What does Sup Forums think of the political relevance and effect of said video?

What does Sup Forums think of the political relevance and effect of said video? youtube.com/watch?v=BYFjRH-vxGg

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I wish I could find some friends like that.

The updated one is better.


Who are these three guys supposed to be anyways?

We need more creative content like that

Approved, but only because the first one had nazis LARPERS.



White nationalist chads

Sad attempt of the aspirations incarnate of countless sad losers that can not achieve a sense of self outside of social hysteria

our fairy godfathers

its starting a conversation~ thats how it works when libs do it.

And do you think that discussing Nationalism is a good thing?

The guy on the right looks like David Duke, but what about the other two?


moot, chad, and ben shapiro

Of course, it forces people to think and face facts and make choices. Any white person who sees something like this has to think about themselves and ask if anything is actually wrong with it. It forces people to ask themselves "how this effects me" as opposed to hearing lists of things from other people about why we are a problem like their "conversations".

I like my country, I like my family and I like my culture and I like myself. With the swastika version I can still say its part of my history. My family fought against it, but they fought. Its western cultures business and western cultures fight and when somebody o the outside especially non whites chime in on it it forces the vast majority of us to think.

I still believe the chad on the right is an asian.

mike, he doesn't look remotely asian

Nice piece of propaganda. I wouldn't have included the nazi symbolics but eh.

People, you shouldn't use "Chad" as a name for good, confident, righteous, nationalistic people. Chad is a moron whose only goal in life is to bang as many Stacies as possible. He doesn't give a shit about religion, tradition, or his country. He's not interested in monogamous relationships either.





You know that Malays and Pinoys are considered the niggers of East/SE Asia right?

Do you really think Malays shitskin have the brain to visit Sup Forums and Sup Forums?
I'm a chinese.

more like asians are the niggers of asia

>I'm a chinese
you have my sympathies

It is a great video. Doubtful that anybody will really change their wordlviews because of that but good luck and best wishes!

at what point do the right wing death squads come out to save the US and then leaf land?
What is the breaking point boy-os

Why are you in poopoo land?


Well you guys are right on a certain level.
Taiwan are try to unfuck themselve by electing a fucking female president.
Singapore are good.
Burma just went deus vult.
Malaysia, Indo, Viet, are quite fuckup desu

Malaysia born Chinese.
Got a shitty STEM degree now I have no job.
Stuck as a 7/11 shop clerk, night shift with nothing to do.


Geez, calm your titties.
We hate each other to a certain degree too.
How did us piss you off?
Real estate? You have my condolences, I will never afford for house too.

it hits harder actually
and is easier to serve to normies

Would have been great if it didn't have the stupid fucking swastika tattoo. It would have actually resonated with people but they see that image and they instantly turn on it.

We can't trust the Chinese until they've had a 1000 years of Christianity. See you then.

its a joke, watch this its pretty short if you never seen it

Fuck Christianity, they ruined Europe and US now.
The only Christian Chinese Dynasty was massacred by barbarian with the help of britbong.


There are really some whitey who hate Chinese with passion.
We still can know some are satire some are serious.

Your right we should also have a based black man part of the crew praise kek

you mentioned taiwan ... are you from mainland china?

No, Malaysia born.
Those mainlander are mostly scum and real estate vampire.

oh, so ethnically chinese but born and raised in malaysia? bummer...

At least I'm not born at Indonesia or Africa~
One can't complained, it is my own fault that I fucked up and can't archive anything good.
I even considered go to commiefornia to work as illegal.

if you have a STEM degree you wouldn't have to do it illegally you know.
also, the 7/11 down the street from my house is hiring. maybe you can transfer.

HAHAHAHA, the problem is visa.
Working visa is not that easy to get.
Either I'm pretty good with Master degree or sort, it is nearly impossible to get a working visa, especially at USA.
My friend just graduate from Oklahoma State University with a degree at IT, and yet he can't land a job or get a working visa permit.
So he had to come back, too.

