Why was Gaddafi overthrown by his own people if he was such a great leader?

Why was Gaddafi overthrown by his own people if he was such a great leader?

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lack of fashion sense

They got bombed the fuck out by Hillary Clinton. I didn't realize she was a Libyan.

islamic fundementalism

CIA insurgents and Delta Force trained assets.

He threatened the petrol dollar with a gold standard. He angered the (((central bankers))) and would of actually showed a beneficial outcome to leaving the international monetary order.

Can't. Have. That.

Got proxy jewed

He wasn't
>According to the IMF, Libya’s Central Bank is 100% state owned and in 2011, it was estimated to have 144 tons of gold in its vaults. Muammar Gaddafi’s plan was to introduce a gold-backed currency which he hoped African and Muslim nations would adopt. He felt it could rival the euro and the dollar, and rightly so too.

He wasn't overthrown by his own people, the CIA-led ISIS did it with a bit of US help. All so that Europe could get blacked.


Why was Drumpf elected if the people didn't vote for him?

I have such a huge opinion of the warlords of the united states. So yuge. It was only thanks to them and the good people in the DoD, in MIT, all these highly educated people, The Best! that I could finally start to perceive my own self as little more than a pig. A small stupid animal, that I should eat. Fuck maybe these stupid pigs will eat us! It's a mystery, folks. I especially want to thank FOX news and CNN, for dehumanizing me and preparing me for facing unending bloodshed. Really, it's great. I am so grateful. Thank you all. You've been great.

He was going to install a gold standard african currency.

The kikes couldn't have that.

Because Hillary orchestrated it to seize assets and destabilize

>his own people
weew lad

he dresses like a real kang , whats your problem ?

>by his own people

a foreign army supported by foreign air strikes

I made this tread a few days ago stop stealing my post

The arab spring that was orchestrated by the globalist in the name of "middle eastern diversity" begun a civil war between the citizens in which the coup won

Gaddafi gold-for-oil

fuck off newfag

not even being ironic, you cannot be a regular on Sup Forums and believe that the Libyan uprising was anything even remotely close to a genuine people's revolution

>have NATO bomb you
>somehow the people did this

> Real Kang
[smack lips]

>Own people

After 40 years in power, you can always like someone that doesn't like him and just shower him in money.

That's the american style.

CIA Mossad XE alliance of infiltrated puppeteers his own people

>own people
look at the crisis map in libya they are in a civil war between isis, al qaeda, nationalists and others. he was killed by islamists and gaddafi was not an islamist, he was as secular fascist

Freedom-loving Libyans wouldn't accept the fact that Gaddafi didn't lower the oil price in the France-Libya deal and that he was looking for an oil-gold standard in order to be independent from the US dollar. So ordinary Libyans themselves started a revolution that took away the country's resources and gave them to their proper caretakers, the Western companies.

Didn't knew CIA drones strikes and proto-ISIS jihadists were regular Libyan people.

Last but not least, I am super grateful to the people that invented golf, but can't play it. It is such a precious tradition, the freedom of lighting a fire if you have to but under surveillance. I can tell you folks, it almost makes me think highly of the Chinese Communist Party and the Royal Family. Such emotive and sympathetic people. The best!

>his own people

Country to popular opinion here, a growing majority of his population disliked the man intensely. I mean the man kept his dismembered enemies bodies in a freezer in his compound. Undoubtedly the man was the cork of Africa though. And what follows in Libya today is much world than his automatically rule.

Go to sleep BBC, you're drunk.

>overthrown by his own people
Now go back to r e ddit and take your Prozac with fluoride water and stay clueless .
It was just a little glimpse of the Hellary's foreign policy regime.

>own people

Get a load of this brainlet. Go back to sleep and wait for George Soros New World Dildo.

>own people


>Colonel Gaddafi warned Tony Blair of Islamist attacks on Europe

The West has been after gadafi for a long time... the Lockerbie bombing in 88'... the aids trial in Libya in 98' en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV_trial_in_Libya

Long story short-term Tunisia and Egypt were legit popular revolutions against their dictators.

Syria and Libya were western backed groups trying to oust anti western regimes like gadafi and Assad. The US knows that people are idiots and don't understand middle eastern politics- so outsiders just assume that the wars in Syria and Libya are just a product of the Arab spring, when really they're a product of the West trying to regime change for various reasons...

