Do only beta males date British women?
Why would anybody subject themselves to... ugh... that?
Do only beta males date British women?
Why would anybody subject themselves to... ugh... that?
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Holy shit, post more top tier slags
i can't imagine....
who even goes for these nightclub goblins?
The right one is cute.
Both are pretty cute, OP is a liar and a virgin, he'd shag either.
Irish girls are no better, mate.
I saw some really beautiful women in a rural part of the UK.
I wonder, why are all british women fat? All of them look like the one on the right from every video I've seen from there.
I thought British women only dated pakis?
You are just jelly, kid
Most British girls are decent, I'd say that maybe 70% fall into the 7-10/10 range.
How is she fat, though? She isn't.
both of them could get the Wurst as far as i´m concerned
British girls barely ever date Pakis, most think that they're gross.
>OP is a liar and a virgin, he'd shag either.
One does not consort with decedent forms of life.
British woman are the most beautiful in Europe, a few fatties will never change that. We have more variety than any nation on earth, woman that can look like pure blonde hair blue eyed Nordic aryan, ginger haired green eyed Celtic warrior, brown hair blue eyed paw skinned English rose, brown hair brown eyes Welsh valley girls with beautiful voices of angels. And mixtures of all the those feautures together, European have forever envied us for this, stop putting down /aregirls/
You absolutely would, don't kid yourself.
British civilization
Nah norwegian women are fucking beautiful.
British standards.
There are many attractive British women. There are many uglies. The only reason the uglies get so much attention is that we are not some supremely segregated society like the USA where the attractive whites live in the Hamptons and private universities and campuses and gated comminities and the blacks, Mexicans, and poor whites are 50 miles away by car ("a short drive", according to Americans).
british women were supposed to age really bad
the left one has the face of a 40 year old but I assume she is around 18
they ARE a couple of würste, two big fat cervelat würste
>better women in the rest of the world
>"Nah, you'd totally fuck British women."
kek, keep deluding yourself, kiddo.
Just those that are forced to as kids
Mate, Valleys girls are Patrician Tier. Beautiful, friendly, that lovely liting voice, always up for a laugh or a shag and mostly racists.
British women are fairly gross nowadays. Maybe 30 or even 20 years ago that was true but nowadays they've fallen by the wayside. With no national culture or religion to ride them in and feminism which tells them it's better to work and hold a job than start a family or look after themselves physically, they've deteriorated rapidly. I'd say only about 20% of British women are in the 7-10 category. The rest are trash.
OI! 'ello 'ello, lads! I am a princess! *checks makeup and phone for 384th time*
That bitch is fat. I don't usually call women that name, but it fits there.
This is now a british fat/slut shaming thread
>How is she fat, though?
look at those arms. those are fat girl arms
British """"""""""""""""""""women""""""""""""""""""""
Your country is inbred. There, someone needed to say it.
>Most British girls are decent, I'd say that maybe 70% fall into the 7-10/10 range.
The ones I saw in the city reminded me of the girls here. Lots of designer clothing, spray tans, highlights. Looked high maintenance and artificial.
But out in the country, some really beautiful natural ones, blonde hair and blue eyes.
Elizabeth Hurley is an exception and I bet her bloodline isn't as shallow as most English.
Biggest problem isn't their looks but their drinking problems.
Came in contact with british chicks a couple of years ago in Ibiza. Walking down the sidewalk you had to look out not treading on one.
And I'm serious, they were just lying there passed out drunk on the ground...
Irish chicks are nice, though. I like redheads
Man-faced British slags are actually men. We have a massive tranny problem!
I'm not sure if british slags can be even classified as women
Very accurate.
Most in my age range 20-25 smoke, or have smoked extensively, drank every weekend beyond their limit, mostly twice a week, sometimes 4 times a week for the university design students.
Those I know and have dated stick by the makeup and workout (wanna be attractive) principle, but all hold the liberal education / career / no kids - three pillars which has destroyed all attraction to the women here and most of the west.
I find most dont even give a fuck about money anymore until they come across a fairly decent looking bloke when they're 28 who has a £50,000 salary and they suddenly shape up.
All the European women I've met through work laugh at English girls, so should we.
The class system is still very strong here, especially when it comes to women. If you're not sure what the women you know are, they're not the upper echelons.
What the fuck nigger those things are disgusting
I'd totally bang the one on our right. She looks like she'd be a devil in the sack.
Is that your nephew...dude no family pics please.
holy shit rare
these slags are worthless. its a good riddance if they end up with niggers or pakis because it would only harm white brits more if they decide to breed
this is what their future husbands look like.. and its a good thing since these slags are like a computer virus trojan horse that destroy everything they encounter
They're northern. The northern English, for the large part, are indistinguishable to niggers. It's not a surprise their women look as bad as they behave. Northerners also mixed less with Anglo-Saxons, who arrived in the south from continental Europe, leaving them with less diluted Celtic blood. This as opposed to the superior southern Englishman, who is overwhelmingly Germanic.
