Connecticut councilman resigns after 'furry' profile revealed


>A Connecticut councilman known as the fox “Gray Muzzle” online has resigned after constituents hunted down his “furry” social media profile.

>Democrat Scott Chamberlain has been on the New Milford town council since his election in 2015, though will leave the position by Monday after screenshots of his page circulated online.

>The website hosts profiles for members of the furry fandom, a group of people who create anthropomorphic animal avatars for themselves and occasionally dress up as the characters to meet in person.

>Many furries also have a sexual fetish involving the costumes, though Chamberlain insisted to the Danbury News Times his own participation in the fandom had “nothing to do with sex; it’s an interest in cartoon animals.”

>However, the newspaper reported that some of his “loves,” “likes” and “hates” on the site were sexual, and that he also posted that he “tolerates” rape.

>New Milford Mayor David Gronbach posted on Facebook Thursday that he called for Chamberlain’s resignation because public servants are “held to a higher standard” and added that the councilman was doing so.

So Sup Forums, should he have resigned?

Pic related, it's Scott Chamberlain AKA "Gray Muzzle"

Other urls found in this thread:

lel its always about fetish shit

typical liberal

Does anyone else remember when furries were our biggest enemy? They've been hidden under the radar for so long that I get the feeling that they are the ones behind all of it. (((They))) are the real threat.

>>However, the newspaper reported that some of his “loves,” “likes” and “hates” on the site were sexual, and that he also posted that he “tolerates” rape.
holy shit lmao

>A Connecticut Furry in King Arthur's court

So much for accepting people for who they are, libshits.

big deal


>yiff in hell furfag

Fucking deviants

>tolerates rape

“nothing to do with sex; it’s an interest in cartoon animals.”

I call bullshit thats all its about

"I have smoked marijuana but I did not inhale"

There is literally nothing wrong with furry porn.

>“nothing to do with sex; it’s an interest in cartoon animals.”

did you forget about

god, I love this timeline

We've got it all wrong goyim. It's not ZOG we need to be worried about, it's the FOG (Furry Occupied Government) that's ruining this country.

>he also posted that he “tolerates” rape.

We can't hurt the furries. They get off on any form of punishment

So you're saying they'll all nut if we shove them in gas chambers?

Gray muzzle is an actual furry term that describes an older fan, people who were adults when they lusting after characters from Animaniacs and later helped pioneer internet culture.

You're saying they won't?

>Democrat David Gronbach to run for New Milford mayor

Somehow i knew before checking


If it faps to an animal hole I call it a furry.

what if it has human genitalia?

wouldn't it be something along the lines of

All bronies are furries, but not all furries are bronies?

underrated burger witticism

if it's a hole, on an animal, that it faps to, I call it a furry

I agree don't mention me in the same breath as a fur fag

>implying there's a difference between subhumans

>tfw yiffed w/ gray muzzle

>pretending to be superior
At least some furry porn is hot. MLP is autism concentrated to its purest form.

Not all bronies fap to the ponies, probably.

What are you a normalfag?

Anyone who posts anything under their real name ever is a moron.

Since when is Sup Forums soviets?

shit, my name really is Anonymous though

Sargoth of Cancaid

You could have just said wit you nasty stupid fuck

That's what I say about My little pony.

can confirm
if you have the furry disease,there's a high chance to develop sexual attraction towards it.
lets not even mention the extremes.

Kinda weird but I suppose it would have been okay
>tolerates rape
That'll do it

is this? dare I say... /ourkettle/?

No, he should be executed. Furries are the most hideous, sexually-depraved losers on the planet.

This. Bronies may be autists but they're OUR autists.
/mlpol/ 4 lyf

it isn't even state senator. Its a fucking councilman. I don't care who is on my town's sewer board either.

That being stated, he could have kept his public FurAffinity completely SFW and had a different account for porn. A politician not hiding the porn is begging for problems. This is basic shit guys

>our autists
There is nothing more inherently reddit than a brony.

Never forget that you're still a hideous, beta-virgin low-test faggot that's obsessed with a children's cartoon show about fucking ponies. Kill yourself, man.

I doubt that you aren't one as well :^)
the fandom literally started on Sup Forums

Just gonna leave this here.

as far as i'm aware,horse fuckers originated in Sup Forums.


>implying there is ANYTHING wrong with enjoying furry porn

The cancer started on Reddit

>gray muzzle

>muzzle is white

I suppose White Muzzle would be too on the nose for a Democrat.

>So Sup Forums, should he have resigned?

Yes. Yiff in hell furfags

>reddit turns everything into cancer
i get it now

Maybe if extreme fetishes of it wouldn't exist,furries would be /mlp/ tier.



nevar forget the fursecution of 6 million cartoon animal hobbyists

I blame Disney.

>should he have resigned
if the "furry" lifestyle didn't cause any problems with his work performance then no

He should have just sucked it up and admitted that it's what he does, that it doesn't make him mentally incompetent for his position, and that all funds used are from his own pocket

One of the few times where someone is getting shit for doing something others don't approve of

Either make a law completely banning furries and their fursuits or let them be

How else are they to tolerate blacks and muslims?

There is nothing wrong with furry porn.
The probable is that people somehow managed to create an entire lifestyle centered around anthropomorphic animals. It's not even the useful kind of autism like being obsessed over trains, guns, or airplanes.
It's the equivalent of being a unironic weeaboo in real life, except worse because furries are substantially more populous.


