Are there lots of women in the alt-right? I see plenty of white men but next to no white women...

Are there lots of women in the alt-right? I see plenty of white men but next to no white women. Is race realism more prevelant amongst men than women? And why is that??

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I would assume that it'd be obvious that more men care about politics than women.

Us guys have larger brains, you know. We think to build and teach, while you just have to cook, clean and make babies. Yes, I'm serious. It's simple logic and biology. There are smart women, but they can't compete with men and are more easily led by the Jews and their propaganda.

>Alt Right

What is that, the left?

alt-reich likes chinks & traps

she showed me her dick. hung up on her after that.

Women have a large stake in replacing the family with government.

Who is "she" spurce pls

women will change their opinion on what is popular,as our movement grows it will attract more women,just like the metal scene

women really are that fickle

the more chads we get on board the more the ladies follow,right now virtue signalling is all the rage but its beginning to die

personally i think in womens brains this migrant crisis is one big shit test to make white men stand up to the plate and compete for the future against muslims

Men care about the Alt Right more because their localized sexual markets are actively being attacked and skewed and white birth rates are going down as its actively harder to find a white woman to have sex with let alone one good enough to start a family with.

Keep in mind this pic related was an official plan to lower birthrates. They've expanded and changed a few things.

Alter the image of white men to make them seem less masculine. Alter the image of darker skinned races to make them seem more hyper masculine.

Make hyper masculinty and dominance more important than finding a proper mate.

Make the ideal male height 6'4 despite the average white male height variating between 5'6 and 5'9.

Most white women aren't interested in the alt right because it encourages family values and healthy monogamous relationships and virginity when they have free dick from darkies, and the top 30% of chads because that's what has been encouraged for them.
Also don't get me wrong its not like this everywhere. Mostly just high population leftist areas across the US and Europe.

White Women are much better in places like middle america, eastern europe, etc but there's a reason why men are just going to asian women direct from Asia because they're the least shallow and most loving in the ways men want and its a shame because most white men live in high population leftist areas and well most men are average. Sucks for them.

Pls have a cock
Pls have a cock
Pls have a cock


Is this shit real?

Please kys
Please kys
Please kys


>that eyebrow raise

The plan in the image? Yes. Also the most telling thing in the image that should be expanded upon is "Chronic Depression"

Ever wondered why young men kill themselves at a rate 3 to 1 rate to women? Its all part of the plan. When men are lonely a society dies.

>adams apple
You tried


Simple, woman flock to what is socially acceptable in order to have a bigger range of getting "attention" because they lack a paternal figure. At the moment being part of any alternative political position that goes beyond the faggots and degenerates agenda it seems like "the wrong side" among their mindless peers. So they stay away from it. Although things are slowly changing for the opposite, but the reason remain the same, attention.

am i missing something who is this?

Women do what is popular. Currently leftism is popular.

Women are natural leftists.

I wouldn't call myself alt-right. ''Alt'' implies that we are some alternative to the right when we are the real right. The boomer cucks and jewish shills are the alt-right. We're THE right. Get it right.

They stay home its too dangerous right now with antifa in the streets.

It's a very bad trap.
Only men have adam's apple.

>dark hair
>dark eyes
she not huwhite homie

>I see plenty of white men but next to no white women.

>alt-right is a symptom of forced virginhood
>women can walk into a bar and walk out with a man any time of day
>hence no female alt-right

How retarded are you?

If your reasoning for why you're right wing is that you can't enter a bar and get laid, then you're a fucking degenerate and you're not right wing.

then what is he?

>above-average intellect for an alt-right loser

What is the sauce for this fucktoy?Would you say that to The Spartans?
Bit of boipucci on the side is fine you still plan on having a Family with a girl.

Your literal (literal, as in literally) argument is that if you got laid you wouldn't have to be right wing. You're a fucking degenerate.

>now just normal intellect for an alt-right loser

Looks like me when I crossdress.

>not knowing who this is
I don't know if everyone in this thread is being ironic or not

Women who are not raging feminist degenerates tend to avoid conflict whenever possible. Right now "coming out" as anything not far left is an invitation to get yelled at and punched. Tl;dr there are women in the alt right.

Tell us. i don't know either, srsly

because women don't chouse to think about politics or science or humanity in general
unless they have some guy that talks to them about it all the time
when women are talking to other women they only talk about rumors/gossip and men they like

>itt taking this meme literally and think it's hot
>implying the girl in the meme doesn't have a vagina

I live in Missouri and theres plenty of conservative women out here that are pretty based. They dont play that sjw bullshit.

It's mostly that you guys are ugly and stupid.

This is true.
T.gotten laid & still Right Wing.

And the ones that are very handsome and smart are being shopped in the Jewish media as gay. Now why would they do that?

Oh are we really?
I'll have you know I've been compared to pic related quite a lot.

