>watching videos online
>people mention Sup Forums
>they pronounce it "Pole"
You guys don't do this, right?
>watching videos online
>people mention Sup Forums
>they pronounce it "Pole"
You guys don't do this, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
I call it the Ebil nazi maymay forum
that's the way you say it you fucking heretic
how do you say it
>Sup Forumsitically incorrect
>Sup Forums
It's pronounced like the first 3 letters in "politics"
It's pronounced like paul
Sup Forums
>he doesn't pronounce it like pööl
literal pleb-tier
That's so gay. Paul? No it's pole
i say pole lol fuck you
Ron Sup Forums
How are you supposed to pronounce it?
hope a mod comes over here quick and cleans up this autism
don't tell me you pronounce it (paul)itics
It's "P-O-L", like how you would pronounce AOL, but with different letters. When I started watching HWNDU season 1 I was always confused as to why the redditors on stream pronounced it "pol"
What do you say? Paul? Sol, but with a P? Because that's just pole
Forward slash pee oh el forward slash. You fucking faggots.
Pole, Pol(itics), it's really all the same.
I've used Pole because...
Sup Forums cannot be pronounced as it is verboten to ever speak of it aloud.
Obviously pronounced pull.
That is how you say it.
So is Sup Forums really reduced to stealing 5 year old Sup Forums memes?
>Sup Forums
It's pole.
You know? Like suck my pole.
>thinks its r/politics and not politically incorrect.
It's poll you fucking faggot.
Sup Forums rhymes with doll
dont you hate it when you do some dumb shit with a memeflag and forget to put it back
>pronounce it ..
>You guys don't do...
>post Ariana
You know you don't belong here right?!
pawel, paul pall palz poe lay pool pal
pee Ole' pow lay poo lay pah olay
pa oh el. pee yo ellie
You're making a big deal out of this!?
What thread are we sliding?
OP, it's nap time.
>things that don't matter
We are called Sup Forumsacks
Checkmate paulfags
How the fuck is it pronounced then?
you saved that shit to your phone?
Americans say "pole" because they pronounce politics like a retard and white countries say "pohl"
I pronounce it neingag.
you say politics like paul, but political like pole
Detected the cot-caught merged speakers.
There's no reason to pronounce it "pole." It's "pahl-it-ics," or "puh-lit-ic-uhl." There's no usage of the stem word in which it's pronounced with a long "o."
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forumslack
>Sup Forumstard
im new
im old
its her turn
I never say it out loud or tell anyone about the chan.
I've always pronounced it "pole" because
>It's poll for you fucking faggot.
It's pronounced like the name paul
No it isn't reddit.