>Either make a law completely banning furries and their fursuits

I think the "rape" thing was the main reason of his resignation

No one can be that accurate at predicting my looks and personality CIA detected

We all know the freedumb-loving republicucks chimped out at this revelation.
right wing = hypocrite wing

Wasn't there an Asian politician in California or something that got fired after they found out he had pictures on the internet of his diaper/furry fetish?

Implying Sup Forums isn't a board fulled with autism and furfag detected


This, also bronie fandom have less faggots than the furry fandom

>What have they found? Eighty-six percent of the Brony fandom are male, the average age is 21 with a range of 14 to 57, and 70 percent are students and 33 percent employed full or part-time. In sexual orientation, 84 percent describe themselves as heterosexual, 1.7 describe themselves as homosexual, 10.3 as bisexual, and 3.8 as asexual.

diarrhea=/= constipation, yet both are shit.

So they have all the reputation of prancing fairy faggots but can't even indulge in casual dicksucking. Must be hell for them.


How profound.

bronies are worse than furries.

They'd be if they didn't run out of steam ages ago.

>tfw remember the original MLP threads on Sup Forums when the show came out
simpler times. then Sup Forums did Sup Forums things and sexualized them. then it got out of hand and the DA sonic and furry freaks all got in on it. if anything the cancer started on DA and tumblr, it just grew on reddit.




>were sexual, and that he also posted that he “tolerates” rape.
Wasn't one of his stories, Stan becomes a jew, or whatever it was called, imply sex with children or some weird shit?


The difference being, what exactly?


Hello mods, hope you're having a nice evening.

Niggers are utterly worthless. Jews are at least intelligent, just assholes.

true, and it's great to see pony shit leaving my favorite furry sites :^)

>implying furries aren't bogpilled

No, I meant the difference between Disney and (blacks and jews)

Good riddance.

Disney hasn't been niggerified yet and a lot of their earlier movies had great nigger bashing moments.

>Donald Trump does ??? and is now a misogynistic rapist anti-christ
>Dems fuck dogs and "tolerate rape"

>But, I know it’s weird, but sometimes when I’m, you know, with my lover, I think about them. I imagine ‘m in a limo, having sex with a Poodle while the whole world watches….
~ Scott Chamberlain


>Tina's Story Chapter 66 Little Stan Becomes Jewish

>Tina knew that for years, hybrids not only couldn’t be members, they couldn’t set foot inside. They weren’t even hired to cook or clean. It wasn’t personal to hybrids, though. No Blacks, no Hispanics, …..and no Jews.

>Oh, Daddy!” she whispered “Is that for ME?”
>He nodded, as she lowered onto his rock hard penis.
>He lay back, as Felicity had hard, fast sex. She bucked unmercifully on her father’s organ, all the while toying with her own sex, for his viewing pleasure. When at last he could hold back no more, he flooded his other twin, as he had done her sister. She smiled at the warmth inside her, and even squirted a bit when she came….

>In no time, his red maleness was out of it’s sheath
>his red maleness

>You see, this was the day of Little Stan’s Brit Milah ceremony, or ‘bris’, the ritual circumcision that every Jewish boy baby undergoes. Traditionally done on the eigth day of life, Stan was of course a fair bit older. Doctor Goldstein solved this by getting a doctor friend to write a letter that he was ‘physically unready’ before now. This was at least partially true. No one had ever really done a bris on a hybrid. Finding a Mohel to perform the rite was challenging. In the end, Doctor Goldstein found one in New York City. The ritual itself was an issue. Since the bris was in effect a circumcision, there was a problem, since dogs don’t have a foreskin. Instead, Stan would have a hatafat dam brit, where the end of the penis is pricked, and a drop of blood taken.

Literally the only kind of porn that is not controlled by the jews
Meanwhile normies are forced to consume interracial porn by the terabytes lol

>Finally, she could bear no more. When one blow too many landed, Felicity felt her bladder muscles give way. A leak became a flood. Felicity urinated all over herself, the floor, and Mother Superior.

>Then the strangest thing happened. The nun began to stroke Felicia’s urine soaked sex. Drawing her close, the nun began to kiss the young Siamese. To Felicia’s surprise, she offered no resistance. Their sex touching, the two embraced and kissed for a quarter hour or more,standing on the wet kitchen floor.

>“You BITCH! Why did you do that to her? It’s ME that you want. Well, you’ve got me. ..
>Felicia bent over, and offered her naked ass for Mother Superior.
>‘You’re offering yourself for punishment?” she asked, surprised

>Nervously now, Mother Superior again sat on the chair. Felicia laid her naked backside across her lap. This time, there was no anger. Her heart wasn’t in it.
>But Felicia’s tail was still in a twist. As she lay across the nun’s lap, she relaxed her muscles, and shortly, her urine flowed onto the nun’s lap.
>So I did. She was the sexiest Tigress I’d ever seen. Long and lean, with perfect marking, she could have made me cum as a calendar picture. But this was no picture. She lay behind me, taking all thirty inches of my manhood in her gaping mouth.

>Then, she drops down in front of me, showing me, and the crowd her huge Panda ass.

>I’m getting into it now, slurping away at her Ursine honeypot. When I fell her puss clench, I put my tongue full in, and stick a digit up her ass for good measure. She roars, then rolls onto her back.
>“Fuck me, Rhino boy!” she growls
>“You ready for Rhino cock?” I counter.
>“Enough talk. Fuckee-fuckee.”

>I’ve seen enough porn to know what she meant. The money shot came at the end, when the guy ejaculates for your viewing pleasure. So, at the last possible moment, I whip it out. Using the practice from my living room, I shoot my cum toward the audience.

i dont even consider them human. they gave up their humanity once they put on the suit