>> no sjw propaganda like Disney
>> No feminist propaganda (Wonder woman has some red pilling moments)
>> Animaniacs
>> Sexualizing wen like Harley quinn
>> Marvel is trying to be progressive and have tranny fags in it while DC is based
>> no sjw propaganda like Disney
>> No feminist propaganda (Wonder woman has some red pilling moments)
>> Animaniacs
>> Sexualizing wen like Harley quinn
>> Marvel is trying to be progressive and have tranny fags in it while DC is based
>tfw you will never sniff Harley's asshole through her silk panties
Someone post the mansplaining laso
Batman and Robin and Harley quinn the movie. It's on Kodi
video of this scene?
fuck i want to smell her farts and lick her bare feet
was this one of those "adult" movies or was this an actual show on cartoon network?
fucking nice
promoting pervesion and sluttines isn't redpilled. also (((warner)))
It's one of the new official Batman cartoons, and the writer Bruce Timm is trying to make it edgy and mature. There was also a scene where Batman has sex with Batgirl.
He's also inserting all of his fetishes.
>> No feminist propaganda
Have you seen their recent batman movies? Feminist garbage.
Does she have two ass cracks?
All asses smell the same, just sniff your virgin ass and pretend its hers
wow that is some shit. it airs on cartoon network or adult swim I take it?
All pakistanis smell like shit
I am pretty much fine with all of that
I'd rather watch that than have them make Batman a teenage black chick or something
I enjoyed that movie very much! And I thought the same thing. No sjw bs in it. wtf is going on? lol
wew laddy. Seems like WB really is based after all.
But its aimed for adults right?
>confirmed for never approaching a girl ass
Hell, I don't even need consent to get white whores
Do you know that these comics are made by Jews? DC and Marvel are all Jewish shit.
always knew batman was an ASS man.
Their animated movies are usually okay. the best:
Under the red hood
The dark knight returns
The Flashpoint paradox
watch it now ok, you fucking shills
Harley Quinn, whose real name is Dr. Harleen Quinzel, is identified as Jewish not simply because of her name but because she has explicitly told people she is Jewish in various published comics that feature her. We have in our possession examples of comics in which Harleen Quinzel tells people she is Jewish, and we will post representative scans from these scenes on this page as soon as time allows.
Did you not watch it?
The whole movie they are talking about climate change
Then Harley says "if you want to save the planet vote Democrat or donate to Green Peace"
So it's basically just a rehash of Batman Beyond?
I'm intrigued...
Based Frenchman
this explains everything
>sexualizing childrens cartoon
Sage though at least it's not gay
>kike shitskin Wonder Womyn
>Islam apologist Batman
>turning important characters into niggers ie. Perry White and Deadshot
>panders to India and Brazil
>(((Snyder))) adopts kids from third world shitholes
>hires cucked feminists like Joe Sweden when he is even too much for Marvel
It's trash and you have to go back to Sup Forumscksucking
Better booty pic
>important characters like Perry White and Deadshot.
Read a real comic and stop watching dumb hollyjew movies.
and yet they cast that ugly kikess skelly as wonder woman
i wonder why?
Why not just have nudity at that point?
Reminder that Bruce Timm drew porn of Harley Quinn
Might fap to dat later. Harley revs my engine.
>"Goth lolita Harley"
are you jocking right?
one word: warner music
To destroy her feminine figure. Wonder Woman has ALWAYS had big busty tits and a round ass. It's what made her nice to look at while doing superhero stuff. What also made her hot was how she clearly had muscles and could do cool shit. Wonder Woman always had the look of determination.
So what do they do? Cast a big titted Amazonian with a skinny as fuck flat chested Israeli who has the acting skills of a wooden board.
And by the way I'm not even a WW fan or anything. That's just what I know from side character stuff in Batman related lore.
t. lifelong Batman fan
>ever our guy
fuck off you degenerates
say whatever you like at least they arent disguising it as a kids show and airing it as such like disney channel or fkn pedolodeon
>dc based
black muslim and gay green lantern
>reading comics past 10
It's not Warner Bros, but rather, DC.
Think about it. Their two greatest heroes are a titan of industry and literally the ubermench. Almost all of their main cast is white, and most of the ones that aren't white are either aliens or mythical. Metahumans are held above normal humans, both to higher standards and being given power above the rule of law. They abhor liberal democracy, and many plot-lines involve it failing due to bureaucracy or an inept electorate or just plain weakness in the face of a strong enemy. The vast majority of authorities and governments in their universe were born inherently superior, either due to heritage or genetics.
There's so many other examples, but the DC universe is built on fascist ideology. I don't know if it was intentional, or if stories about super humans just naturally devolve into fascism, but just fucking look at them.
They keep pissing off SJWs with these straight-to-DVD animated movies which is fun
but the movies themselves have also been consistently bad, so it's not exactly a win-win. It's been years since they put out a good one. Years.
>Is Warner Bros. Almost /our company/?
that lantern crap has always been gay paolo
Did somebody say clown farts?
Stan Lee is Marvel you stupid nigger.
It's all your fault, Mordechai
Imagine what the various intelligence agencies monitoring Sup Forums must think when they see this
>(((Warner Bros)))
i never knew i wanted this
She also was brainwashed into a rape slave by a fucking clown.
>deleting a comment on an anonymous image board
Ctrl + F "Brap"
6 results from the same post of a Frenchman
Batman and Harley Quinn was fucking garbage and that drawing is terrible. Bruce Timm is a HACK.
>the things i do for gotham
You faggots probably don't know Harley was voiced by he Jewess Melissa Rauch, also known as Bernadette from the big bang theory. Shitty movie btw. Flashpoint paradox and infinite crisis much better. Sage