>Benjamim Nethanyahu's son posted this on Facebook
>he is probably on Sup Forums right now
When are you coming out of the closet, Yair?
>Benjamim Nethanyahu's son posted this on Facebook
>he is probably on Sup Forums right now
When are you coming out of the closet, Yair?
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish pol would just accept that based jews like us exist and all we want is a ethnonationalist israel and to BTFO muzzies from the holy land
Greater Israel is a good thing guys, it doesnt imply a muslim europe, just a lot of dead muslim.
Bogs are way more powerful than Soros and Rothshild combined, newfag
>Israel will have a homosexual nazi prime minister in about 20 years
wtf i love israel now
What a legend.
Now THAT is a Jew I'm willing to tolerate.
>i wish pol would fall for our jewish tricks
you always play both sides of every conflict
shoo jew shoo
Not accurate. The Ayys dangle gold. Soros would be after the Jew with a dangling little boy.
Give that man a gas mask
Goyim really are easy to manipulate
Well fuck me, is this actually real? I guess generation Z is different internationaly as well. Benjamin had also made a statement a few weeks back saying that leftists, not neo-nazis are actually the problem both in the US and Israel.
Israel was always like this
If tomorrow Hitler rises from the grave and rebuilds Auschwitz, but says that muslims are bad, he would be declared Israel's greatest ally and anyone who opposes him would be a Literal Nazi
>Being this stupid
the only good kike is a dead kike
no exceptions
I have a relative in Israel named Yair
arent neo nazis leftists anyway?
I don't understand the meme. Explain like I'm retarded.
>That weak chin
He's one of us. No question.
No your just retarded
This is the only real one
>calls himself a socialist
>n-no I am totally not a leftard
yeah right
Damn it Carlos
> Doesn't have his daddys second name
Benny boi confirmed for raising his wifes son.
I fucking love this timeline. Here based jewdude have a (you) and a bump. Thanks for standing against the zionist and askenazis who seek world domination.
Joo out of control
My Muslims are based
That's definitely Netanyahu's kid. Pepe is wearing a Likud (Bibi's party) shirt.
>Literally just Sup Forums memes in jewspeak
It's weird how the Ashkenazim have no identifiable Aesthetic, unlike nearly every ethnic group of significant size in the world, and seem totally incapable of creative original works of creativity outside of degeneate "modern art".
>doesnt know what the poltical ideology national socialism actually represents and how it functions
>opens his retarded mouth like an SJW
yeah right
Lol holy shit. George Soros using the world as bait for the reptilians, using alchemy as bait for the mind-Jews, using money as bait for the greedy goyim, using Christianity to bait the middle management goyim, using food to bait the slave goyim.
9/10 bretty good, but make the order Reptilians>MindJews>George Soros.
i like how the reaction from politicians to this meme is basically "oh ma god it's another shoa"
Well we fucking did it i guess. We shaped the course of the world with our memes.
Can't say I'm proud of how we did it, but at least we did.
It's ok, he is dating a nice Jewish boy now
>reddit memes
>clueless about the NSDAP
lurk more before posting you bluepilled idiot
Problem is the muslims who are dead arent the ones causing problems.
Syria/Paki/Afghan/Somalian are the worst and the ones in Europe. Lebanese and Palis just hate jews.
dare I say, /ourjew/?
this is what the facebook group that he took the meme from said
Are they prepared for Israel's memtic war of Independence against Bolshevik press?
Israel's Second War of Independence began,
All the reporters who wanted us to respond and did not receive,
We are sorry, we do not cooperate with anti-Semites.
Part of the problem is the Zionists (who want to take over the whole world) use the rest of Jews as human shields. When people recognize Zionist atrocities, the Zionists (many but not all of whom are Jews) cry "you're blaming the Jews! Anti-semitism!" and dissolve into to crowd - leaving the rest of Jewry to take the blame and punishment.
Zionists were the ones who, by starting WWI and WWII, killed so many European Jews - without care.
So blame the Zionists. And then help the rest of us eliminate them.
The other one is wearing a Zehut shirt, which is a much more extreme right wing party led by a political rival of Bibi.
