America is not a pure white nation
americans are vile and disgusting
who's next faggots I can do this all day
this amerimutt will get mad
This meme is getting old
Thanks rabbi for the interesting and insightful thread trying to divide white people, in no way does this wake people up to kikery and in no way will it result in your comeuppance
go an' adopt a niglet, Dixieland coon!
52% """"white""""(25-35% real European)
>white kids are already a minority in their age group
>quarter of said whites has injun, polish semite or negro blood
>media/education/banks all run by the jews
>fight wars for the jews on the other side of the planet
>mutilate their sons genitals cause mr rosenberg said so
>white guilt over slavery worse than nazi guilt
>worships niggers one month every year
>adopting niggers and chinks is a normal american practice
>elected nigger twice over white guilt
>normalized coalburning
>normalized homosexuality
>in the process of normalizing trans shit
>home of radical feminism
>ground zero for all modern degenerate anti-white propaganda
>at the front of pushing the islamophobia shit
>clockboy gets a free scholarship to top universities and white house for bringing a old clock to school despite the family being on record for race baiting
>biggest shooting ever gets ignored because the shooter was a mudslim
>tolerates a black domestic terrorist group
>almost all food is unnatural shit created by monsanto
USA is a mongrel minority-White semite-run nation. Not even 60%, or even 50% White. More like 20-35% White? Let me help you. Anywhere between 28-32% of the US """Whites""" has negro or amerindian admixture. USA is like BEST CASE SCENARIO 35% White country.
It was specially non-Hispanic Whites who got studied. Beware of purity!
wrong. You have no freedom, shart. You can't
>not send you kids to school
>not have insurance
>not pay for Obamacare
>refuse to buy/sell from people based on race/religion/sexual orientation
>refuse to pay taxes
>refuse to hire people based on race/religion/sexual orientation
>no autos
netherlands is blacked but actual dutch people are white unlike white americans
100% whitey dozens-of-wars-against-10xSize-Empire-winning overlord here, come at me
And you're all fucked too, with your tolerance supremacy you'll be gone in a few weeks, jumping off buildings to make room for Muslim angel visitors. Sacrificing your white children to Allah. Giving 90% of your paycheck to help Ahmed raise his 20 children while he sits on his ass. Cucking your wives off. There won't be any Europe soon. Le 52% meme will be considered too white by Europe in a couple years and they'll invade the US.
Yeah, we're in much better shape giving our paychecks to subsidize niggers and spics, and having more people die than being born in how many states now? Shut the fuck up, you baboon.
I would give anything to return to Mother Europe, my Italian roots mean everything to me.
>mfw I will always be a burger
Come home you beautiful loyal bastard, you. You are a rare breed.
>enter room with nigger
This is OP's logic.
Even the most open borders-favouring Germans are racist in private. Those refugee welcome cucks still feel deeply superior to be German and happen to wrongly imagine Germany as "humanitarian superpower". "Your" country is literally run almost ENTIRELY by jews.
apart from that, it is entirely centrally planned around the automobiled creating a monotonous strip mall wasteland from sea to shining sea.
almost everyone is forced to drive unreasonably large distances to get from place to place, sealed off from their fellow man in their cars. all the walking you people do is from your car, across a parking lot, and around some fucking stores in a strip mall. everyone suffers from severe cognitive dissonance because the polished version of america shown on TV simply doesnt exist. beauty is rare, and almost always found in nature. hardly anyone even knows what a culture is, and those that do, are usually surrounded by beauty in very concentrated pockets of wealth fucking the rest of the country, and the world.
the """"""food""""" is almost entirely toxic, and agricultural procedures and ingredients banned even in developing countries are still practiced in america because "MUH GROWTH"
if you look at the average american suburb from space, it literally looks like one of those human farms from the matrix, because that's what america is: a human farm.
everything is geared towards juicing shekelz from the destruction of nature, man, and culture.
Found the nigger.
Only anglos are white. Others need to stop larping
Fucking hell, lad. Dropped a huge redpill there.
jews destroyed the USA long ago in the 60's for White people. Now jews are destroying the UK, Germany, Sweden, France, through diversity. Diversity is a jewish plot to wreck White nations.
Exactly, these idiots think the US is fully blended. It's just a bunch of whites living among monkeys.
Good post.
If you're not italian you aren't white.
Technique #3 - 'TOPIC DILUTION' Topic dilution is not only effective in forum sliding it is also very useful in keeping the forum readers on unrelated and non-productive issues. This is a critical and useful technique to cause a 'RESOURCE BURN.' By implementing continual and non-related postings that distract and disrupt (trolling ) the forum readers they are more effectively stopped from anything of any real productivity. If the intensity of gradual dilution is intense enough, the readers will effectively stop researching and simply slip into a 'gossip mode.' In this state they can be more easily misdirected away from facts towards uninformed conjecture and opinion. The less informed they are the more effective and easy it becomes to control the entire group in the direction that you would desire the group to go in. It must be stressed that a proper assessment of the psychological capabilities and levels of education is first determined of the group to determine at what level to 'drive in the wedge.' By being too far off topic too quickly it may trigger censorship by a forum moderator.
man. that's some top notch Spenglerian thinking
No European country is pure white, either. America is just as white as Portugal, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Estonia, and some other Eastern European countries, and it's whiter than Finland and Southeastern European countries. Not that I don't hate it, but Europe doesn't have a ton of room to talk. Also, Europeans don't even have a right wing anymore. Half your countries are socialists. If America went full isolationist, Europe and Canada would fucking collapse.
America is just as white as Portugal*
He's a lefty, you retard. Anyone who hates the suburbs, GMOs and automobiles is a fucking kike. He doesn't even live here and he thinks the country's 35% white. Ask some Americans how many non-white people they know. Lots of Americans grow up never even seeing a nigger in person.
Russia has more tensions with with Poles and Germans than with Brits and the French, furthermore Finns very often come to Saint Petersburg for booze and smoking weed (illegally).
You should have put Russia on the left side of the picture.
>implying I give a shit about mongrel southern states when my own state is 96% white and my town is 99.99999999% white
>If America went full isolationist
If America hadn't stuck it's huge nose in everyones business and backstabbed it's allies we wouldn't even be in the mess we are now. You also casually forget how much of your tech is European based.
>Anyone who hates the suburbs, GMOs and automobiles is a fucking kike
Huwhite Americans are basically mulattos and spics in denial
>yuropoors can't into maths
Yuros LITERALLY think this meme is talking about individual genetic heritage, not population composition. So hilariously cringe, considering how arrogant they are about "muh burger education", but they're are literally retard-tier.
African Americans only make up 13% of the population, shill.
Reminder of who's behind these threads.
'muricans are whiter than you mohammeds
Ireland as a nation was not founded by vikings but Gaels and Basques
Merkel and German rape gangs and the sheer niggerishness of your post is appaling Here is the real red pill
"Replying to @1cosmopolitan
@1cosmopolitan as a socialist I'm not a big fans of capitalism."
Socialism = Nigger dick sucking
Anglo-American on holiday here. My great great grandmother is black and I'm Whiter (blonde blue eyed) than all of you turk rape babies combined. wtf is Slovenia? Your country didn't exist before Reagan bombed Croatia
>My great great grandmother is black
Hahaha kys mutt
whatttttt Reagan bombed croatia whattt never happened