unleash your hate for this slavic shithole with nothing of value in it here
Pooland hate thread
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Why you hate poland?
he's a burger english teacher.
slide thread, pass over
i legit like the poles who live near me
they always give me free beer
top lads!
I like Poland. You need to stop sending your gutter trash to my country though. You can dispose of them some other way.
Because he's a muzzie loving faggot
bump for stupid poolacks
Lmao, angry "progressive youth" hahahaha
Slavshits are niggers they even have the most HIV in Europe and WITHOUT nigger
slavs are complete subhumans
he's probably a g*rman
Polands bad ass. Great allies. New europe. The west europe will be moor land in 10 years. Then we'll have to save their asses again in a new invasion to save our christian brothers.
don't bully poland.
>no economic achievements
>no scientific achievements
>being a pupet of foreign powers
>not having a say in politics and security
>you're too much of a shithole for migrants to come
>literally an unearned advantage is the only thing you can come here to brag about to seek for appreciation and acceptance
oh, i recognize you, your pasta and this img
how many times are you going to spam this retarded thread?
It is neither amusing nor provoking
you are no testo - face it, larper
Why are you posting reddit shit?
>It is neither amusing nor provoking
Oh yes it is! Look only at how triggered you are
bump for fake nation
sage for obvious shill thread
At least Sup Forumsyaks as etnos are not lost and will not die out within 10-20 years, as other
european ethnoses
bump for shit nation
>unleash your hate for this slavic shithole
No. I like Poland.
>t. Hanys von Oppelnburgerstadt
the polish spirit is eternal
>used to hate my fatherland
>move out
>instantly start appreciating polish culture and regret moving
>want to move back and working on it
I love Poland, fuck you
fuck you stupid subhuman p*lak
Fyi, Poland and Russia are distinct countries.
>"leading" a nation
>spouting bullshit
Everyone wants to see her out, m8.
hey stupid polak do you know how to reply or are you a newbie from reddit
If you hate Poland so much why the hell don't you just go to England and clean toilets and live of benefits? I'm sure you could even find some good Muslim boy to fuck your twink ass.
>t. Angela Merkel
I'd calm down if I were you, remember what happened last time you tried to invade Poland?
yeah we succeded and if it wasnt for those dirty russian scum we would genocide all of the dirty slavs
bump for shit country
Gdzie mieszkasz chuju?
and nobody likes you, stupid polak.
t.german antifa member sent to poland for a business trip
I don't understand threads such as this. It's either a drab bait or you've got a serious problem. Either way, you might as well go to Germany and allow some Ahmed to sodomize you if you dislike the country so much. If you abhor it to this extent, then get the fuck out, no one is telling you to stay.
That's because you have the iq of a monkey, get your stupid countrymen out of Germany and the rest of Europe and then we will talk.
Learn how to spell 'pollack' then use the fucking word, otherwise you make yourself look like a fucking retard. Not that it would change much, given that you're an antifa member. And you're probably not even German. Inferring from your spelling of the word, you're probably just a self-loathing Janusz, trying to portray yourself as a citizen of a superior nation. LFMAO
>says Pooland
>not India
I was making fun of him you dumb stupid kraut
shut up pollack scum
Oy, kraut. Have you given a blowjob to some poor refugees? You need to cleanse yourself of muh-colonialism and white supremacy, get to fucking work.
Fucking gold
>tfw the slavshit country of Poland has less HIV cases per 100.000 than the non-slavshit country of Netherlands
Let this sink in.
You have a better chance of catching AIDs in Russia than the US. You also have a better chance of catching AIDs in any Slavic country than you do in Western Europe.
Slavs are disgusting apes.
poles seem arrogant everywhere you meet them
Your language is hard to learn, and some how you guys hate asians too.
why are slavs such subhumans?
I hate poland
poland fuck you
Polish people... Stinks!
Yea! I said that!
Teneryfa, Los Cris
Echh, przeniosłem się z rodziną dwa lata temu.
Zapierdalam teraz żeby mieć szekle na powrót.
Ja tu mieszkam 12 lat
chacho si son canarios hablen canario... seguro que son los polacos de mierda que andan en las rampas siempre
Jesus Christ I hate this language so much
I jak?
pues te jodes negro, du bist mein schlampe gilipollas
No szczerze mówiąc lepsze miejsce tak na wakacje nisz na życie
>TFW you get your proxy working
Cuando vuelves?
No se si aún hay gente que va a las rampas, ahora vivo en Alemania y recuerdo que había un grupo de nazitards que lo invadió
Polandball exists for a reason. Poland is just cute and adorable, as they always try so hard, always fighting for respect and recognition.
Ganbatte, poland!
We don't send them, they leak.
volver? ni borracho. Amo mi tierra pero este país es la polla.Te dan mil eruos gratis sin trabajar.
Poland is great country pls don't bully us
well guys I must sleep. Tschüss maricones negros
Fuck off obvious slide nigger
this poor kid, it's so sad
Polish women are qt's user, STFU.
tal vez, yo tenía una novia que era nazi
>>you're too much of a shithole for migrants to come
thank god
don't be sad that image was in internet already around 2003 he neither commit sucide or change for better
Y la dejaste?
Letting shitskins in is the EU's fault, Poland is protecting its borders from savages...
Polish women are pretty. Let's just conquer them and take their women
As I see it, slavs have deliberately been decimated to subhumans since at least Napoleon. The intellectual classes of most slav countries have been annihilated too often. What we see atm is the result of a negative selection - but they are slowly recovering.