That page is literally just a Likud shill page
Some Sup Forums memes ARE Jewish. The Bem Garrison comics were mostly done by a Jewish guy.
if that is the case you have my support,i cant complain about colonizing the middle east when we did it also
i wish you better luck than we had lol
kikes use the word anti semite like Sup Forums uses the word fag
>lol I dont like you
>youre an antisemite lol
Someone translate this
Wtf I love Israel now
There are entire pages on Kikebook dedicated to memes and shitting on leftists here, like this one
yeah "lurk MOAR" kid
*couldn't even spell it out right
Pretty damn accurate. Your ID confirms
>bibi's son is lurking on Sup Forums
no its that even deep down even the unironic nazis on here want peace with jews we dont enjoy hating you desu,when we see good ones it kinda gives us hope that we can beat the bad ones and all get along
But those weren't acts of original creativity, the whole point was it was sticking someone else's meme (happy merchant) on to someone else's cartoon
>implying you aren't Yair
>implying you aren't looking for validation on a weebabo nazi LARP image board
Pity. I was hoping we were going to Zyklon Ben the Israeli political class.
I just like that all the other kikes are shitting themselves over this.
>a jew jewing a jew
when that ever happened?
oh right jesus
we are the jews now
wow look at this guy what a cuck lmao. fuckin bongs eh?
hahaha what the fuck?
well its very long but basicley the press sais that ultra orthdox are evil and hate seculers while in the other pictures it shows a secular in an anti-bibi protest insulting an ultra orthdox man
he dont know
>implying im trying to debate you
Nah dude you just have no idea wtf your talking about and im not your personel teacher.
Turn of steven crowder and pick up a book before you start opening your mouth
>Le memes
Dont count as a political debate
Why only put blame on Soros. Plenty of Jews are involved
>pic related
We the US President & we the Israeli President now
>when you stop funding isis I will agree with you
Dead serious, you want to "end" anti-semitism? End the zionist and askenazi's. They're actions are the reason people are pissed...rightfully. The thing people who come here don't realize is when "most of us" are using a term like nigger, kike, white trash etc; it's the negative aspect or action of that culture/race/religion that it is directed at not a all of that set. Unfortunately the main culture/race/religion is what is used. Outsiders don't understand this and are very easily offended. If the term "truly" doesn't apply to you...don't get offended. Its all a mindset, the strong minded vs the weak minded.
Is Benny's son confirmed to be the reincarnation of Roy Cohn?
Hahahahahaha (You)
yes yah- i man fellow jew create more right wing wing parties for no reason
Again, another picture from that page mocking Moshe Feiglin, who makes Bibi look like Bernie Sanders
figured id get that kind of response from an oldfag larp
mate not every jew is bad,just the elite ones
/OurKike/ confirmed
>he fell for the zehut meme
he will never get control and wont probably even get in the knesset stop d&C the right wing
He's a Jew that hated Jews and even sent some commie Jews to the electric chair.
He's also Trump's mentor.
>Jews don't think highly of goyim mind slaves who let the Jews control eveything from the media and education to the price of gold and the central bank of almost everyone
Shock horror.
>look goy we're just like you please like and subscribe!
2/10 at the most
>Sup Forums calling the Jews who cry that anyone who dares criticize Israel is anti-semetic "based"
>Two problems:
1) You make us fund/fight for you so the muzzies lash out at us
2) Any attempt to challenge this support is met by calls of Anti-Semitism and then you throw us to your International clique for the slaughter
If you would leave us out of this, and take back your diaspora, we'd leave you alone.
Shouldn't you get ready for your date with your boyfriend, Yair?
I don't want people to forgive the kikes for what they have done. How could you? They need to pay.
You want to end anti-semitism, stop being a fifth column in every country that has let you back in.
what a qt
well nevermind then. gross
They have some excellent novelists (eg Philip Roth, Franz Kafka), musicians and comedians. Bad dancers though.
It's an ignorant meme. Soros (who is a Rothschild puppet) controls the reptilian overlords who adopt human personas and interact with us on a daily basis who control the illuminati satanic child murdering rapist jews who controls whoever the fuck the next 3 kikes are down the line.
you guys are fucking reatrded the likud wants more capitalism having the likud with more control will make the changes zehut wants happen but you gotta divide and conquer the right wing