It's a medical fact. Quick! Name five inventions by women. And "discovering radium" doesn't count.

You're the bluest-pilled person on this board.

most alt right sites tell women to stay outta protests and photo ops etc

politics are for men

So I know a few and these are the characteristics

1) Eventually found conservative guy

2) Always concerned about how things were going but not sure how to change things

3) Generally non-religious but from a religious background.

As a general rule they are invisible online but more than willing to discuss things offline.

Jews did this.

You look like a gay man baby ? lol

Anyway I get my dick sucked anytime I want and I'm as racist as one can get, fuck off

Women on average are higher than men in trait agreeableness, which makes them non-confrontational and wanting to avoid conflict. Thus they are less likely to dissent against the current egalitarian mainstream.

So am I.
In fact I'm Racist yet I've fucked a black girl, Latina and Asian.
Beat that fgt.

>I showed you my dick, now answer me

>I already showed you my dick now show me yours

Found the jew

..because they aren't as good at thinking..because their brain volume is much lower than a male.

Reminder: Women can't be redpilled no matter how deep you reddrill

No you dummy, it's mostly due to hormonal differences. Men are higher in testosterone making them more aggressive and lower in estrogen making them less emphatic. Even though men are slightly smarter than women on average, and considerably more represented in the high and low ends of intelligence, it's not even close to being the reason why more men a re alt-right. It doesn't take a genius to understand the basics of an ideology like the alt-right.

Fast way to go. I don't want to be edgy but its interesting seeing people die

Because its easy for women to get laid. /thread

This. If you've ever been in an office getting magic money from some level of government that's run by women with lots of hollow letters after their name, you'd understand. Women are children with money, and these huge magic cheques keep showing up, that they get to spend on top of their quite comfortable salaries. You'll know a woman-dominated office because it looks like a fucking Ashley Furniture catalogue or a professionally-staged house for sale. It's women writing these cheques, women spending these cheques, and women keeping the books. Women are also liars to rival the Chinese, so if a few 5-figure "mistakes" happen here and there, who does it hurt really? They're always the ones that say "oh let's grant this, it's only 1 cent per taxpayer".

The alt-right is all over the place, but one commonality is fiscal prudence and an awareness that the course we're charting is unsustainable. We have nothing to offer women as long as the government money trees are bearing fruit.

You must be very pretty.

Post pic.

is that young Tommy Wiseau?

They are afraid of confrontation

>Them Trips
>My ID
Okay now you HAVE to.

We're here tihihi~

the showed you my dick grill is a real grill tho

What's the sauce for her then?

>I see plenty of white men but next to no white women.
We are the soldiers. They are what we live for and fight to protect. My wife holds the same views I do. She doesn't post anything about them.

next you're going to tell me anzu is a "real girl"

That is awesome!

Katya is female, newfag

There's definitely a few but they're probably nutcases. Most women are dopes though, who cares what they think?

Katya what, my Swiss friend?

Women aren't political. They're followers. 100 years ago they were staunch conservatives. Today they're leftists. The only thing that changed is the political discourse amongst men.

women level

Do you newfags seriously not know Katya?

And yes SHE is a girl.

>tfw no gun :(

No girl in the alt right is genuine. They're just trying to get that sweet patreon loot so they can fuck and suck rent free.

There have been only two women I have ever met that were red-pilled:

a black college student who was the daughter of immigrants and browsed pol

a Romanian girl in Romania who was like in the Top 1% in intelligence

Did you fug this black doll? Was she qt?

This ruined chokers for me

No I did not. She turned 19 this year. I was simply getting to know her. She was average. Not ugly or beautiful.

I've only ever fucked one black girl. Model. Only skinny black woman I've seen in Ireland.


Men are the explorers. We're on the cutting edge.


Yea boi, there are more women than men actually, I'm like 4 women.


I am a wizard man. I became a wizard this year.

I do not want sex per se. I want a wife and life companion. She was one of the few women that was actually fun to be around and talk to (aside from the Romanian I mentioned who was way out of my league).

I have had only three women in my whole life who were ever romantically interested in me. I never felt I bonded with them despite finding them attractive.

Christ a fucking weeb and after closer look she looks bland af

I won't revoke my white status thank you


Look at fucking YouTube or Twitter. I've lost count of how many there are. Some people thinks they're shills trying to get money out of beta orbiters, but most seem sincere.

Ah. Sorry to hear that.
What are the Powers like at least?

Men aquire 20% more political knowledge a year than women. Your average 30 y/o man knows more about history and politics that a 50 year old women.

The ideal that women should vote is stunningly ignorant.

You need bbc to attract girls, so no bbc means no girls, so basicly you guys need bbc if you really want to have a lot of girls.

You stop caring about women and material shit to a significant extent. I am newly minted so I do not know what other latent abilities I now have.
