Why the fuck do people support anti tobacco laws?
Like where does the idea come from? Do they absolutely feel the need to regulate what other people should and shouldn't buy?
Is this a mental illness?
Why the fuck do people support anti tobacco laws?
Like where does the idea come from? Do they absolutely feel the need to regulate what other people should and shouldn't buy?
Is this a mental illness?
Idk why (((they))) hate us smokers so much but non smokers are beta man children peat gavels.
People are stupid and being manipulated by Politicians.
All anti-smoking laws are taxes ones way or another so politicians can afford to continue to buying votes with welfare.
I know a girl who complains about smokers too and goes on about air space like she should be able to arrest smokers. I asked her about car pollution and if they should get sued too.
Anti tobacco laws are nothing more than a excuse for the state to increase their power over peoples lives and behaviour. It has nothing to do with health
>he doesn't knows the control of the Tobacco industry was made to regulate amerindian bussiness enterprises.
>non smokers are beta man children peat gavels
I wouldn't say all of them are but I definitively noticed a trend.
Most male smokers are know are all fairly alphas. When I started smoking I felt a slight increase in aggressiveness as well.
over here it had an opposite effect. They make a ton of money selling cigs since they're exempt from taxes and regulations.
Smokefags went too far and got too greedy. I still remember the days of going out to a nice restaurant and then some fucking cunt takes out a stick of paper and dried leaves, sets it on fire, and then blows the smoke all over the room like an autist. Also remember working with smokefags who had to take cigarette breaks every hour. Lazy, greedy, clueless fucks dug their own grave with this one.
Jewish scientists load cigarettes full of Jew chemicals that causes cancer and say "No goyim! You'll get cancer! "
Not smoking makes you more submissive and easier to control. It's a fact. That's why prisions ban tobacco
You know what's a mental illness? Spending your money on a habit that smells like shit and destroys your health.
Sort yourself out.
It's the same here.
>Like where does the idea come from? Do they absolutely feel the need to regulate what other people should and shouldn't buy?
That's a natural result of socialized medicine my friend
Once you say its on the Government to pay for your health it always goes on the Government to make sure you're healthy
Because tobacco is concentrated garbage with nothing but long term health risks?
>WHAAAAAAAAAAAAH, I should be able to smoke my cigarettes in public and blow the carcinogen-smoke right into people's faces, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
I hope the lung cancer gets you.
>quasi socialized healthcare
>wonder why people want to ban something that is terrible for health
Every smoker is jacking up your taxes retard, this is the future you chose.
Smokefags got extra breaks you were just too retarded to realize that. Just had to pretend to inhale.
no one does that we sequester ourselves into little areas 15 feet away from doors now
canadians get jewed on tobacco hard
And here we have one of these resentful losers who take out their repressed anger on a small white stick.
Eh, I can see the logic behind regulations on products that are often among the leading causes of preventable death in many countries.
A lot of taxpayer money goes towards treating fatsos and smokers and so maybe it's ok to try and curb that cost. Why should a non-smoker pay for my bad choices? (europoor socialists addicted to gibs from cradle to grave need not reply)
t. Former cig smoker of 15 years, currently smoke pipe tobacco a few times a month.
Why the fuck do people still support anti-weed laws? Why are any drugs banned? The real reason is because (((they))) make money off the drug war.
air pollution from trucks is actually fucking awful... most small businesses with diesel trucks don't do shit to maintain them, so in most places in the US you just get huge doses almost no matter where you live.
it's almost like they want us all dead.
Smokers pay lots of taxes by consuming tobacco
Cigs are taxed at federal level.
If you live in a city you're already inhaling shit carcinogenic air at the rate of a rural smoker.
Ban cities and ban city smokers
Exactly so then the anti tobacco laws are a good thing as I was implying.
>Elders smoke regularly
>Objectively faster, stronger, smarter, healthier than 99.9% of their age trench (measured in clinic)
>Most smokers I know are either slim or fit
>Friend stops smoking
>Gets fat
>Grandparents all smokers yet lived to 90
>Biggest anti smoker I know is a pudgy fat turd
>heh, what a resentful loser
*coughs for 3 minutes straight*
>i'll show him!
*takes a 10 second drag from his deathstick*
>"And here we have one of"
*wipes ash out of his stomach hair
>"these resentful losers who"
*hacks up a globule of tar*
>"take out their repressed"
*tosses cigarette into a bottle of sprite*
*coughs and waves away 10 cigarettes' worth of accumulated smoke*
>"on a small white stick."
