Runescape Players Are Killing Venezuelans

>Due to the state of the failing economy caused by it's socialist policies, Venezuelans have no other option than to farm gold on Runescape to make a living.

>The exchange rate of USD to their currency is so high that they make more money per hour than a normal job within their country by killing dragons in the wilderness in Runescape.

>The wilderness is the Player-Killing Hot spot in the game.

>Runescape players begin taking action by killing the gold farmers for their loot, disrupting their form of making a living.

Runescape players are literally killing commies. Discuss.

Other urls found in this thread:

Not even sure why they're whining, don't go to wildy if you don't want to be killed. There's plenty of ways to make gold outside of green drags, the only people who kill green drags are bots and they're not using bots.

wow that game still exists?

loved to play the original version, god that game was so revolutionary for me
wow was boring for me

This makes me want to go pking. More spics that starve to death the better

>The exchange rate of USD to their currency is so high that they make more money per hour than a normal job
I would be rich in Venezuela

>virtual capitalism is better than actual socialism

I know right. The people writing comments in the video saying this is heartless are fucking morons. They should be out there fixing their country rather than farming on a game. Selling gold is Illegal in the game to begin with.

Sup Forums needs to raid these spics and make them starve

Runescape get together when?

>kill commies
>hate fags
Are runescape players the most redpilled mmo community of all?

Was there ever a doubt?

Let's fucking do it. Rumour has it that if you actually kill them enough times they begin to start calling groups of people they farm gold with to fight back.

Yes, they most definitely are. You had to see the back-lash they gave the company behind the game when they announced a gay-pride event would be coming into the game.

Bump this thread and let's try to get anyone with a high level Runescape account in here so that these spics can get fucked.

Do it Sup Forums. Any way to fight the commies is a good way.

>why are spics so shit?
>try to improve something
>wtf how dare u

Level 95 reporting. Are they on f2p or members?

Green dragons are members only.

I got a lvl 123 nearly maxed combat except prayer boys im going for removal


runescape is /ourgame/

It's somewhat unfair to blame regular everyday Venezuelans. The truth is that socialism is incredibly appealing to naive, impulsive, and historically ignorant people. Obviously. If it didn't have that appeal then it wouldn't exist in the first place.
Unfortunately the only way for them to learn is to suffer through it and hit rock-bottom. Countries that have been through socialism once don't make that mistake twice (at least for a few generations - just look at eastern Europe).

No one wants them to suffer, but this nightmare was entirely self-inflicted (and you can't say that we didn't warn them that this would happen). If they have to suffer through their own failures to stop this ideology from spreading, then I see no reason why we should help.

Time to register a Runescape account I guess.

lets do it, we need t organize a time and place for everyone to meet

Until the Commies come and take everything you own and gunpoint.

>holds gay pride parade events ingame


Time to put my Armadyl crossbows to work

>a runescape based economy
wew lads, this is the greatest timeline.

You have to go back, Paco.

Ronald Trump friend chat was a friend chat with mainly edgy teens Sup Forums might fit in.

>community riots wearing KKK robes carrying nooses for a week in response

>Implying NEET socialism is not the best system

That shit was funny af

Venezuela was fucked over by the IMF after they cut ties to it.
It's sort of dumb to blame their situation on them directly, it's another economic hitjob against countries who deny the World Bank their pound of flesh

I'm down to kill some peeps online

reeee stop crashing my gold prices


I'm in

Im 85 im in

Looks like its time to play RS again, boy its been awhile.

Who cares, first of all they're retarded anti-American brown spics who need to starve, and second of all most of them still love Socialism and only blame its failings on their current President rather than reject the ideology as a whole.

It's worth. The Old school servers are fun af and have a strong player base.

>playing Albion blacked zone
>kill some random logger
>he whispers me telling me that he was just trying to make a living
>thought he was just trolling me
>turns out it was true

if it wasn't for the PK danger there would be no value in doing that runescape shit anyway

the spics should thank the PKs

Its basically become a proxy for online gambling. The admins don't enfoce rules on buying and selling gold for real currency, so people like my brother will blow $200 staking on duels

we really do live in the matrix dont we.

They blew billions of dollars from their oil money on lavish welfare. Now they're hustling for pennies in an online game. It's not our fault that they're in trouble.
But if we don't push them to the brink, then they'll never learn. They'll just be like those African countries who get into massive debt, cry like little bitches on TV about starving kids, get us to cancel the debts, and then run up more debts 10 minutes later. You have to break the cycle through force.

Go back and slay more commies user. Runescape needs you.

All I see are smart players getting easy loot by killing obvious noobs who put themselves in harms way

>The admins don't enfoce rules on buying and selling gold for real currency
They do, trust me.

lol should we start Right Wing Killing Squads on this?

not funny
its not the citizens fault
this might happen to you soon

How do you make money on it ?how does that work? I'm a neet and need a job.

Like all shitty puppet governments, guess who is to blame for the state of their country?

>a free market in a make-believe dead game is still crushing a communist economy

>Venezuelans have no other option than to farm gold on Runescape to make a living
>Runescape players are literally killing commies

(plz put me in the screencap!)


Guide to killing Venezuelans in Runescape

I kill them for easy hides and bones while shittalking them in spanish

I bring shit gear for it too, just teleblock->entangle->crystal bow

Invest in the lead-conomie

Fucking yes, check the guide:

Is that actually fucking glinks. Trash can hunter now trying to make political commentary LMFAO. Armenians are dirty motherfuckers.