Pic related is a true Anglo (i.e. southern) woman.
it's the shitton layers of makeup. One can always recognise british tourist girls by the 72 layers of foundation on their face.
The upper class women behave the same way but have different accents.
Pakis look inbred and they all speak in that "on da next hype, bumpaclart maca tings" lingo. It's just disgusting.
>vid related -
The one on the left... is she the one with nice feet?
I like that old hag headmistress look from the one on the left
British people are ugly af overall. Fat fucks who behave like inbred pajeets. Just erase them, please.
the obesity doesn't help either, we have some right ugos in Manchester
We've gone seriously downhill since WW2
I am a Balt and I have lived in the UK for 5 years. I will give my objective opinion on british women.
They are on average worse looking than European counterparts, of course not saying that there are no good looking even beautiful women, there are plenty.
The problem is large towns and cities, they attract and breed the worst culture. Take some of the women in this thread, raise them well, teach them to look after themselves, not to be fat obnoxious cows and they will gain at least couple points.
Go to countryside or smaller towns and quality of people just goes up exponentially.
Id fuck them
Call me gay but she's not even that hot compared to other actresses. I'm descended from anglos so maybe I'm ugly too, but the khaleesi isn't even a 9/10. Weak tits too
It's saturday night, who want's to go and grab a couple beers at that bar, lads?
here you go m8
Give me your tired.. your poor... your slags
All those drunk chicks getting high on helium spreading dem legs begging for sex lying on concrete .If only I had the balls I could catch STDs like a man.
>Irish girls are no better, mate.
keep telling yourself that lmaoo
A few sets of big cans there. Top cheers m8
good fucking god, what has happened to our women
My man...
That's me all the way on the right.
Who else searches "slag" on porn sites? I definitely do
Women's liberation happened. It's been downhill ever since.
If I went out to town tonight, the women would consist of:
>20% coalburners
>40% overweight or chubsters
>15% chavs
>10% black
>15% generally ugly as fuck
Women here are a lost cause, not saying that as a bitter virgin or because hold a grudge against women. I have tried quite a few of them while still holding out hope, but they are all trash.
I will, that's my night out without going all political. Let's just have some fucking beer to suppress this whole mental gymnastics and chill out. Cheers to you, BelgianBeerBro
The one on the right is okay. Left has man face.
I'm 25 and fucked about 45 women by the time I was 21. I can confirm that I would hard pass. In the old days yes, but I am done with brainless cumdumpsters. Unfortunately difficult to find wholesome marriage worthy in California haha
Damn! You brits have some fucked up women. I feel better now in US. Lol
most English women are just ugly to the point that i'm more attracted to 2D hand drawn Furry girls
Yes. That is why I conquered a Danish qt with my dick. I feel sorry for anyone in this country that isn't with a foreign woman.
do they know they're ugly?
I would root them so fucking hard jesus muh dick
You should know the answer,youre the one who regularly handles this kind of shreks
Niggers, pakis and very drunk 40 year old skinheads with green sailor tattoos
Most British men are completely cucked.
>claims to have fucked at least 45 women
>"I want wholesome marriage now"
You're just as bad as the stupid cumdumpsters you fucked that say the same things. Enjoy your three marriages and three divorces just like every other braindead Boomer/Gen Xer in America
>Most are decent
Down south they are, northern girls are fucking dogs on average
Bitch on the right looks like the predator
>I'd say that maybe 70% fall into the 7-10/10 range
Take this with a grain of salt. Any girl with a full set of teeth is considered a 9/10 in Britain.
>15% chavs
fuckin love em mate
There are no medium in Britain, they are either hobgoblins and waterhags or they are top tier specimen, the kind of women you would be willing to drag your balls over broken glass for miles only to have a kiss
Butthurt beta male
I love how this threads pop up constantly and yet no bong ever tries to refute them
>4 years ridding life of degeneracy and abstaining from whores
>I have XY and not XX
>try again
You're just salty you are/were too scared to enjoy being young when things were still relatively consequence free.
>inb4 OMG lel but thats the same as what those girls are doing!
The world is actually different for a girl and a guy, you know?
Royt lookah that 'un blimey!
How can you always tell when a girl is from Britain? Way more so than men
I'm dying you fuck
greatest ally....
Why do you pakis infest our island? Can't you go be subhuman somewhere else?
Probably because as men, this stereotype works in our favour.
shes a bit chubby for me. i like thin girls.
dude... what do you have to be reduced to to ever think one of those monsters is a woman let alone fuckable
i feel so sorry for british men