And the head of 7/11 is difference for difference country.
I can't simply "transfer" from here to there.

believe it or not, there is a lot of ethnic chinese that work for contractors for the DoD. sure, most of them are probably spies, but it might work for you or your friend. im not sure what companies even sponsor work visas, but it cant hurt to apply somewhere over here if you are considering leaving malaysia.

Thanks user, I'll look it up and give it a try.
Most chinese who move to US without praising China everyday are mostly people who will love it to the end, a lot of them are desperate to breath in the freedom.

>complaining about larpers
wew lad, have you told your parents your a faggot?

I want a Chad Nationalist bf

it's ok if there's no homo

Wait until Patriot peer is finished.

Cringe and stupid but the majority of people like stupid shit so maybe it's not so bad.

they are the male ideal

there is a reason the allies demolished every arno breker sculpture

No. It's fucking cringey and set the right wing movement back 20 years. You only like it because it has all the gay Sup Forums memes that you all love so much but to the average normie it makes you all look like violent Nazis.

Gives me a better impression of the alt-right than the one I held before. I don't give a shit about MUH SWASTIKA MUH OPTICS. All the white nationalist shit is essentially self-improvement and national improvement and that's what the video showed. If some hypothetical normie is seeing this and they get turned off of it all because of the swastika, then fuck them, they aren't useful to us if they're STILL pacified by the oldest liberal PC tricks in the book. If they can't overlook that for everything else portrayed in the video then you do not want them watering down your message anyway. You're NOT going to win against marxists by cowing to their most basic preconceived arguments.

No one ever changed anything by being a group of degenerate atomized individuals and pussies. You have to be a fucking man, collectivize with your like-minded fellows, hold up an ideal and offer positive change to potential supporters. Let them know they have an in-group that can take care of them and they can gain from being a member of this in-group. This is basic game theory and its best application is in a democracy like ours. Commies know this, they're fucking great at collectivizing and using collective issues to further their agenda. Why do you think they're historically so successful at taking over countries even though their ideology is such self-defeating dogshit? As dumb as they are, they at least know how to politically organize.

>a good physique is fascist

This billshit is terifying

> Slut shaming
> Transphobic
> Antisimetic
> Abilist
> Homophobic
> Islamophobic
> That heteronormative "Happy Ending"

What is the point of this video? If white people gave
up pornography, smoking and started focusing on physical fitness they can create a nuclear family and achieve homeownership with a trad-waifu? FUCKING GARBAGE.

> Blonde = Jean Claude Van Damn
> Light brown hair = James Woods
> Red shirt = Tom Cruise
> Construction dude w/ Mullet = Roddy Pipper

Jean Claude's hair is brown though.

Dolph Lundgren? Though Jean Claude is more known for smiles and thumbs up.

Can someone please make this a Chad/Virgin meme with Mike "Totally not a Kike" Enoch as the virgin?

Yeah but even in Rocky 4 you could see his hair was just blonde tips, so I still think you are wrong.

>Mike "Totally not a Kike" Enoch
it really is obvious that he isnt white and is in fact most likely a kike. i still dont know why people wanted him back after he left for being exposed having a jew wife.


Not sure than. I just presume it was maybe an almalgamation of the two? I can't recall any other real liefe-positive 80's era ubermench. I wouldn't say Schwarzenegger, because his frame was more about overwhelming mass, and modern Arnold is more Liberal than anything else.

Best I can can associate would be a hybrid Jean-Claude/Lundgren hybrid.


did you guys see the #based civic nationalist edit?

I honestly don't see a point in improving yourself. You're going to die sooner or later. Why bother?



why don't you just kill yourself now then, loser?

>killing myself? why bother!

Needs better animation, a more a e s t h e t i c look, a harder, more driving song, and no swastikas.

Think something sounding like this:
But with Blade Runner/Running Man/Drive a e s t h e t i c s about a bunch of renegade chad nationalists fighting a guerilla war in the neon-lit night against the corporate-globalist overstate and its hideous degenerate footsoldiers.

I like the way they handled it with perfection when it got censored. It was satirical and over the top the original and they banned it i don't agree with the ban but making it into a mirror image of the original video to illustrate what is acceptable speech whilst being just as hateful against whites and normal relations, was a stroke of genius.

lol touché

like this?

