but there isn't a white nation state anywhere. There are no white nationalist apartheid states, but Jewish nationalist apartheid states are perfectly acceptable.
Yeah because of the "15 badillion dead joos from warhlwarttoo!"
We need to start pointing out the white genocide that occurs in Europe, the Middle East, and in America. Fair is fair.
Larp flag = slide thread
Jews >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>> muslims
>jews are have ruined everything white nation, even those they have never even delved in
You are the white equivalent to niggers if you believe this.
>inb4 kike
"Everybody who disagrees with me is a Jew!"