*fumbles for medication for his lung cancer*
>heh...... destroyed...
*dies at 40 years*
Massachusetts has the highest taxes on tobacco products in the country. The money from said taxes is supposed to be put towards ant-tobacco programs, but none of it is.
as a former smoker, smokers make it harder for me to stay quit.
But MUH KIDS user. The evil tobacco companies are selling cigarettes to 5 year olds.
as a smoker i'll fight you if you complain about me smoking outside near the fucking ash trays, but what kind of cunt is going to shit up the air in a confined space. When i'm trying to eat my food I don't constantly want to smell your fucking reds, go outside and do that.
Make oxycontin look like animal crackers
Japan has the highest life expectancy and 19.3% of their population smoke
Smoking doesn't cause cancer. It's Jew pseudo science. Not smoking causes you to be more submissive and easier to control
Same reasons there are noise pollution laws where you can't play loud annoying music late at night. Your shit stinks, and it makes everything you come into contact with stink.
Tobacco in it's current form is (((JEWISH)))
We must got back to smoking natural tobacco if anything.
The tobacco we smoke today is absolute garbage.
Japan is used to radiation you retard
Because assholes like you like to smoke up inside or right outside restaurants. If you faggots had any semblance of courtesy, no one would give a shit about tobacco. Fuck you.
this is 100% ultra retarded, you're beyond stupid
Weed makes people less of a person than they would be otherwise. The perfect weapon of Jews. That's why they shilled for it so much back in the 60's and that's why it is an effective weapon to implement communism. You need to be aware of communism to defeat it.
I understand why Obama banned the cigarettes he did. I was in HS at the time and was pretty obvious what they were doing. Especially Camel. They had cheap cigarettes that came in tin cans and were flavored like candy.
>all that pent up frustration at life
>chooses to release it on a small tube of burned leaves
Cool argument, made me think.
Tobacco is literally poison and is highly addictive. Its social cost (healthcare, second hand smoke, literal cancer) far outweighs any benefit it provides, and none of my tax dollars should go to anyone who chooses to make such retarded choices.
If someone is an ass and smoking in a crowded area, I can see laws against that. -Some- smokers are inconsiderate and need laws to stop them.
Yet if they are off somewhere in public, fine.
Also, if a club or place wants to have smoking, the state should not stop them. I missed going to clubs that allowed smoming in mstate.
I did try smokont once. Barely finished the pack. The smell stayed with me too much.
Tobacco is super wide spread highly addictive and had way more cultural presence than anything else aside from alcohol (which was nowhere near as addictive). Combine this with its relation to public cleanliness and courtesy where every smoker would shit up any place with their garbage and you have motivation for people to start making laws.
The people promoting cigarettes in this thread are probably cig company shills BTW. Cigarettes smell like shit, have no actual affect on you other than staving off withdrawal after like a month, and cost you a shit load of money.
Because smokers are generally some of the most I considerate cunts on the planet.
That's why I switched to pipe tobacco. You can buy bulk, unmolested leaf of all kinds and make your own blends. Or just buy the properly produced artisan blends online (not the chemical filled shit they sell at the pharmacy).
It's cheap as fuck too.
>The money from said taxes is supposed to be put towards ant-tobacco programs, but none of it is
Ohio wanted voters to pass the bill for the ohio lottery.
"The money will go to funding schools".
Lying politicians as usual.
Claiming that moderate smoking is remotely harmful is broscience shit.
Your body is supposed to eliminate toxins effortlessly. If it doesn't then you have a bigger problem than smoking.
Claiming that getting shot is remotely harmful is broscience shit.
Your body is supposed to heal wounds effortlessly. If it doesn't you have a nigger problem than being shot.
>Some- smokers are inconsiderate and need laws to stop them.
You must be fucking shitting me. That's nearly ALL smokers. Considerate smokers are 1 for every 1000 smokers in my experience. The 999 others will smoke right by the door and act like it's OK. I honestly think of knocking them the fuck out when I'm having a shitty day.
And of course it's okay to smoke in a shop that allows it, why are you even bringing that up?
This is coming from a long time smoker.
>Tobacco is literally poison and is highly addictive.
>believing propaganda
leftist tier
>Defends broscience with broscience metaphor
Pipe tobacco is the smoking method of inventors etc. I believe. I'm going to make the switch soon.
So companies cant make products that have different flavors? Should the government mandate that all cigarettes taste exactly like dog shit?
I guess I am too optimistic about people. Or I ty to be. People are just awful, smokers or not.
