Sup Forums game

Convince me of your political ideology/beliefs with only one sentence. You can extend it all you want with conjunctions, etc but it must be a single sentence. Before the sentence, state the name of the ideology.

You can add an image to support it but it can't be an infographic or contain text.

The winner will receive a secret prize.

Other urls found in this thread:

Jews should be gassed.

Right wing pop. This great nation belongs to the white man, not the white elitists

Bill Clinton is a rapist,

Buy butcoin

In general 'fuck you I don't care what you think because the vast majority are ill educated morons who should have no say in anyone's life and the government and law they create applies to them and not me'

As well as the litany of atrocious outcomes of non-whites living in white countries (eg. murders, rapes, terrorism, welfare abuse), if current demographic trends continue whites will be displaced and replaced and eventually become minorities in their own homelands; we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

White Nationalism.

free shit for everyone except niggers

traps are gay

in space with no government

All truth springs from Jesus Christ and following Him leads others to truth which destroys misery.

Looking for an ideology that can be condensed into a catch phrase.

Kill yourself you fucking sheep.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

I rest my case


Creationism, for all things that are become nOt in this world all your efforts are futile , every emotion, every thought, every action, if their be not one greater, than all is without meaning, then we should all die of our own accord as animals.

National Transhumanism is a more technologically advanced form of eugenics.

All for the people, nothing by the jews ((regarding the government))


Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law.

Convert or die bitch!

Freedom without order and discipline means dissolution and catastrophe.

Fascism above all rests upon teamwork, the ability to pull together--the power to subordinate every interest of section or individual to the nation as a whole.

Dodge nationalism?

yes and the only thing that disappears will be whites

Lol. I hate labels.

Right wing ideologies are partially based on long-term or delay of gratification which inhibit your impulses so that you make decisions that are ultimately beneficial, which is the very concept that allowed Northwestern Europeans to rocket beyond the rest of the world.

Consider the following

Christianity is Jewish bullshit, European paganism is the one true way for whites.


Birds of feather flock together.


where's our prize faggot

Hitler stop me from being degenerate.

Fuck liberals

The world is ruled by the laws of thermodynamics and since entropy is always increasing , conflict and war are a constant and cant be prevented.

In peacetimes retards and idiots outbreed smart people because smart people are utopians that create welfare states.
This increase social entropy until a communist or statist retard like , stalin , hitler , maduro or other causes chaos and a war.
This kills the idiots because they never prepared for a worse case scenario and have no knowledge of how to surivve witouth the state.

This creates a golden era again.

So the only reasonable political belief has to be:
1_Flexible since entropy does not allow a endgame
2_Morality is relevant and Irrelevant since without it you end like the chinks without a soul and with it you end up helping retards outbreed you.
So morality has to be smart.
3_The state must be small since it always will tax the smart and help the retards destroying fertility of those.
This is why in brasil or argentina , and now in europe idiots are outbreeding the middle classes.
If you look at us fertility , democrat states have below replacement and republican states have positive fertility.
This is unique to the us due to the states independence of the federal state.
The main reason is the welfare state if you are born today in new york , commiefornia or a leftist shithole you will have to spent a tons of money to buy property so havng a kid is a no no if you are reasonable person.

If you go to a republican state you can buy a fucking house for 90k or less , sure it may not be the best house but its something that the rest of the world can only dream.
This is the main reason why small state helps a society , it helps more smart people to be born and less retards.

So the closer ideology to that today is libertarianism , but since libertarians usually have their cause hijacked by muh weed idiots , conservatives have the best ideology.
They also can mobilize idiots like christcucks

libertarian. if you don't survive you're not trying hard enough

A nation without borders isn't a nation.

>Convince me of your political ideology/beliefs with only one sentence.

1.8 blog posts later:


Its not , libertarianism with borders is , but it will always bring retards that will ignore the economic part of the cause and destroy.

When i say "conservatism" i say american style conservatism not european or latin america.
I mean hardcore conservatism , that has the balls to tell leftist fuck off you are not entitled to other people labor.

Sure its not the best ideology , but its the only one that can mobilize christcucks , people with economic knowledge , people that want individual freedoms , and people that want order all together.
No other ideology can mobilize the last 3 together , the christcucks help to gain votes , but its without a doubt the most efective pro civilization ideology.

>Convince me of your political ideology/beliefs with only one sentence.

"It's the Jews"

>implying that that's even remotely true

Race war, meow?