We came, we saw , we killed him {laughs}- Hillary Clinton


From this I can infer that nuclear weapons are the new chic?

Why does Google never demand that I identify the Offices of the Bank of America?


>(((his own people)))

British and French jets destroyed the military. He lost control of resources and the main cities. The man was a monster but he was useful in keeping North Africa secure. He's overthrow was probably inevitable he was the weakest and most brutal Dictatorship in the Levant.

I thought Jordan would be next after Libya but the Hashemites are clever enough to stay close to the US and UK

Plus he ran possibly the only actually kind of successful socialist country that ever existed.

It's the only socialist country I've ever seen that actually redistributed back to the masses instead of the socialists just giving all the wealth to themselves.

No one in libya paid a power bill for instance, the government covers everyone's electricity with oil sales. Gaddafi himself didn't even live in a very big house. His plan was to issue an Africa wide currency to help the continent develop.

It's sad. I'm all for Africa developing. It's not secret that niggers are stupid AF on average.

I think this is so, because European and other societies developed the infrastructure and culture to reward intelligence with resources. More resources = more children (well it used to) and thus the IQ rises.

Niggers just eat mudcakes and use the rabbit strategy to keep their heads above the water in the game of survival.

Because nato bombed him

>he is le monster
>advocating regime change in fucking Jordan
You kikes really have no bottom pit for your shilling.

He wasn't overthrown by his people, he was overthrown by the CIA

>would of

kill yourself


That man was /fa/ as fuck.

What are you even saying?

Sup Forums i'm fed up, i can't even discuss on this board anymore because so many folks are illiterate.

No, I think he was a lesser evil in place.

I thought Jordan might fall. I don't want it to. Arab spring toppled Egypt the center of the Arab world.

Rothschild isn't his "own people".

>his own people
with help from AL-quada and isis trained by france and armed by america


Whether or not Qaddafi (as opposed to the elder Assad) orchestrated Lockerbie remains an open question.

nope just drunken mobile posting
brongs replaced their water with lager and nobody noticed.

Talk shit post fit

People are easy to brainwash.

That's nice Canada. In 50 years there will be no one on the entire earth that speaks my language. This is mathematical inevitable.

>foreign terror groups brought in by CIA
>colorrevolutions back by George Soros
>Egypt overthrown, then retaken by millions of Egyptians opposed to Zionist colonialism through mason "Muislim brotherhood" proxies
>US drone strikes and bombs with Nato in 10's of thousands of sorties water facilities, hospital, and infustrucutre, along with Libyan military

How does that equal "own people"

He wasn't evil, he kept his country safe.

In contrast, western governments freely allow communist rioters and jihadist to terrorize us and killed Gaddafi with the very intent of having millions of illegals invading Europe. That was Gaddafi's crime for the world jewry.

1. Libya was a wall preventing mass migration to Europe.
2. The petrodollar.
3. Who knows what else the powers that be have going on.

You are totally not understanding the facts, Egypt was toppled by Google, Soros and etc. with the backing of the West it got untoopled by a massive revolt of the egyptian people. Jordan was never going to "fall" its a zionist puppet state just like Saudi Arabia

why to almost half americans like hillary?
and vilify trump

Are you seriously that fucking stupid, OP. that you dont' understand the power of media?

Gadaffi had long been a proponent of forming a union of African states, even including some black Caribbean states, under his rule. No other nation was ever interested in following any of his plans, they all saw it for the power grab it was.

>under his rule.
Whoah, dude. Was he the black George Bush?

He was shit. He raped women in his harem, he stole all the wealth and he ruined the country with his incompetent management. Just like the Iraqi and Syrian Ba'athist Socialists.

Socialism has never worked in any country.

What would we ever do without the faithful guidance of your Ancap cobelligerents at CNN etc?

Why do you think no country ever agreed to any of his pan African plans?

Bombs. Mostly.

Go live in Venezuela or Syria faggot if you want "successful" socialism.

cause he's a fucking dreamer
and ain't no place in our world for that especially not in africa
unless you have a dream about how to launder more western aid and bribes

I'd rather stay right here and participate in a parliamentary democracy, thank you very much.

