Would Hitler of put me in a camp for being NEET?

Would Hitler of put me in a camp for being NEET?

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depends, you might just get a job building highways

No, but for using "of" instead of "have"

>mfw it turns out that most of Sup Forums would be in a camp

Being unemployed was something really bad for somebody, especially men, and for their ego back in the day. People wanted jobs. Think about it.

Nah he killed dozens of men in WW1
Opposite of NEET

maybe boot-camp. What I think would happen is he would let peer pressure motivate the NEET. He wouldn't enforce cult hate speech and the like. NEETs would be fair game for Chad giving them a ribbing in public.

no, you go to shill camp for this slider bread
/eat fresh

>Would Hitler of put me in a camp for being NEET?
Sorry I read that wrong

He would've encouraged you to become less NEET and if you didn't off to the camp

Yes, he put NEETs in work camps, but if he thought they'd finally lost their laziness or grew a working attitude he'd release them into society.

oh look it's this thread again.


You wouldn't have wanted to stay inside then, there was nowhere to shitpost.

>no, you go to shill camp for this slider bread
Fuck we definitely need one of these camps.

Hitler was a drifter living in a homeless shelter at one point in his life

Most of us would be considered degenerates, yes.

>Being unemployed was something really bad for somebody, especially men, and for their ego back in the day. People wanted jobs. Think about it.
>unironically using past tense

Post yfw you get to enjoy the camp's very own swimming pool and cinema and zoo while wagies have to dig trenches and freeze to death in the Russian winter.

>implying the stigma against unemployed men is the same today as it was 80 years go


Hitler was the first modern NEET

pubic triangle

Yes, you'd go to a camp where you would work anyway until death.

newfags cant arbeitsscheu

I think both of you have points. It's easy to justify being a neet in a society that does not reflect your values, where tax dollars go to illegals and invaders. But that doesn't make joblessness any less of a stigma for those that feel a strong sense of obligation and pride.

The main problem with being a NEET is that it's a dead end. You have no opportunity to advance, no chance for a family, or a home, or anything grander beyond your basement and anime porn. If that's the lifestyle you want, fine. It's just one that you cannot escape from if you stop liking it.

>black triangle
thread theme youtube.com/watch?v=JI3VBQAg9MU

Why not just go read a history book op?