He's got a point, you know
Black parties always end up in gun play. They love it and can't get enough
>mfw i have seen multiple niggers brought away in cuffs for shoes being stepped on
Jokes on him. I'm only half white and I love to go "woooo" all the time
woo tbqh
Is that meant to be an insult?
>this is what niggers come up with
>the virgin silence
>the chad woooo!!!
wye peepo be like
"I love you, son."
'okay' hand gesture with joyous expression
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>a culture has a way of celebration
White people BTFO!!!
and niggers love prison, NEXT QUESTION.
This is a party for white people
black people love to come to white parties with their crew and start shit and then leave after stealing. happens every time
>turns out the black person in OPs post was stealing
imagine my surprise.
Woo lad
>defending obnoxious Amerishart woooing
How far will Sup Forums go to contradict absolutely anything a black man says or does?
Mexicans love to go "UNO, DOS, TRES, CUATRO" at parties. They can't get enough of it.
Made me think.
Even parts of the klan let the half natives hang around. Though I will admit it makes me a dirty centrist by having no singular identity.
Yeah, that's annoying and I never do it, except as a joke sometimes. Black people tend to laugh like they're choking and it's disgusting.
"KCHHHKHHHHKKK!" For people who are afraid of the letter "K"..
>white people
After a back-breaking week of slave labor to support all of the nogs, wetbacks and muzzies we deserve to cut loose for a few seconds.
Black people love to go "AYYYYYYY AYYYYYYYYYYY AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!" at parties. they cant get enough of it. its their favorite thing.
wooer detected
I think you mean shock
that fucking whistling...
Biracial master race
if this bothers niggers, all the more reason to keep doing it.
Black people love to go "U RACIST CRAKA WE WUZ KANGZ" in normal conversation. It's their favorite thing.
>higher rate of single parenthood
>master race
I hate it
>White people party
This is a thing for nogs, isn't it?
That's only because they all aim to be Rick Flair.
Chinese people love to be named Wu! at conception. they can't get enough of it. its their favorite thing
Slavs dont woo
like orks
No lie though, being too white to get along with blacks, and too black to get along with whites is kind of annoying.
And this is an insult how?
Black People love to go "oo oo, ahh ahh" like the primates they are. they cant get enough of it. its their favorite thing.
Ironically, the only whites who do this kind of shit are the ones who keep you niggers safe from us. The more you mock these leftie clowns the more you send to our side.
Rick Flare propagated the Woo!
Jerry Lee Lewis inspired him!
Who was inspired by blues!
Get Wrecked Nigga!
To be the Man you must beat the Man!
This just in: Whites having a good time now irritates browns.
It's the Rebel Yell.
>I couldn't find the one where pope sits down and goes woo several times
That fucking pic blows my fucking sides every time and your comment was fucking mint!
Black people love to overreact to jokes and run away like the humor is going to attack them. They can't stop doing it. It's their favorite thing
Black people like to go "UH!" in songs. They can't get enough of it. It's their favorite thing.
He doesn't know WOO is a white supremacist acronym, those people he heard are part of Wotan's Own Order.