It actually is not legal in my state to smoke in any club or resteraunnt.
Except smokers here pay everyone else's healthcare.
>Considerate smokers are 1 for every 1000 smokers in my experience. The 999 others will smoke right by the door and act like it's OK.
nice source
Broscience is a liberal/feminist buzzword. You sound like a tobacco company shill. Blow your brains out leaf
Do it. Why are you still sucking on fiberglass if you're not a total fucking idiot?
>Is this a mental illness?
You had an opportunity to make a joke with burned leaves, my flag, and cigarettes. Missed it. Better luck next time. Humor takes high IQ.
There's nothing I miss more than lighting up a cigarette in the smoking section and having some non-smoking faggot who sat down in the smoking section demand a different table.
no. but spraying them with radioactive stuff and targeted advertising should be stopped.
What did you just fucking say to me?
Next time you see a smoker walk 20 feet away from a restaurant front door just to smoke, take a picture, and I'll pay you 1 BTC.
Maybe you need to get a life Mr. Science guy.
>The people promoting cigarettes in this thread are probably cig company shills BTW
Of course. We get paid to advertise on Sup Forums. That's also why hiro is making millions from all those smoking adds on the side of this page.
I have some old pipes my family collected but never used. Those neat Turkish ones. Been thinking about trying pipe. My grandad had one but died long before I was born (not smoking related).
There are some old tobbacco shops near me.
Roll yourself up into a faggot, leaf. Then smoke yourself.
How'd I do?
It's either that or you're mentally retarded enough to slave away giving a huge portion of your income to a Jew corporation that has enslaved you with an addictive drug which benefits you in no way and makes you smell like shit. At least with the shill option you have potential for intellect
Smoking is something edgy teenagers do at their bus stop before school. If you are 18+ and still smoking then honestly that's pretty sad.
>a huge portion of your income
How poor are you, exactly?
brotip: The Nazis were the first to investigate the dangers of smoking and promoted people don't smoke, in line with the aryan ideal of a healthy body.
If you fags wanna smoke the tobacco jew go ahead, idc, but don't pretend like what you're doing isn't absolutely degenerate.
>an addictive drug which benefits you in no way
It's dirty, but it improves memory and cognition.
forgot pic
because they need daddy government to made their decisions for them.
>Huge portion
vaping is the future my friends
it's like s sci-fi pipe that tastes of whatever you want
Average retard smoker can easily spend upwards of 600$ a month on cigarettes. This is a lot of money unless you're financially disabled or a child.
You fags and your trannies.
Two packs a day is not the average smoker.
>quit smoking last month
reeeeeeeeeeee why does something so good have to be bad for you.
Nothing better than sitting on a brick patio with a cold drink and smoking cigarettes on a cool summer's night. Smoking makes everything better god damn it
Do you live in Australia? They have messed up cigarette laws that show retarded burned babies in the cartons abd cost around $30.
and yet the nazis did meth. you're stupid in believing that they did this to promote health and not to cut down on tobacco imports.
>Average retard smoker can easily spend upwards of 600$ a month on cigarettes.
>Smoking 4 packs a day.
Pick one.
who the fuck spends six hundred dollars on cigarettes a month? thats 60 fucking packs at 10$ thats insane on so many levels, you've obviously never smoked before
No they weren't fucktard the Austrians banned smoking in the 19th century but feel free to keep masturbating to your sad pathetic le ebin National Socialist power fantasies.
Great argument, retard!
The only people i see smoking at my college are roasties, commies, and chinks. It's a disgusting habit. Just live a healthy lifestyle if you want the testosterone benefits
i would smoke again if i could get my hands on additive free tobacco.
wth i would even go back to weed if its self grown outside with 0 additives.
both options is impossible to get where i live.
so i stay nonsmoker.
did you missed your estrogen injection pantyfa
You made the claim, provide sources. You can't unless they're financed by cig companies.
You made the claim, provide sources. You can't unless they're financed by cig companies.
I barely smoke cigarettes as it is so that is why. Buying a tobacco pipe soon for when the urge arises.
>why do you support the X-jew don't you guys know you're being suckered into buying shit for (((them)))
>why don't you faggot pussy millennial smoke it's cool you guys are giving into (((their))) propaganda
I don't blame the companies for selling a product and wanting to make money. Lets face it, most smokers are the absolute worst example of humanity. They go around smoking up the air and spitting all over the place. If that's not bad enough they throw cigarette wrappers and butts all over the ground.