They have had christians for 1000 years though, they've just never had much power and when they did they killed 50 million chinks in a terrible civil war where some faggot chink thought he was related to jesus and thought he should start a kingdom of heaven on earth, after that christianity really fell in popularity until recently.

If they're going with the Nazi imagery and the Richard Spencer haircut then they need more gay sex, because Richard Spencer is a faggot.

> no swastikas
> for a band called "CyberNazi"
I think you are missing the point here...

I love Moonman as much as the next guy, but it's turbo autistic on a level that our movement really doesn't need if we're going to move forward. It won't appeal to anyone who isn't already on "our side"

Ditto for anything with "Nazi" in the name. It's literal poison for normies, and will cause them to stay away from our ideas in droves. The only way to really bring them to our side is to tone it down and sell white nationalism in a sexier, friendlier, less initially off-putting package.

Whinging over not having our swastikas in our normie propaganda is utterly worthless anyways, since most people, once given the truth, will turn into Nazi sympathizers eventually anyhow.

Chad is evolving.
The evolution of Chad is becoming a meta story of how gym and 'not giving a fuck' can lead to the ultimate red pilling.
>see chad/virgin recent appropriations.

Your'e missing the point. Their band is called CyberNazi. They came up with their own name themselves.

I understand that you enjoy their music, and you feel it could help your movement, which it will to a certain degree.

But you are ignoring the fact that they have their own intentions too. They are very open about their goal is to normalize the swastika and de-demonize National Socialism.

Take that away from them and you not only defete their purpose, you become no better han the SJW we are all fighting against, together.

The swastika is hard for normies to swallow, I admit. The video could have been just as effective without it. At the same time, however, we can take it back if we associate it with well-adjusted people living wholesome lifestyles, and supporting their communities. I'm not sure what to think of this.

The symbol as confederate rally tools is dumb, we're white Americans not socialist germans, stars and bars idiot, that's direct ammo to mix our confederate rally with natsoc and make that 'neo-nazi kkk' blather have a meaning and not be a jargon nonsense call. But as a basic personal symbol to connect to pro-white nationalism of the past? Eh, you do you, but Mosley symbols are more esoteric and fun in my taste.

Youtube is also censoring this simple Farage video

>that not so subtle homoerotic tone during the entire vid


Looks like a beautiful work of art to me.

You are putting the horse before the carriage.

We need to normalize everyhimg. Stars and Bars, Celtic Cross. The swastika.

It doesn't matter if the ideologies behimd symbols conflict with the movement. The movement will be associated with those symbols by our enemies no matter what.

By making everything associated with white nationalism less controversial, they can no longer use them against us.

Normalize outside of the rally. It's like furries, not every single thing needs swastikas present.

One of the lamest things I've ever seen. Horrible animation, vaporwave crap music, boring as fuck to even watch.

There has to be some white nationalist out there that can do much better.

This guy gets it.

And yeah they're gonna call us Nazis anyway. So let the footage not show proof of it. Make them continue to force footage mirrors, associate people rallying for their interests with natsoc symbols first. If you go there rallying with them, you're not something new to people you're just the old teams again. People need to step back first and go 'hang on that's the connection? Well that's not so bad' the symbol is the whole hog propaganda.

Swasitkas can't be our thing, that was Germany. Germany ever uncucks, they get it no question, but we need American Fascist symbols of our own or we're just another other to follow than ourselves.

It's not that simple.

It takes a lot of effort to get these rallies going and the fastest way to do this is flags. Flags attract protestors.

We simply do not have the numbers to march out in unison under a common flag. This is Antifas strength. Asside from the occasional hammer and sickle, they are all gethered under the Anarchocommie flag.

We do not have this option here in the states.

We have always been extreamely atomized. Our side traditionally comprises of a dozen sub-factions, some waiving the American flag. Some waiving the blue Trump flag. Some European Identitarian flag, some confederates, the rare Nazi, and now the Kekistani flag.

If we alienate any of those, we lose numbers. Therefore, it is in the movements best interest not to ever punch right. Eventually which ever flag someone finds offensive will be normalized, and everyone wins.

lel great pic