German football manager "full of rage" after Germany fans sing Nazi songs in win over Czech Republic to 'bring shame on our country'
Other urls found in this thread:
>independent co uk/sport/football/international/germany-fans-nazi-songs-chants-joachim-low-full-of-rage-vs-czech-republic-a7928371.html
Thanks Nordic bro
>did they sing our national anthem?
is Joachim low german?
he looks like one of us
I bet they just sang the German anthem.
tfw you'll never be in the Nazi Stormtrooper Calvary.
Lowe is just mad that Lahm isn't on the team anymore for him to have sex with during half-time
How can a song be a nazi?
They don't even sing the first and second stanzas of the national anthem because they are considered Nazi.
What did they sing specifically?
>The same section of fans also targeted the Czech national anthem
G•rmans need to be eradicated or Europe won't survive.
Kike, get OUT
Tell me ... how is showing disrespect for a fellow European nation's anthem anything but degenerate?
Why am I a kike?
What the fuck are krauts doing in MUH Republic i thought we removed 3 million of them after WW2 from MUH Saint Republic and they still coming here.Jeez these westerners and their behaviour.
This is the guy who put his fingers in his arse and smelled it.
Because you call for the genocide of the Germanic peoples, which make up 100% of white Europeans.
Get your black supremacist shit out of here, sonny son son.
i was waiting for him to get angrier and angrier until he started to slam his fist on the table and then yell into the mics
This I guess?
>Seig heil = Hail Victory
>Germany won
>Germans just hailing victory
>Reciting two words is Nazism
top kek. get your haploshit facts right
That's not pratical, they gonna fall from their horses.
wtf I love football now
You're right, muhammadjamal,
Only middle africans are considered white by the true le epic reddit masterrace xD!
they are a bunch of subhuman and uncivilized inbred scum. Germany should be ceased to exist today due to them being pathetic barbarian losers.
Krauts need to start necking the traitorous faggots in their midst.
t. cucked anglo