Herr Reichminister and saviour of the white race Andrew Anglin debates smug cuck Vox Day
Debate of the Century
i hope andrew cruched that mestizo christ cuck snake vox.
vox at the end broke down and said he would rather see the entire world burn than deal with people insulting him online
Vox Day self-destructed by attacking his own side. He can't control his Injun genes and wants to bring down the entire right in a massive Götterdämmerung for being called a pedo by stormfags.
Defeating a leprechaun neo-Nazi troll should have been a layup.
Vox has somehow gotten the management of Gab to side with Andrew Anglin than him. I think Vox was one of the early promoters of Gab too. Is this the fabled High IQ at work?
The debate is over.
>Andrew says the right is about preserving traditional institutions (family, nations, etc.). The left is about equality. Claims no expertise in economics. But economics is secondary; whatever works for the benefit of the people. There is no free market anyway, monopolist corporations like Google, Facebook, Amazon dominate.
>Vox claims economics to be of the highest importance. Hitler was anti-white (because he had many killed) and destroyed German families and religion. He was a socialist, thus from the left, thus Andrew is a leftist too.
>Andrew argues that, aside from supporting Hitler, nothing he supports has anything to do with the left. He calls Vox a hypocrite for telling people to call their enemies pedos, then whine when that happens to him.
>Vox panics while trying to explain that Andrew is a leftist because he lies; cannot figure out what he lies about, except for blaming everything on the jews. Cites irrelevant examples about China and Japan.
>Andrew retorts that it's not a lie because the jews are indeed behind everything wrong in the West.
To me Andrew won that debate by a large margin.
Same but I think what really hurt Vox was how he kept trying to throw in snide insults that just made him look like a little bitch.
>and destroyed German families and religion
Out of all things people accuse Hitler of doing this is by far the most ridiculous
Will you buy his book?
Not sure that I agree he "won," but Vox definitely self-destructed while attempting to make himself the sole arbiter of what's right. Extreme cringe.
Anglin won because Vox Day did KO on himself.
Vox Day came in expecting to do his regular shtick of simply insulting Hitler, talking about Hitler is a leftist and leftists are DA REAL Nahtzeees.
His entire rant didn't have any bite. You can't simply play a semantics game and accuse people of being leftists, and expect people to take you seriously.
All Anglin did was ask questions which Vox Day either failed to answer or answered so badly it just makes him look bad.
Vox Day literally did not make a single point against Anglin. If you listen to the debate the only point you can get from his rant is that Hitler wasn't right wing. It's very weak and doesn't hurt Anglin.
A win is a win. If this was a boxing match it would be Vox Day dragging a man made of straw in the boxing ring, punching it until exhaustion and then punching himself in the face. Andrew Anglin still wins, even if the spectacle is pathetic.
Nobody won, Vox lost.
He is mentally ill. He comes off as completely unhinged. I blame his mongrel mixed race genetics.
I had a dream about Anglin last.... fucking crazy dream.
Arguing what is "right" or "left" is the height of autism anyway
wow, two exquisite retards wasting everyone's time on a dead philosophy that was dead as soon as it was conceived.
ancap is cool because it means I can import as many immigrants as I want for cheap labor and no one can stop me without a war. BASED
Andrew Anglin Nazi shills from the troll army.
t. Cernovich
This pasty nigger is a hideous acne ridden midget who's afraid of the real world.
we just call them Sup Forumsocks actually
Yeah, I agree with you guys. Just not trying to give anyone undue credit.
hi andrew. love your blog
>anglin starts with a non-argument
oh boy, this will be fun
Vox has lost it. Am worried he will turn on Sup Forums after he ruins Gab.
>be american
>be so racist no one wants you in your country
>go somewhere else
>needlessly provoke/break laws to be cool
sometimes I understand why the rest of the world hates us
Is this the cointel AMA thread?
>waaah! this e-celeb said mean things about this other e-celeb
jesus christ, it's more fun/productive when people can stop the petty infighting
>go after Sup Forums
I encourage any and all comers. Helps keep the mind sharp.
I like anglin, his book gorilla mindset was great.
Vox right now is planning to sue Gab in order to get them to hand over 80 users' information so he can sue them for "defamation" because they called him a mean name
>ancap flag
Stop being mad at heterosexuals.
i was a long time reader of Vox but his self destruction has been amazing. how do you let stormweenies and likely feds like Anglin make you melt down?
The debate is so easy. "Richard Spencer is not a nationalist. He was pro-EU and believes in multiculturalism / homosexuality."
Instead he turned it into a left/right thing, sperged out Gab, sperged out about free speech, and actually got people to side with fucking Anglin.
Vox your 150IQ doesnt mean shit when your smug head has receded 20 feet into your own ass.