why are redditors so degenerate Sup Forums?
Why are redditors so degenerate Sup Forums?
They are Godless people with nothing to lolive for
honestly thats hilarious
Because everyone who isn't a degenerate gets banned
I bet this post got slammed by beaner lovers.
The_Donald is based. That's why we're allies.
p sure hes just trying to be edgy op you stupid fucking cunt
it isn't a real post, I'm the edgy one you faggot :^)
le xD my fellow pede, BASED!
It'd be cool of we were just allies. Unfortunately it's our semi retarded offspring.
Hi shareblue, earning your pennies I see. You're not going to change anyone's mind, though.
This is actually genius. You get a live in sex pet and if she ever complains you call ICE and send her back to Mexico.
anti the_donald threads = Divide and conquer
I think people underestimate how influential the_donald really is. The amount of help the_donald has given Trump is amazing, more than other candidates got from multiple superpacs. Sup Forums, which is almost entirely recycled r/the_DonaId memes has basically taken over Sup Forums. At one stage Trump was a complete joke on Sup Forums, now the pro-Trump Sup Forums board has like 100k posters, all thanks to the_donald's influence.
The down side is you have to screw a mexican
>replying to obvious bait
T_D did nothing wrong.
Yeah, exactly. Shit, you could pump her womb full of Aryan seed, then when she's preggo, call ICE and have her go away. Granted, it's a half breed, but it will be stuck down in Mexico, no child support, and you'll make Mexico more white.
you deserve
le gold
>implying this isn't a Sup Forumslock
ah yes, redditors
the masterminds behind the site that bought you pic related
is "edgy" rural and suburban speak for "retard"?
>as this is one of my many fetishes
The_Donald was a mistake. It used to be Sup Forumss base on reddit. Now its overrun with libtard-turned-trump supporters overusing stale memes. You can't even name the jew without getting banned.
what made them that way?
They're really stupid, aren't they. I'm just a tiny bit relieved that when people act stupid here, they get shit on for it.
anonymity should be mandatory on the internet
So lads, I made a reddit accunt for the first time about 2 weeks ago and almost every post I've made has been downvoted. I've already been banned from r/insanepeoplefacebook and r/inceltears for trolling.
One day I'd like to make a platform where we can collectively raid other websites, like twitter, reddit, and facebook, because it sounds gay, but the more upvotes and likes you have, the more fun trolling is.
Who else here /troll/. We need more raids, my friends.
They have nothing to live for except game of thrones and cummies
if you think this pepe is funny and participated "muh steal shias flag ROFL" you are a kekistan tier reddit fag.
fake comment, or he deleted it.
Got a link to the thread where he said that?
cripplechan exists you know
That's pretty hot desu
so he donated one dollar and fifty thousand cents?
>posting meme balls out of context
Neck yourself loser . You wouldn't get a joke if it slapped you in the face
that's funny
if everyone were to put their carts away, they would be out of jobs
what do they expect to see, everyone puts their shit away and they get paid for scratching their balls?
>Now its overrun with libtard-turned-trump supporters
No problem there, more votes for 2020
genuinely want to try this
Plebbit controls the site through the subreddit mods/administrators.
Once they banned the original owners, the subreddit was lost.
Also, the way in which the voting system pushes consensus as the population grows means that non-groupthink posts get pushed off the platform eventually and the only posts you see are the ones that appeal to the lowest common denominator.
Plebbit is literally cancer due to its high population and the appearance of consensus via the voting mechanic. It has been the single worst thing to happen to the internet and all internet related stuff due to it being the default forums for most topics (everything from gaming to philosophy to politics and news has been tied up and dragged down to its lowest common denominator).
I'm not joking, it isn't a meme, Plebbit is the worst thing to happen to the web because of that false consensus it pushes everyone on the platform to accept. It's worse than Facebook, because at least Facebook still has people debating and arguing.
Make them sign a contract, since they are illegals, the laws and Constitution do NOT apply to them anyway
i want more facilities than cripplechan. cripplechan has custom CSS its not enough broskies. maybe it is and im just being a bitch
there's a few problems today. but enh, I won't get into it. basically they are entitled, and yeah, they want to get paid for nothing because they are too good to do menial tasks.
>Le BASED black man. MAGA!!!
>We support LGBTQ as well.
>Yey legal immigrants from Somalia.
>Diversity is part of America.
Kill yourself you beta fuck. The only solution is the gas.
The whole stealing the flag thing was pretty funny but all the Kekistani shit is gay as hell
You have no idea how entitled and retarded some people are. This is exactly the result they imagine would occur.
Similarly, American waitstaff seem to believe that if they were paid a standard minimum wage they would still receive tips on top of their higher wage.
God the millennial crowd is so fucking entitled...
nice one xd
Kekistan was always shit and has been co-opted by Sargoy and other retards. Shia was funny at first though
This. It would solve the online virtue signaling problem once and for all.
Pepe was here before you were, tryhard faggot.
You've been here for 10 months. That means David Brock has been here longer than you. How's that make you feel?
i'm still baffled that you guys have jobs like cart pushers and grocery packers
how lazy can you get?
go start a holocaust
Wait, speaking of this...
In Germany shopping carts require you to put in one Euro (or a token of equal size) into the cart to remove it from the cart line. You get it back when you return the cart, this way everyone puts it back. Don't they do that in the US?
did you even read the post? It is not out of context
we barely have any left
it's your turn now
>Eating food with semen
Sounds like Sup Forums to me
no in the US parking lots are a landmine field of shopping carts whirrling around at 50+kmph as people just play bumper carts with them. insanity
for the last 6 months i have came inside of my female roomates:
body soap
massage oil
i have peed in her:
mouth wash.
tooth brush
i have rubbed my sweaty balls on her:
tooth brush
just needed to get that off my chest. for the last 6 months shes been walking around covered in literal literals of my cum and piss
liters. sorry. im basically an expert in the ammount of cum you can put into clear OR milky shampoos before the texture changes.
same with hand/face creams. its a pretty huge ammount of face creams because they have a ton of oils. btw. like 1:1 ratio or higher can be tolerated. you mix it in with a q-tip
you act like thats a bad thing
No. Aldi does it but that's because they're a German company obviously.
Americans (see also: NIGGERS) have no concept of Ordnung.
This is why there's so much rampant selfishness in our culture
Funny, I can totally imagine a viral video of a black lady screaming about being scammed because she has to put money into the cart
>ma'am you will get the coin back when you return the cart