Say Yellowstone or some other disaster impacted the entire US. Would you take in any white American refugees?
Would you take in white, American refugees if disaster struck the country?
Other urls found in this thread:
There will be no friends in the Wasteland. Only Survivors.
Only if it meant we didn't have to take muslims
no but I'd buy a few white female or trap sex slaves in the coming dystopia
of course, no one in their right mind is against refugees perse, only against disgusting parasites
Take back some Irish Americans.
They talk about being Irish more than the people from Ireland I've met.
No, fuck Americunts.
The burgers can stay in their "land of freedom" and suffer as they deserve.
Stay away, thanks
Signed, the Netherlands
Yeah I'd take in a few of your smoothest young boys and keep em safe until the danger went away. Uncircumcised only pls
no, i don't want excessive numbers of
>trans abominations
>and other murican vermin
in my country
there is no such thing
See you there, user
american here
fuck no
They are the retarded ones that shart a lot and talk like they know IRA and the Red Hand Commandos personally when they clearly haven't got a jar of glue between them
They stay with the radioactive wogs and face mutation
"I have green eyes. Would you take me, user?"
Oh BABY. Australia, here I come!
We dont need to be refugees we will just adapt
What Australia said, I will also contribute in helping with the humanitarian crisis and would prefer the uncircumcised ones as well. I have a great Greek tradition to continue.
I saw you in Resident Evil 7 (VR mode)
Creepy guy
no not even if they were just hot females. ive got a wife and kid to take care of and its already hard enough
stop posting this trap
only the ones from texas, others can fuck off
>tfw i believe you 100%
fucking faggot
I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind.
Only if he/she's a Trump supporter.
If you can prove your heritage and are white, sure. Feel free to come here, but know that you will be exterminated if you bring your politically correct culture with you.
The British should have to take us in since they created us
In a heartbeat. On the provision they bring their funs with them.
Oh come on Alexander, I live in Thesalonica, you are invited to visit my dung... ehm, I mean home and see for yourself the lovely conditions that my guests will experience.
Americans are only bearable over short periods, you're too loud, simple and easily upset. It would be like having a 9 year old in the house, and that's if we took in an adult.
>tfw you would be the first to die if there any disaster of any kind because of your dependence on the internet
At least I have come to peace with it.
>Would you take in any white American refugees?
Yes, just not the muslims and mexicans
Only if you pay your tax on any tea you drink
>Take back some Irish Americans.
>Yellowstone erupts
>"Irish"-Americans flee to their "homeland"
>Act like obnoxious cunts thinking they understand Irish culture better than the actual Irish
>Actively antagonize Bongs, try to promote terrorism so Ireland can annex Northern Ireland
>Irish and Bongs realize than Irish-Americans are as bad as Muslims
>Irish-Americans aren't protected since they aren't brown people
>Irish and Bongs are united in their hatred of Irish-Americans
>Irish and Bongs genocide Irish-Americans
>Their unity allows them to solve their problems for all time
I'm 100% okay with this. Irish-Americans are the second most obnoxious ethnic group after 1/16th Cherokee-Americans who seem to entirely be made up of shallow white women.
We'll just invade some country and take it over. Why do you think we have bases all over the globe.
Nice country you got there Pedro.
it's called Thessaloniki you stupid faggot
white american? okay
anything else that isn't white? Fuck off were full already
probably not
you're probably a burger on vacation i assume
"Can I see your dungeon, user?
Americans? Fuck, no. They can die off, dirty mutts they are.
I'm coming back to Rhodes soon
I'll be sailing around the Dodecanese islands again, I love Greece
American, no.
So none. This is what burgers mean with 'white americans'.
You're forgetting Italian Americans. I've never seen anyone so proud to be a moorish rape baby in my life.
>white refugees
Hahahahah white people run into the problem to fix it. Even if it's to die as a free
show us your DNA test results and then you can call us mutts
>lets start a refugee thread
>and also lets turn it into a gay thread
Not democrats. Fuck you guys.
>Hahahahah white people run into the problem to fix it.
>Running into a volcano to fix it
Even niggers aren't that dumb
At least we aren't made of toothpaste
No... America deserves some hard times for their total ignorance, but i will accept any Sup Forums burgers because ya'll are alright
I've got plenty of guns.
But I'd likely stay and try to fix the problem if SHTF in the US.
>Let me just send all my dna to some database like a good goy
Only burgers fall for that meme. My lineage is Dutch as far as the records go, and on my mothers side all are Dutch except for some dude in 1730's who was from Normandy.
Thank you for the band A-ha
Fug them guys. Just remember to bring your warbmachines when you come to England and we'll have ourselves a party on some foreign beaches (again), you'll soon have a new homeland.
eeeh, it said Thesalonica on the travel guide.
mmm I don't know. You look too much like a girl.
It's a nice place, no niggers and Mexicans, but I see lots of Gypsies in Thessaloniki.
Bring ancestry tree and dna test
policy on mutts?
they have no homeland, objectively
That isn't me, m8. Just an autistic obsession of mine.
>no niggers
it literally has the most niggers on the balkan
what are you talking about
I'd rather have the obsidian glass in the volcanic ash slice my lungs.
Too risky. Jews are known shape shifters.
he's seeing much less than in his 'superior' country xddddd
god fuck i hate burgers
Bring em user
>The Jews have your DNA
What would they do with it that is so evil? I'm not predisposed to any diseases so even if they did sell it to insurance companies I don't give a shit. Not that I got an insurance test because I don't particularly care about my ethnic purity.
You know the drill Dutchbro, my mother and father both did ancestry research a decade ago and my lineage is all Swedish back to the 1600s (about as far as records go here), with possibilities of some people coming from Wallonie in the 1500s/early 1600s
yeah, I know, I saw her getting posted a lot during the elections. Just playing along is all.
really? Then you have very few niggers man. I have only seen one guy selling some wooden statues, that's all.
Mfw I should've done this as a kid because you basically have a carte blanche to do this shit
No mutts unless its some bullshit like only 1/16 mix and their skin and features are clearly inherited from whites.
nope. also, what does race have to do with anything, you insecure little bitch?
Now that's what I call a spicy question.
Pick one(Had to be)
Of Course I would take thopse with German/Dutch roots prefereably, Irish too, Scots/Scots-Irish is fine, just like French, People considering thmeselves "American" as in ethnically and English only if they work for me and Mongrils and Cucks only if they accept living in my Basement for hard labour in Exchange, most others would need to be slaves.
Otherwise you can starve and fuck your cat,
as this user indicates.
You need to wave money at them and they reveal their true form
MG at the landing strip.
Bring you back from the dead in horrific medical experiments, trapping your soul in eternal torment. All for a shekel
Because Europe already has enough mudslimes and niggers. You think they'd want more?
Russia's Far Eastern Hectare Program
>niggers not be there
Seems like a good idea now huh
Poland and Texas are friends!
Only from Chicago
HAHAHHAAH good one
Pick one
Sure, as long as they adopt English culture then they are welcome.
No, fuck off and go to Mexico
If America falls I hope our entire thermonuclear arsenal is unleashed upon the world and every single one of the 195 countries that occupy this planet become irradiated wastelands
We took a picture of America... and it's beautiful.
Yes. Unless they're christians/muslims. Keep that shit in the middle east.
pls let me in netherboys
>only want to take the "we wuz germans n sheit" Americans
Lol. Have fun with that. Maybe you can have a lan party or somthing.
My ancestors tried that once it doesn't work the russians don't like you they're pulling a refugees welcome and will turn on you eventually.