>retards who voted in a socialist dictatorship
>camping one of the most heavily botted and pked spots in the entire game
>the spot isn't even good money in 2017 anymore
It checks out. Even the chinese farmers who are too stupid to not know how to bot stay away from green drags. There are so many other ways to make decent money in the game.

Doing gods work user. Purging commies from Runescape and keeping the value of GP high.

Communists aren't people. If you're playing PvP and expect to not die... you're doing it wrong.



Runescape is doing gods work, in other news, water is wet

more like Sup Forumsscape is /ourgame/

Somebody's told Styxhexenhammer about this, right?

he plays the gay modern version of the game

there's a Sup Forums insurgency going on rn

if you're a redditor crossie you should go check it out

They voted for Chavez over and over. He had genuine mass support.

It's not anyone else's fault. We told them that this would happen. Instead of investing in their long term future, they went for short term welfare.

They're not trying to improve shit, they're just trying to survive among all the shit without having to actually improve anything. Pretty status quo for the sub humans.

reminder to join "osg" for the Sup Forums cc if you log in to kill commies

So this is the power of socialism, uh?

holy shit this made me laugh harder than I thought a rs screencap could


I'd join you fellas, but I'm woefully under leveled on 07scape. Will lurk for potential RS3 action. I've got a high lvl pure and a PVMer that may come in handy.

Isn't that what they're on

>green dragons isn't even that great money
>they are in the wilderness which is literally the only area where other players can attack you for your shit
>selling gold is against the game rules
I have zero empathy for these communist fucks.

Great observation. Have a (you).

Socialism isn't the problem. Eastern Europe didn't even had real socialism during the Cold War
>inb4 muh not real gommunism meme

/poltards confuse socialism with totalitarian state capitalism, which really existed in Eastern Europe. Scandinavian, countries, Germany, and some other Western European countries + Canada have socialism. Eastern Europe had forced labor in state-owned factories, where workers had to toil for a loaf of bread (if you get lucky and get it after standing in a breadline for 5 hours). How the fuck is that "socialism"? The name of the ruling party has nothing to do with it.

>Who cares, first of all they're retarded anti-American brown spics who need to starve

>hehe they don't like the neocon US government, so they should starve hehe

>wonders why people around the world don't like America, after making such retarded statements

Whew, Murrilards are really fucking stupid as shit. I wish you'd die and reborn again in a poor 3rd world country that is being exploited by the multinational corporations and where your government is corrupt as fuck so they are siphoning the wealth of your nation to American banks. And when you'll try to change things then the CIA will install a puppet dictator, who will throw you in a forced labor camp for life or order the police to mutilate and main you. This is the fate all ignorant stupid fat Amerishits deserve.

The actual runescape that was constantly updated since you played a decade ago is now called runescape 3 and is filled with cancerous graphics, voice acting, dialogue and lore writing, and microtransactions. The one in this thread is the oldschool runescape, which was a 2007 server backup resurrected in 2014 and updated by a small team. Osrs ironically has more members on than rs3, but it's unknown how many bots there are on either one. The dev direction in osrs has been a lot better than the original game but there's still a ton of reddit garbage in it, at least no micotransactions yet.


Literally kill yourself you retarded leftist rat.

What a world we live in.
2017 best year

Jesus christ this is fucking hilarious...
Pablo is killing virtual dragons so that his little puto can eat.
Who is buying their dragon hides? There is an actual market where people pay real money for vidyamonies...
Who are these people?
Venezuela is basically being kept alive by fat, basement dwelling geeks who spent their allowance on a meh-tier mmorpg.
Socialism fails even in cyberspace.
How fucked up does one place have to be that people can make more money by playing vidya all day erry day than with real work.
Too bad good ol' Hugo Chav isnt around anymore to see what he has started

I swear to fucking god. This timeline is the dankest timeline of them all.

Isnt it easier to pickpocket guards if you need cash fast or have i been out of the game for too long?

>muh not real gommunism meme

Like clockwork. That's the only thing you're capable of - giving the same canned answers, because you aren't capable of thinking on your own.

Fucking leafs. You are a living meme. KYS immediately.

Please stream the raids!!!!!!!!!


Most of old Sup Forums played runescape

>I-it's not real Communism!
>I-it's not real Socialism!
>I-it's not real Islam!

Literally the excuse of every retarded meme-tier ideology

Runescape has a fully functioning in game economy filled with buy low/sell high merchanting, gambling systems, paying for memebership with gold, swapping gold between the different game versions, hoarding and speculation in response to game updates, and a centralized trading post where you can sell and buy anything. Third worlders sell the drops for gold, then bot runners and gold farmers buy this gold for real money, which they can use to make new accounts and more money or sell back to other players at higher real world rates. Playing this game as a kid taught me more about real world economics than any high school class ever could.

another fat Murrilard who isn't capable of producing a single original thought. Let me guess, you a Trumpcuck as well, aren't you?

>Fucking leafs

are light years ahead of you in everything. As are Scandinavians. And germans. Any many other nations. McFucking deal with it, you retard.

Maxed player reporting in...but can't play until next week

Also can't kill low level gold farmers at green dragons but I'll be extra security I guess.

Show your real flag faggot


>>muh not real gommunism meme
>repeats it again and again, then repeats it three times in one post, thinking it will make his """""""argument"""""" three times stronger

You're only embarrassing yourself, Americuck.

Wow the only countries where socialism works are small, ethnically and culturally homogeneous white countries. Really activates the almonds.

make me, faggot

Canned answers deserve canned answers you ditry commie.