A gold standard means you can't print money to "solve" problems, something most African leaders do from time to time, if not continuously. Maybe gadaffi was serious about Libya going to the gold standard, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense for a command controlled economy like his, but the idea that he would take other nations with him isn't supported by the facts, or the interest of the other nations.

Obama really believed that if the Arabs overthrew their tyrants they would replace them with peaceful democratic rule.

what will change once they get rid of iran and north korea?
i find it kinda sad not to see diversity on which currency method each country uses.
why is it so important to fully control every single corner of the planet, who gets hurt or what cant be done if there are a few countries doing their own thing?

He was overthrown by European countries actively invading his country, as well as they and his middle eastern neighbors funding and arming sectarian factions within Libya.

There was no "popular uprising".

Who gets hurt? Why us commoners, friend. No we need a simple, manageable centralized monetary system for the good of the world.

Then stop shilling for socialist dictatorships.

I approve of your motion to enter the thread. Furthermore, in what human capacity can we justify to ourselves the slavery of others?

>He was shit. He raped women in his harem, he stole all the wealth and he ruined the country with his incompetent management
Your unbacked claims.

Go fuck yourself useful idiot. You were just a pawn for the jew to get rich and establish multinational structures, and now you are worthless because your kike masters promote socialism to cockblock native populations from practicing local business, besides race mixing to destroy populations.

The zog destroyed both buffer states Iraq and Libya in order to pave the way for the third world to destroy Europe. That's why he was killed by foreigners.


All the more reason to not take his dreams of leading a coalition of African nations seriously. If the other African nations were cowed by perceived threats of US bombs, the idea that we were threatened by his talks of pan Africanism is even more illogical.

Libya was an enemy of the US for decades, he sided with the Soviets, and he sponsored terrorists. If he could have hurt us economically he would have done so long ago. As much oil as Libya produces, it's not enough to seriously effect supply and demand, any impact he might have would be temporarily and reactionary.

>hurt us
>boo hoo
Look asshole, you fuck with us there will be no more article 5.

ty for the replies, kinda expected a bit more

He was weaker then his other opponent.

It wasn't about oil production it was about the currency he was about to make that would threaten the petrodollar.

And to do this economic plan he needed support of other countries first, and he also thought he had Europe by the balls through the fact he stopped the masses of illegal Africans that want to come into, he just didn't realized they are controlled by jews who want this to happen.

cause that mf always looking like an ugly lil richard
mf we get it you like cross dressing and gold aight
stfu about the shit US did way back they're changed they didn't mean it

Um sweetie a leaked email showed that France and NATO were concerned over his proposed new currency, assassinating him had more to do than tying up lose ends

She smuggled weapons and rebels into Libya to overthrow him. That created the infrastructure for ISIS in Libya and Syria. Source:


Gaddafi was absolutely beloved in the arab world for thing like this. He stood in front of all our political leaders and exposed their treachery.

People joke about the "zenga zenga" thing. But he was pretty much saying he was from the people and for the people.

shit skins acting like shit skins

they didnt over throw him, we fuckin droned his ass and then they stole all his shit. it wasnt because he was the leader its because he had valuable shit and shitskins are sub human so they chimped out

NATO to Achmed : see that guy over there sharing national wealth with everyone? We'll split it 75/25 with you if you kill hm. Oh by the way we'll help with PR and aircraft carriers.

Simple formula. Works like a charm.

Gaddafi wasnt overthrown by his own people. But by Hillary, Obama and the Nato shills. Big mistake. Now the immigrants are pouring in to Europe because Libya is not a safe port for refugees anymore

overthrown by his own people (15%), backed by outside forces

half a decade later, who is in control?
gaddafi loyalists - currently controls 80% of libya
>really makes you think doesn't it

>Why was Gaddafi overthrown by his own people if he was such a great leader?

Libya was a smuggling route for blacks to get to Europe. Gaddafi made a deal with italy to stop the migration, and in return, Italy paid him ~1 billion a year.
The blacks kept coming, and just stayed in Libya. Gaddafi started dressing up like an african, and preaching about unifying africa, and other stupid crap, and this caused race riots which culminated in the rebellion.

Without the African migrants flooding libya, Libyans probably would not have bothered to revolt, because they're so tribal and distrustful of each other.
